Prologue Part:1

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Y/n's POV
I was on a Boat, heading towards Mistral from what Qrow said to Israel. I was on the front deck, leaning and looking out into the vast ocean until we felt a rumble as the boat shook. The water kinda jumped up as a large Dragon Grimm came up out of the Water. I got my Katanas ready as my friends who came along with us along with our 'Guardian': Ace, Blue, F/n, Gabriel, and Israel got their weapons at the ready as the Water dragon roared at us.

Ship Captain:"All hands to battle stations!" I ran to the back of the ship and got in a Running-ready position before I ran and Jumped off with my Semblance and was flying through the sky and at the Grimm.

Y/n:"Whoo hoo!" I was gonna land back down on the Grim and got my Katana out and pointed it down. When I was close enough, I jabbed it into the skin of the Grimm. I scaled the Grimm and dragged my sword on it's skin which cause some damage. It tried to shake me off by retreating back to the water and it worked as I jumped off it and landed on a Island.

Y/n:"Why the Hell is Gyarados here?" I did the same thing as I did on the boat and jumped off it as the Cannons on the side of the Ship started firing at the Grimm while Blue, Ace,F/n, and Israel fought it off: Ace was jumping around and shooting it while positioning himself somewhere else. Blue was wrapping his Grapple around the Dragon while dragging his Tonfas against it. F/n was jumping around due to the shadows it has and slashed it or shot it. Israel was hitting it with his Bones or the weird dragon skeleton head. Gabriel was using his riding crop to send Rocks at it. I landed onto the thing as I slashed it with my Katana. The Ship fired a Cannon at it but wings sprouted from it's back as it flew and shot Electricity at the Ship.

Israel:"Get out of here! We can handle it!" The ship slowly starts to turn around while we distracted it away from the boat. We jumped onto some rocks and a Island.

Israel:"Lead Him in between some rocks, I'll take it one from there" We all nod as he disappears. We shot the Dragon and got it's Attention.

Ace:"c'mon you oversized Gyarados!" It roared as it shot Electricity out of it's mouth in which we dodged. We ran towards some Giant rocks that were nearby and ran in between them but the dragon swooped in between them until it got Stuck.

F/n:"Do it Israel!!" Israel appeared as two big Dragon skulls appeared and shot at the neck of it and killed it, but, a blinding light struck as it Blinded us... I opened my eyes and saw it was... Nighttime? I got up and looked around and saw a forest? I got up and looked around. I pulled my Scroll out but it was just Static
Y/n:"forgot about the Central Tower being destroyed" I put it away and tried to use my Semblance but it didn't work.

Y/n:"What the?" I tried again but nothing happened.

Y/n:"What happened to my Semblance?" I sighed as I walked into the forest while pulling my flashlight out. I was walking deeper into the woods until I went up a Hill. I made it to the top and saw more trees and a city with tall buildings and whatnot.

Y/n:"I'm not in Remnant anymore" I walked down since conveniently there was another way down.

Y/n:"Wait, what about my weapons" I check to see if they're there or not and they weren't.

Y/n:"Great, I'm in the middle of nowhere and without protection at all" I walked deeper into the woods
Ace's POV.
I woke up and felt something prickly and soft and saw I was on Grass. I got up and looked around and saw I was on a Cliffside.

Ace:"good thing I didn't fall" I walked away from the Cliffside and into the Woods. I hit my helmet because it was all staticky so I pressed a Button on it which made the mask slowly retreat back into somewhere, it revealed the 3 claw marks in my face and my Black hair with the Red highlights. I tried to use my Semblance but nothing happened. I tried again but it didn't work.

Ace:"Where the hell did it go?" I sighed as I walked into the forest in front of me Which wasn't too thick since I made it to some buildings which weren't like anything in Remnant.

Ace:"Woah! Where am I?" I heard screaming in a Alleyway .

Ace:"how convenient " I pressed the same button on my helmet as it retracted back on my head as I head down towards the Alleyway and saw 3 men holding a woman against the wall.

Woman:"s-s-stop p-please!"

Guy:"Shhhh, don't worry, we're not gonna hurt you, right guys?" The other 2 agreed.

Ace:"hey stop!" All three looked over to me as the guy let go of the woman and she ran away.

Guy:"you just ruined our fun, you're gonna pay. Get him" one of them charged at me as he tried to strike me with his fists but I caught it and twisted it before kicking him into some trash cans. I ducked under the other guy's attack as I head butted him before kicking him in the nuts before using him as a Meat shield against the firsts guy's knife. I threw him at the guy with a Knife. It blinded him so he threw him off him which gave me time to run at him and kick his knee before punching him down. I looted them of their stuff since why not and I found keys, a wallet and a knife. I walked out of the Alleyway and looked around, there was a Motorcycle nearby the alley.

Ace:"well then, screw it" I inserted the keys into the Motorcycle and revved it up.

Ace:"That is very convenient" I got on and drove off.
Blue's POV
I woke up and saw I was on sand but my outfit wasn't wet. I get up and look around and saw I was near the water which was dripping into my outfit so I got up and backed away from the water. It was dark so I searched for my backpack, which was on the sand. I walked towards it and put it back on. I tried to Illusion-Teleport out of here but I couldn't.

Blue:'What happened to my Semblance?' I took out a flashlight and walked across the beach. I grabbed my Scroll and turned it on, it was just static so I turned it off and continued walking down the beach, searching for people on the beach yet, I feel like there's someone watching me. I sense something coming at me so I move my body to the side as I look at the strange object flying towards me in slow motion. It goes back to normal as I roll and grabbed the object and got into a defensive position.

???:"Damn it" Who the hell was that. I tried to find whoever it was with the flashlight. Girls with bags over their heads and a uniform of some kind jumped from the Trees [Blue is facing the Forest] They charged at me. One of them tried to slice me with a Sword but I ducked and stabbed her in the shoulder with the throwing knife. I grabbed the sword and flipped away before pointing it at them.

???:"What kind of Shinobi are you?" I only tilted my head in confusion. Smoke appeared under the girl's feet as it clouded their field of vision. I heard a whistle and looked over to the forest and saw a hooded man motioning me to follow me, and so I did as I ran into the forest
F/n's POV
I woke up and saw bright lights, concrete ground and brick buildings as I got up and looked around. I was in a alleyway with trash, a garbage c for some reason, dried blood. I got up and tried to use my Semblance by walking into the wall but when I hit the wall, it didn't happen and my nose hurts.

F/n:"Ow. Guess my Semblance is missing, but how?" I shrugged and walked out of the alley and saw bright lights. I blocked it as my eyes adjusted to the light and put my arm down as I saw a huge building that had glass on each floor.

F/n:"Woah!" I looked around and saw many other buildings like it as well. I walked around amazed at what I saw.

F/n:'This place looks nothing like Remnant' I continued to walk down the street until I heard tires screech. I look and saw a motorcycle stopping in front of me and saw...Ace?! He was on the motorcycle.

F/n:"Ace? What are you doing here?"

Ace:"same reason you are, hop on, let's find the others" and so I did as I hopped on his motorcycle and rode off with him.
Israel's POV
I woke up and saw I was on a campfire. I looked down and saw my jacket was burning. I got up, took off my jacket and stomped the fire out. The jacket was ruined nonetheless so I grabbed another blue jacket from my backpack, which was lying next to me and away from the fire, and put it on. I looked around and saw I was in the middle of the forest and this camp area was used not so long ago I grabbed my backpack and put it back on and looked around for whoever made this camp.

Israel:"Well whoever made this camp left so might as well leave as well" I snapped my fingers yet... I didn't disappear, I did it again and still I didn't teleport.

Israel:"That's strange, I can only assume my other abilities are missing as well. Ah well, time to find civilization" I grabbed a flashlight and walked into the forest. Why does it feel like someone's watching me?
Time skip brought to you by Chibi Israel slurping ketchup
It's official, I'm lost, this forest is like a maze.

Israel:"Hello! Anyone out there!" No one answered, obviously. I slump down near a tree and grab a Chicken in a Biscuit Box, and open it. I tore the plastic top off and left an opening in it so I can eat, I took a cracker and ate it, and ate 5 more.

Israel:"Ah, Tasty" I got up and put the Chicken in a Biscuit in my backpack and walk deeper into the forest. I hear something snap as a net appear under the ground and lifts me up like a caterpillar in a cocoon.

Israel:"What the hell is this?" I hear rustling as groups of people with ninja suits on. A black haired person walked up to me:

???:"What is your status here? Are you a good or bad shinobi"

Israel:"a Shin-what?" She pointed three swords at me.

???:"don't play dumb with me, who are you!?"

Israel:"Israel, Israel Gam, or Israel Sans Gam if you want my full name, who might you be miss?" She slowly puts her swords down but still acts defensively .

???:"That's none of your concern"

Israel:"c'mon, we can come to a compromise here"

???:"Sorry But no dice"

Israel:"Pretty please?"

???:"and if I do, how do I know that you're not gonna attack me?" I just shrugged.

???:"that doesn't answer my quest-" She was cut off as smoke flooded the area as all of them coughed. I hear a snap as the net fell down. I heard a whistle as I landed on the ground and looked around. I saw a hooded man up on the trees with Blue alongside him so I ran past the presumably ninja girls and climbed the tree. I managed to get onto a branch as the smoke dispersed.

???:"Find Him!" The Black haired girl said as all of the ninjas split up to find me.

Israel:"Thanks, Who are you?"

???:"I'll explain later, right now, we need to help your friends"
Gabriel's POV
I woke up on grass which was weird since I originally was near water. I got up and saw I am in a forest of some kind.

Gabriel:"where am I?" I started walking into the forest, looking for Israel, Y/n or anyone. Wonder what Glynda would do in this situation. While I was thinking, I was walking up a mountain that was near where I was at but a boulder blocked my way. I checked everywhere and found my Riding crop and pointed it at the boulder. I tried with all my might but it wouldn't budge.

Gabriel:"[Sigh] guess I don't have my Semblance. I gotta find another way around" I walked away from the boulder and climbed the wall which was very hard to do since I haven't climbed anything this high before. When I made it to the top. I had to sidestep across the steep wall. I slowly make it across before jumping and rolling and standing up, I dusted my outfit off before walking back up the mountain for a view.
TimeSkip brought to you by Gabriel teaching a tree to move
I made it all the way up the mountain and saw the beautiful night sky and the full moon instead of the shattered one.

Gabriel:"That's a first" I stopped looking at the moon and looked around and saw a city, maybe I could find help and find out where I'm at. I looked down the mountain and saw conveniently a way down by sliding. I jumped off and landed on the gravel and slid down it. I jumped off it when I was near the ground and rolled.

Gabriel:"another happy landing" I dusted myself off and pulled a Flashlight out and walked into the woods, yet I feel like someone is going to shoot me. I hear a gunshot behind me so I ducked as I saw a bullet hit the ground. I flicked my head behind me and shined a light at the trees. I saw a Black haired little girl with a umbrella:

[Ignore everyone else except Mirai]
Gabriel:"now who let you out at night?" She jumped from the tree and landed on the floor.

???:"hold it right there! You're entering Hebijo Academy territory, state your name and reason why you're here! Before I blow your head off with my bullets!" She pointed the gun at me. I grabbed my riding crop and pointed it at her.

???:"So you're a good Shinobi then!" She pulled a Scroll out.

???:"Shinobi!! Hien...SHIN!" A loud flash blinded me as her clothes blew off. When it stopped, she came out with a different outfit:

She shot bullets at me but I ducked and rolled behind a tree and turned the flashlight off. I charged at her as she shot her bullets at me. I managed to duck and dodge before I attacked her with my Riding crop, she blocked it with her gun and kicked me off. I skidded to a stop as I ran at her, she shot bullets at me so I blocked them with my riding crop but it knocked me back.

???:"Secret Ninja Art: Valkyrie" She lifted her dress and out came a large gun as she launches energy looking bullets at me which sends me back as I rolled onto the grass, and hit a tree. I got up which was hard with no Aura. I see her in a sniping position as she fires her bullet at me which Launches me through the tree as I rolled on the ground and hit a shield of some kind which was purple. I get up but was fatigued and injured with some dirt on my clothes and face.

???:"You don't know when to stay down, do you!?" I looked and saw the Black haired girl grabbed her Umbrella and pointed it at me, but before she could pull the trigger however, someone smoked her as she coughed and couldn't see anything, I hear a whistle and look everywhere, I saw a silhouette of someone hanging on a tree so I ran up to a tree and climbed it until I was on top of it and far from the ground. I saw the smoke dispersed and the brown haired girl look around for me but couldn't find me, she got frustrated and walked away. I looked at the Hooded man which was next to the tree I am on .

Gabriel:"thank you, now, do you know where I'm at?"
Y/n's POV
I was running away from these ninja girls that were chasing me. Apparently I was trespassing and now they're chasing after me. I ran into the city that I saw over on the hill and ran quickly towards an alleyway. I stop as a motorcycle almost hits me.


Y/n:"Hi Ace, nows not the time because I'm being chased, so might as well run with me" I ran into the Alleyway as Ace and F/n looked and saw a bunch of ninjas running towards them. They got off the motorcycle and ran with me into the Alleyway.

F/n:"Why did you ditch the motorcycle?!" He ducked as a Kunai flew over his head.

Ace:"it was broken!" He said as he deflected a Kunai.

Y/n:"just focus on running!!" We ran left and hit a dead end .

Y/n:"We hit a dead end!"

F/n:"well imagine my shock. Why, it couldn't be that there's a wall in front of me and no where to run!" I rolled my eyes as I turned around and saw all of the ninja girls in a defensive position. Ace gripped his knife, F/n brought his fists out and I grabbed a axe from my backpack and gripped it as the Ninja girls were ready to attack. Smoke suddenly appeared as it blocked the view of girls and made them cough we heard ropes hit the ground behind us as I saw a hooded figure motion us upwards. We didn't hesitate as we climbed up the ropes as quick as possible. When we managed to get on top of the building and pull the ropes back up as the Smoke dispersed. They looked around, confused before they set off to find us. We all turned and looked behind us and saw Blue, Israel, and Gabriel standing next to a hooded man.

Y/n:"uh thanks for helping us out mister, But can you tell where we are at?" Gabriel stepped up.

Gabriel:"we're in the city of Asakusa, a place in Japan which is where we're at right now"

Ace:"thanks for the clarification Gabriel, but who is he?" He pointed at the Hooded man.

Gabriel:"we don't know"

F/n:"isn't it weird that he knew where we were at?"

Israel:"yeah, why did he help us" we looked at the Hooded man as he just sighs.

???:"[Sighs] I thought you would know by my voice alone, Gabriel and Israel but apparently not..." he took his Hood off and showed a man with blond hair and gray eyes but this shocked Israel and Gabriel.

Israel:"Alexander!?" The presumably named Alexander spoke.

Alexander:"in the flesh"

Gabriel:"how are you even alive! We saw you die by Grimm!"

Alexander:"I thought I was dead too until something whisked me down and now I ended up here"

Ace:"wait that's impossible, right?"

Israel:"How did you think we got here?"

Ace:"uhh- wel- I- I don't know"

Israel:"got that right at least" he turns to Alexander.

Israel:"how long have you've been here?"

Alexander:"15 Years... seems time goes the same in Remnant as well. How's Isaac?"

Israel:"I rather not talk about it..." it turned awkwardly quiet after that.

F/n:"do you have anywhere we can stay?"

Alexander:"yes, follow me" he jumps onto a building and leaps onto another. We all ran after him.
TimeSkip brought to you by The Adults enjoying some nice cup of tea
Alexander stopped at a big office building that went very high. He turned to us .

Alexander:"welcome to Abstergo Industries/Entertainment"

Gabriel:"Why both? Can't you just have one?"

Alexander:"we make entertainment and products for people around the world.

Israel:"that sounds kinda dumb"

Alexander:"shut up"

Gabriel:"anyways, mind telling us why you're wearing that costume and have smoke bombs?"

Alexander:"this may not make any sense at all but it does... I'm part of a group called the Assassin Brotherhood or Creed, I am the mentor here and have been for 12 years"

F/n:"wouldn't that mean you own Abstergo Industries?"

Alexander:"yes I do indeed own Abstergo Industries" Israel and Gabriel were shocked at this.

Israel:"wow... didn't you say that you hate to own a company?"

Alexander:"yes indeed I did say that, but I got over that a while ago. Follow me"he pulled a Phone out and pressed something, smoke consumed Alexander and when it cleared, Alexander was in a Business suit.

Ace:"wait what the hell was that?"

Alexander:"it's something we Assassins use to change outfit, it's very useful. Now follow me inside" he walked inside the Building and we followed him inside, when we got inside, it looked so cool! There were plants near the Elevator which had water too, bright lights that fit well with the vibrant colors, a large check in Desk with some lady in it:

and a rounded oval Elevator in front of us. Alexander walks up and talks to her
Alexander:"Hello Alexa"

Alexa:"Hello CEO Alexander, now who are these people."

Alexander:"First, didn't I say just call me, Alexander and second, these are my friends"

Alexa:"friends? How can that be?"

Alexander:"remember I told you that story of Remnant and the 4 kingdoms?"

Alexa:"you said you came from there, everyone thought it was a myth or joke"

Alexander:"it wasn't a Myth or joke, its real" he said in a serious tone.

Alexander:"anyways, these are my friends" he pointed at us as Alexa inspected us.

Alexa:"do they know?"

Alexander:"they do know, don't worry, they know how to keep secrets" Alexa sighs in relief at that.

Alexa:"why are they here?"

Alexander:"I'm going to induct them into the creed" Alexa just Nods.

Alexa:"go on ahead" Alexander Nods and walks towards the Elevator. We follow into the Elevator, and when we're all inside, Alexander presses the top floor... it was a long trip with some relaxing Elevator music. We make it to the top floor of the building which had a very nice view and open space with desks on the left, right, and near the window along with some plants and bookshelves, a large T.V in the middle, some pillars, and a fire place.

Alexander:"welcome to my office"

Israel:"[Whistle] Fancy Stuff you got here"

Alexander:"yes indeed, Anyways, time to induct you into the Creed"

F/n:"wait, why are you helping and getting us a place to stay?"

Alexander:"this place you're in, it's not safe to be on your own"

Israel:"yeah, we know. By the way, the ninja girls we met, who the hell are they?"

Alexander:"those are Shinobi"

Y/n:"come again?"

Alexander:"Shinobi are ninjas tasked with infiltration, Assassination, stalking and Etc they use something called a Shinobi Transformation to transform, they know who you are and now are hunting you. With my help, you are able to fight them off"

Ace:"sounds... reasonable"

Alexander:"now that's out of the way. Are you willing to join our Creed?" All of us looked at each other before looking at Alexander and nodding.

Alexander:"good" he pulled out an branding iron and set it in the fire.

Alexander:"You can come out now!"He shouted it out as people with hoods over their heads came from either behind book shelves, or the pillars and one of them was Alexa

Israel:"um... who are these people Alexander"

Alexander:"these are some high-ranking members of the creed, they are also your mentors in various combat. Introduce yourself" one with a white and red hood stepped up and took it off to reveal a Adult in his early 20's with Blond hair, blue eyes, and pale skin.

???:"my name is John Stone, I will be your Infiltration teacher" he stepped back as another with a gold looking Hood came up. They put their hood down to reveal a woman in probably her 20's with green eyes, Red hair, and Tan skin.

???:"Hello! My name is Perra Nickel and I'll be your Martial arts and melee teacher" she had that happy-go lucky tone of voice. She stepped back as another one with a Black Hood walked up. They pulled down their Hood and revealed a man in his late 30's with black hair, brown eyes and Tanned skin.

???:"my name is Harold Anderson, I'll be your Range-shooting mentor from now on"he stepped back as Alexa stepped up.

Alexa:"you already know who I am. I'll be your acrobatics mentor" she stepped back as Alexander stepped forward.

Alexander:"and I'll be your Stealth mentor. Now that's over with, lift your left hand up" we lift our left hand up.

Alexander:"remember these tenants: Stay your Blades from the flesh of the innocent. Never compromise the Creed. Hide in plain sight. These Tenants have been passed down from our ancestors, break them at your own will and suffer the consequences. Do you accept them?" We nodded. He stepped up and put a wrist blade on my arm, I looked and so did the others. Petra grabbed the branding iron from the fire and put it in the Water nearby. She grabbed it out and walked towards us.

Perra:"This will only hurt for a moment" Gabriel was first as it opened and then closed around his Ring finger, He grinned in pain. The cycle continued until it was over, we looked at our Ring finger and saw a A without the middle line along with a ring like design along with it.

Alexander:"rise as you are reborn as Assassins" we got up and released our blade and sheathed it after that.

Alexander:"now that the initiation is over. Alexa, please show them their Dorms. I have some paperwork to do" Alexa walked towards the elevator and we followed her. It opened and we walked inside as she press the 66th floor, while we were going down, and this was a big elevator, Alexa turned to all of us.

Alexa:"I want all of you to know that if any single one of you tries to hurt Alexander, I'll personally kick your ass" we were a little shocked until Israel spoke.

Israel:"aw, he got a little bodyguard/ Girlfriend... I ship it" this caused Alexa to blush.

Alexa:"I'm simply protecting him, and we're already dating"it got awkwardly silent after that. The doors open as we went to the 66th floor.

Alexa:"these are your keys" she handed us 1 key each and they were all next to each other.

Alexa:"I put you specifically near each other since you came here together. Follow me" we followed her down the Boy's section of Dorms until we came across 6 doors, 3 on each side so 6 doors. I looked at my key, it had the number:2036 on it so I walked up to the door and opened it. It was a pretty blank room with only a closet, drawer, a desk, and a 10 to 5 feet Bed in the top middle.

Alexa:"there's something on the Desk for you. I'll talk to the others about it, goodbye" she left me to my own devices so I walked towards my desk and saw a similar phone like thing that Alexander used to transform. I opened it and...
That's That for my new Book I'm going to be working on But 4000+ words was not what I was planning. Well good bye for now

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