87: A gruesome surprise

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TW: Dead body



Stop changing the fucking name istg

Wednesday, June 11th, 20XX
6:04 PM

Cherry mom: Did someone order anything?
There's a package.

Mother nº1: What package???
Uhhh, the pens I ordered weren't going to arrive until next week.

Shortstack: Oh that's weird tf
Okay, I'm coming down, hold on.


Teruya walked over to Ace, who was holding a box. "Do you know what it could be?" the jockey asked, looking at the box in confusion.

"I have no fucking clue, let's open it." Teruya answered, holding a boxcutter in his hand. Putting the box on the table, the merchant cut the box open. Almost immediately, a horrible stench hit their noses.

"Oh god-" Ace hurked, covering her nose in shock. She was not expecting that at all. Neither her or Teruya.

"What the fuck is in the box, jesus christ?" the merchant gagged, opening the box. Almost inmediately, his face paled, his body just frozen in shock.

"Teruya? What's wrong?" Ace asked, walking over to him. She now had a good look of the content of the box. Her eyes widened.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" she screamed, falling backwards. Almost imediately, Xander came out of his room, and so did Togo.

"What happened?!" the rebel questioned. Ace tried to answer, but she covered her mouth, hurling. She quickly scrambled over to the bathroom, closing the door quite harshly.

"What's wrong, we heard a scream?" Hiroto asked as he, Iroha, Akane and Utsuro entered the living room as well. They all looked towards Teruya, who was still staring at the box with a shocked and pale face.

"Ruya?" Iroha asked, walking over to him. Nudging him slightly, he just kept staring at the box, small tears starting to form. The painter slowly turned her head to look in the box.

"...O-Oh god..." she gagged, covering her mouth.

"What's in there?!" Xander questioned, worried. Teruya took a shaky breath before slowly grabbing the box, and showing them. Utsuro hurled almost immediately.

"Oh-Oh my god..." Akane gagged. Hiroto went to the bathroom too, but thankfully not to puke too.

"..." Xander stayed quiet, eyes wide and face pale. Togo did the same. They were probably the ones most affected with it, like Teruya.

Because right inside the box...

Was Yami's severed head.


"Shiro... Come here..." Ikari said as he hugged the albino, who was a sobbing mess. They hugged back, crying on the blond's shoulder.

"It's... It's not fair... She didn't-" they hiccuped "She didn't deserve it. W-What's wrong with Hokori..?" they sobbed.

"I have no clue. I wish I knew. But all I know..."

"Is that we need to leave Zetsubou."


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