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Author's POV
I was enjoying my food on my one table I have set up and eating it before looking at you
Author:"Huh? You want to see the Thanksgiving dinner happen? Alright fine" I karate kicked the reader as they swerved and landed in the Senran Kagura story
Y/n's POV
We were at a large and I mean Large table where a lot of food were set upon and being eaten from by the other teams.
Israel:"Thanks for the food, Leo"
Leo:"It's my thanks to everyone here."
Israel:"Well Thanks and by the way, do you have any spare food?"
Y/n:"You haven't even touched your food and you're talking about food" he quickly defend himself
Israel:"No no no no no, it's not that. I just wanna make sure"
Leo:"Well, My chefs are considered one of the fastest and best cooks alive, aside from that Butler from the Wayne Family, Alfred was it?"
Israel:"Good, good" he cackled loudly before coughing and apologizing.
Gabriel:"I got a bad feeling about this."
Timeskip brought to you by Israel and Daidōji eating loads of meet
Israel:"Hey Leo, how many washing machines do you have?"
Leo:"Why do you ask"
Israel:"Just a hunch"
Leo:"Well, we have about 100 washing machines here"
Israel:"Good, very good" I saw him smile before eating his food
Time skip brought to you by Katsuragi drooling at everyone
Israel's POV
I saw everyone was done eating and were full of not at all. Very, very good. The chefs came out and quickly refilled the plates that were left over
Israel:"Hey, Leo, can you activate the window and wall's defenses?"
Ginrei:"Alright, What the hell are you planing now!?" I raised my hands up in surrender
Israel:"A event, a special event from where I'm from." Leo put her hand up to signal Ginrei to stand down
Leo:"Alright, But you better show us what you are talking about."
Israel:"Don't worry, I will." She pressed a remote hidden in god knows where as I got up
Israel:"{Ahem} May I have everyone's attention?" Everyone looked at me.
Israel:"Alright, now that you all have your eyes on me, I have a special event that's gonna happen right now, it's an annual tradition from where I'm from. Are you ready"
Asuka:"I mean, yeah sure."
Israel:"Alright then" I took out my Pie and quickly chuck it across the room and hit Asuka in the face.
Israel:"You said you were ready" the pie slid off her face as she got up and threw her drum sticks at me
Israel:"Food fight!" I yelled as I dodged her drumsticks and threw a pie at Homura as she tossed it aside and all hell broke loose.
Blue's POV
I was flipping over a bunch of food and slid into cover as Ace looked exhausted.
Ace:"Wanna do the honors?" I only nodded as I grabbed a bunch of banana peels and jumped out of cover before throwing them around the room. Everyone that stepped on them were slipping and dropping their food. I landed back in cover as I fist bumped Ace until our Cover was split in half and sent us flying. I flew towards a wall and made a dent in it before falling down.
Ace's POV
I managed to steady myself before grabbing a tray and climbing up a stack of food. I hop on my tray and slid down it as the insides made it easier to slide as I grabbed a Pie and threw it at Yumi which hit her in the chest. She picked up some salads and threw them swiftly at me. I hopped off my tray and dodged the salads before ditching my tray and hid behind cover where F/n was at. He was throwing sweets and blocking other kinds of food. He got hit in the face and fell down as I stole his supplies and chucked them across the room.
Time skip brought to you by Rin and Gabriel drinking tea
Mostly everyone was down. Some were still conscious but quickly came unconscious. I was barely standing and dodged a Salary as Daiouji stood there proudly.
Daiouji:"Are you losing that easily?" She chucked a Chair at me as it made contact and sent me flying towards a batch of food
Israel's POV
I dodged Asuka's Drumsticks and threw my Garlic at her as she dodged those. I grabbed a tray and blocked Miyabi's Celery stick and flicked under Imu's Breadstick as she accidentally hit Miyabi.
Imu:"{Gasp} Miyabi, I am so sorry-" I kicked her down and smacked her in the head with the tray as Miyabi started to strike me. I blocked them and rolled away and ran away towards cover before someone landed in front of me and created a Crater in the ground. I was sent flying and straight through a table before seeing Daiouji jump towards me. I quickly got up and ran away from her destruction as she threw a Chair at me. I ducked under that and ran towards some cover which was quickly destroyed. I quickly grabbed a Tray and blocked Daidōji's Punch.
Gabriel's POV
I was atop of some trays and eating some apple pie with Rin while the others fight below
Rin:"I must admit, Leo has some great pie"
Gabriel:"She really does." We continue eating the apple pie until something knocks us down which cause the Apple pie to fall everywhere. I grabbed a Celery stick while Rin grabbed two circles with carrots on it. We charged into battle as I hit Hijikata with the Celery Stick. She gets back up and grips her watermelon hammer before launching herself at me. I blocked her Melon-Hammer as she backed away and started repeatedly hitting me before she breaks my defenses and smashed her Melon-Hammer down on me.
Israel's POV
I dodged Daidōji's fist while punching her in the stomach in retaliation with some onion rings before she back hands me towards the windows which sent me flying out the freaking metal covered windows. I hit the ground rolling and my body ached from the pain as I tried to get up but fell down. I get back on my own two feet before kneeling down and slowly but surely, crawling my way back towards the mansion before Daidōji landed next to me and picked me up
Daidōji:"Guess who won?"
Daidōji:"Yes, as always, you lost, now I get and all you-can-eat-buffet, alone, and you know what that means~"
Israel:"No more, by the time you're done, my waist will be sore."
Daidōji:"Too bad!" She dragged me all the way back to Leo's home.
Author's POV
Author:"A lovely couple they will be." I looked at you and sighed
Author:"Go away." I kicked the Reader back in the space of the real world

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