500 special: The squad making fun of Y/N

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(Hello= Reading)

"Hey you guys, let's read a fanfic!" Iroha suddenly suggested, eyes sparkling at her own idea. The rest stared at her.

"It better not be one with angst." Ace threatened, her voice sounding snotty "I'm not in the mood for angst today." she sighed, taking a spoon full of soup. She was definitely sick. That's what happens when you go to school without an umbrella or a coat when it's cold.

"No, how about a fic we can laugh at?" Xander smiled, rubbing his girlfriend's back.

"Before we do that, we have to finish dinner. The food will end up getting cold." Togo reminded, already finished with her plate.



"Alright, are we all ready?" Togo asked. They were all in their pajamas, covered by a blanket and ready to read. The rest nodded. With a nod, the black haired girl clicked on a random fanfic before clearing her throat.

Togo: "I woke up early like I usually do, and started getting ready for school. I pulled my golden blonde hair away from my blue orbs and into a messy bun."

Teruya: "Tch. Who's Y/N? 'Cause she's not me."

Iroha: "Let me guess, she's not like other girls."

Ace: "Orbs. You an avatar? You bend water earth fire air or somethin'?"

Xander: *Laughing*

Togo: "I threw on a quick outift, and I started my way to school." *Cue the outfit being something you'd wear to Antarctica*

Xander: "Oh my god!"

Iroha: "I mean, sure!"

Teruya: *Just glaring at the screen*

Togo: "When I get there, I take the back hallway to my locker so I can avoid getting bullied by the popular girls."

Iroha: "Hear that, you guys? She's bullied."

Xander: "I swear, if she sings Fight Song, I will report this entire account."

Togo: "As I walked, I thought about my parents, who died in a car accident."

Teruya: "It's true! I was the car! And her parents are indeed dead!"

Togo: "Damn. Double homicide."

Iroha: "Pfft- JAIL!"

Togo: "I accidentally bumped into someone. He growled at me, anger flashing in his orbs."

Him: "Are you blind?!"

Y/N: "N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-no?"

Ace: "N-n-n-ni-Nickelodeon!"

Iroha: "Is she manfulctioning?!"

Xander: "No, she wants to be a rapper!"

Teruya: "Fight Song, the remix!"

Ace: *Snort*

Togo: "I stared at the attractive man in front of me. He was beautiful, in ways that no man should ever be beautiful. I let my golden, blonde hair out of my messy bun and let it cascade down my back. ... Ok goldylocks."

Teruya: "Nah, that's definitely Rapunzel. 'LeT dOwN yOuR hAiR!' built ass."

Xander: *Snorting*

Togo: "I blinked my blue orbs twice and stammered an apology."

Y/N: "S-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-sorry."

Teruya: "Sssss. You a snake?"

Togo: "Stutter count, 82, and it's only chapter one."

Iroha: "She lag it again, put her in some rice."

Ace: "Nah, just take her back to the apple store."

Teruya: "You tried turning it off and on?"

Xander: "Orbs, she blinked her orbs."

Togo: "She blinked her marbles."

Teruya: *Snort*

Togo: "She blinked her pearls."

Teruya: *Snickering*

Togo: "He growled at me in return."

Him: "You better be."

Xander: "He growled. Grrr!"

Togo: "Ok Tony the Tiger."

Ace: "He a dinosaur from Jurassic Park or somethin'?"

Xander: "Forget Fight Song, sing Roar, since we're acting like animals!"

Teruya: "Then she should sing Animals by Maroon 5!"


Togo: "He shoved me against the locker and purred."

Him: "I'm watching you."

Teruya: "Oh, so he's not a dinosaur, he's a cat."

Iroha: "Pff. My cat did it all the time, I'm not impressed."

Ace: "Uhhh, justice for the locker?"

Xander: "Yeah, locker lives matter!

Iroha: "Pfft-"

Togo: "As he looked down at me, I took in his details. He had dark hair and electric green orbs. Under his gaze, I shivered slightly."

Teruya: "Why is she shivering?"

Iroha: "Yeah, didn't she wear this to school?" *Points at the Antarctica outfit*

Ace: "A whole ass winter outfit."

Teruya: "Dress for Antarctica, she has no reason to be cold!"

Xander: *Laughing his ass off*

Togo: "He pressed my back against the locker even more and peered closer to my face. His voice came out as a low growl, a warning."

Him: "Remember, behave, I'm watching you."

Teruya: "Not Shrek thinking he's our dad!"

Iroha: "Did we skip a few chapters?"

Togo: "Nope. Still chapter one."

Ace: "Why do we keep getting pushed against the wall?"

Xander: "He really said: 'Personal space? Don't know her'."

Ace: "We're a victim."

Togo: "Mmmm!"

Teruya: "Here we go, CSI."

Togo: "My heart fluttered as I watched him leave. Ok, sis, didn't know hearts had wings."

Iroha: "Didn't know hearts could become butterflies, but go off I guess."

Togo: "I started on my way to class. But as I turned to get one more glance at him, I tripped and fell down the stairs."

Xander: "*Gasp* Oh my god!"

Iroha: "THE STAIRS!"

Ace: "Are the stairs okay?!"

Teruya: "I was the stairs, and I can confirm, I'm not okay."

Ace: "Justice for the stairs!"

Xander: And the locker!"

Togo: "I stood up, brushed myself off and continue walking to class, ignoring all the popular girls that were laughing at me. I've tried to be like them before, but I know that deep down there, I can't be. I'm not like the rest of them."

Iroha: "Okay, so if she's not like the rest of these girls, then what is she?"

Togo: "...I vote pterodactyl."

Teruya: "Confirmed. Y/N's a pterodactyl."

Ace: *Snorting*

Author: "Guys, could you please stop making fun of her and please take this serious?! I based Y/N off of myself."

*Akward silence*

Togo: "Pfft- HAHAHA!

Teruya: *Laughing*

Iroha: "Hahah- That was hot."

Xander: "Oh my god-"

Ace: "Yeah, time for a tik tok break."

Xander: "Walking my fish, be right back."


I'm too tired to finish this lmao

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