Boys vs Girls

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1 Year later
???'s POV
I was looking over the city of Asakusa and the sight was beautiful... but that's not why I'm here. I backed away from the view and pressed a button. A loud boom could be heard as I jumped off the building. The air rushed through my hood but instead of hitting the ground, my cable pulled me back. I landed in the hole. I looked at my target before ripping my cable off. He crawled back as some dust and rips were seen on his suit.

???:"Well, well, well, Mr. Woods. We meet at last"

Woods:"W-Who are you?" I just shot him in the shoulder. He screamed in pain and clutched it.

Woods:"Why did you do that!?"

???:"Mr Woods, we meet at last, So basically I have to kill you, all your shenanigans with murders, gangs getting weapons and etc etc hasn't gone unnoticed." I grabbed him and moved him over to the open window before lifting him over it.

Woods:"WAIT! Stop, I'll do anything!"

???:"Say hi to Satan for me, he'll know what to do" I dropped him as just screams we're heard from across Asakusa. I walked to the computer and grabbed a drive before putting it in the slot. There was a loading screen which quickly went fast as the funds transferred into different charities. I grabbed my drive and walked out of the office. I grabbed my phone out and double tapped my screen before my Assassin outfit disappeared... it revealed me, Y/n Falls. I ran past a bunch of people while sometimes slipping. The cops appeared and ran into the office. I got to the elevator and walked in before going down.
Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Israel and Gabriel playing tag with Chibi Daidouji And Rin
I made it to the bottom floor where Police was questioning us. One of them came up to me and questioned me.

AKPD Officer:"Were you on the top floor when the explosion happened?"

Y/n:"Yes I was, But only so I can persuade Mr. Woods to join a partnership with Abstergo Industries, but outta no where this explosion happened which knocked the air outta me. I saw some guy question Mr. Woods before throwing him off. When I came to, they were gone."

AKPD Officer:"Hmm.. Thanks, you can go now, we'll call you in for questioning later."

Y/n:"Thanks." I walked out of the building and saw Mr. Woods body on the floor. I was about to puke but only from this week's breakfast. I ran away while holding my stomach before vomiting into a trash can. I wiped it off before walking to the street. A motorcycle revved by and revealed Ace:

[Imagine he has Yellow tips on the end of his hair, yellow highlights and 3 scars on his face]

Ace:"How'd it go?" I hopped on his Motorcycle as he drove to Abstergo.

Y/n:"It was easy, like last time."

Ace:"So that boring?"

Y/n:"Yep! All I had to do was walk in, say I was the Intern from Abstergo, go to the roof, climb down and plant explosives before wrapping a rope to a vent on the roof , explode the window, have the funds go to Charity and kill him"

Ace:"you know that isn't as easy as you say to normal people?"

Y/n:"Yet, we're not normal" We made it to Abstergo and walked towards the building while talking.

Ace:"That's no excuse for you saying it's easy." We walked to the front door where Gabriel was waiting:

He looked up and saw us.

Gabriel:"It seems like you two came after all." He fixed his glasses while we stopped in front of him

Gabriel:"Alexander has a Mission for us, all of us. Right now to be precise." Blue, F/n and Israel walked out.

Israel:"Looks like it's a trip to the forest, time for a nature expedition"

Blue:"Or a Shinobi Death trap, Shinobi are known to be in those  forest"

Israel:"Well, we'll make sure that it won't happen"

Ace:"You do know Traps, both Literally and and figuratively, are suppose to be sprung"

Y/n:"Then we'll spring them."

F/n:"Let's go"
Timeskip brought to you by the Author shoving a screen over the edge
We made it to the abandoned town and looked around.

Israel:"No sign of Yōma signals."

Blue:"See I Told You That There Were No One Here"[That's Text To Speech.]

Israel:"I got a feeling, a bad one"

F/n:"I got a great idea though." After that, we heard him scream out loud... why? We heard some clattering. So this was a death trap.

Y/n:"We know, you're there, show yourself." Some girls and a Adult walked out from a Building and crossed their arms.

Adult Purple:Seems like you've noticed us. Well, as you can tell, it was a Trap"

Y/n:"You got that right, Plastic Tits." That was probably a bad move... but they look so fake.

Adult Purple:"What the hell did you tell me You insolent Child!!!"

Gabriel:"can we hurry this up now?" He grabbed his Cane-sword:

And unsheathes it.

Black hair:"Finally a fight, I've been waiting for a while." They all shouted.

Shinobi:"Shinobi Kekkai!" They combined their Barriers together which created a mixture between them.

Kid Purple:"I call F/C"

Blond and Gray:"I call Shortie"

Black Hair:"Call dark and edgy"

F/n:"alright, Fuck you"

Blond and Brown:"I call Checkers"

Black and Green:"I got White and Blue

Adult Purple:"Then I got glasses."
Violet's POV
I was walking through the halls of Hebijo until Diana ran to me.

Diana:"Violet, Suzune-Sensei has called us." We quickly ran to her office and walked in. Everyone were inside... we were known as the Strike force, not more than the Elite squads but we were their black ops... if Suzune is asking for us, then it must be important.

Wilma:"Suzune, What is it that you want?" She turned around.

Suzune:"there has been recent Yoma behavior in the abandoned town nearby, I assume that the Assassins are nearby there. I want you to exterminate the Yoma and kill the Assassins as well" we bowed and ran out of her office and out of the Academy
Time skip brought to you by Wilma, Daidōji, Rin, Gabriel, and Israel drinking
We made it to the town and saw it was infested with Flower Sprite Yōma:

Oana:"What do we do? Grab some gasoline and burn them?" We chuckled except for my Mom... it wasn't funny to her.

Wilma:"No time for jokes, we need to eliminate them and then eliminate the Assassins." There she is, the always 'Mission first, Jokes later' mom, she wasn't like this a year ago but maybe it was because of that. She jumped down first as we jumped down as well. She landed before launched herself towards them before slicing one with her knife. I charged towards another and slit neck. They noticed us and spat Seeds, I dodged as Diana used her Shield to block them. I jumped over her as I used my knife to sliced them but they were holding their own, the shot seeds at me which knocked me back. Madison drew her bow back before launching a Fire Arrow at them, they caught fire as we charged at them to attack. I sliced them with my knife as it knocked them back. I threw my Kunais as it cut the Seeds and sliced the Yōma down, it fell down as others Maneuver around.

Violet:"Alright, I'm bored... Secret Ninja Art: Hip Hop, Cut Up!" I slashed up, down Right, Left, Down, And Up as it connected to the Yōma, effectively eliminating them.

Oana:"Well, That was easy" we heard sounds as we scrambled to the rooftops and saw 6 Assassins walking down the town. The Yōma disappears into dust as they looked around.

White and Blue:"No sign of Yōma Signals" the Short guy pulled out his phone and typed in something before pressing a button.

Shortie:"See I Told You There Was No One There" it sounded so robotic.

White and Blue:"I got a Feeling, a bad one"

Dark and Edgy:"I got a great one though" What was he thinking o- He screamed as loud as he can which startled Oana as she caused some Debris to clatter, our position was compromised
Y/n's POV
I blocked her knife with my Scythes:

Before slashing at her in a furry, she dodged before throwing her knife at me. I dodged as the Knife struck the ground before kicking the knife upwards and spin kicking it at her. She dodged and spun as she grabbed her knife and charged at me. I dodged her swipes before slicing at her which knocks her back with some tears in her outfit. I spun my Scythes and chuckled, these are just like the other Shinobi. I charged at her and was prepared to ground slash her but she moved out of the way as she slashed me with her knife which cause some tears in my outfit.

Violet:"No more playing around" she jumped at me as I move to the side as she threw her Kunai at me. It knocks me back as I slid across the floor I charged at her and slashed at her as she blocked the attack and kicked me back. I threw fire at her before attacking her as she dodged them as she slashed me four times which sent me back.

Y/n:"Wizard, Switch Dance partners"

Gabriel:"Got it" Gabriel backed near us and Kid Purple. I charged towards her as she charged towards me but I flipped and kick Adult Purple as Gabriel back kicks Kid Purple.

Y/n:"Sup, Fake boobs" she got visibly irritated at me.

Adult Purple:"When, I'm done with you, you'll wish you were never born!" She jumped at me as I flipped away from her. When she stopped her flurry, I went to attack her. It knocks her back as a piece of her outfit is ripped.

Adult Purple:"Too easy! Secret Ninja Arts: Remnant Shock Therapy!" Her Knife broke into 6 pieces, they glowed in electricity as they launched at me. They stuck into me and shocked me. I fell to the ground but moved out of the way of her strike.

Y/n:"Okay, Guys! Let's end this" we ditched the girls and got into our teams.... what we are gonna do is a Synchronized Art, it's basically a powerful attack that combines all our Elements into one.

Y/n:"Prepare to be amazed!"

Team YABFGI:"Synchronized Art:Drill Beak Blitz!" A Giant eagle that was made up of our Elements, it swooped up before spinning towards the girls.

Adult Purple:"Brace for impact!" They stood their ground as they made cracks into the ground but ultimately made them fly and hit the barrier. They laid there with most of their clothes ripped.

Israel:"For a Black ops squad, you guys absolutely sucked. Welp time to disperse the Barriers"

Team YABFGI:"Barrier Disperse!" We tapped the ground as the Shinobi barriers disappeared. The girls looked surprised.

Ace:"What? We just have a few tricks up our sleeves" they got up and looked us angrily.

Black Haired:"This isn't the end!" They threw down smoke bombs and disappeared.

Israel:"Welp that was a swell battle" he de transformed and so did we as we walked away

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