Another horn that felt

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The little heart came running through the door. Wet, hungry and cold. Tears in her eyes and a horn on her hand. "The horn felt, the horn felt" said between sobs.
"What happened little heart?"
"The horn, my horn felt"
"I see, do you want to tell me what happened?"
"I. Don't. Know" answer the little heart with stopping in every word taking as much air as she could as she cried between sobs.
"Was there a horse?"
The little heart shrugged still in distressed.
"Was it a unicorn?"
"I think so" She finally answered.
"So what do you think it happen?"
The little heart started crying again as she relived the the story of her fallen horn.
"Breath my little heart" the loving voice of her father softly whisper
"There was a horse" Stared the little heart "A beautiful white horse that liked spending time quiet by the river. He didn't make a sound but was gentel and kind. Intrigued by his gentel nature and beauty. I came close and he lay down next to me. Enjoying the peace and quiet, the joy of just watching life go by. We saw the beautiful fields in awe as they changed before our eyes into the brightest of colors of day and night. Every sounds working together to compose a melody that joined our hearts together in a glorious harmony. With the flowers of spring blumed friendship, and from our friendship little by little a horn grew in both of us. As the season change with the summer breeze the friendship we held turned it in to love. And we built dreams, looking at the clouds."
"That sounds beautiful"
"It was, but was short lived. As we saw each other's horns, we stopped looking at the field, forgot the peace of the river and stopped dreaming with the clouds." A long silence hanged between the little heart ans her father.
"It was me." The little heart broke the silence, confessing ashamed.
"I did this to my self and worst of all I did it to him."
"But you have seen horns fall before."
"Yes, but this time it was mine."
"I know, is not the same. Do you want to tell me what happened next.
The little heart moved her head slowly up and down answering her dad.
"It was this day, but it didn't started there. I had been going to the river earlier but the unicorn was not there so I sat by my self. I met some ravens and they told me stories, smart little creatures and I fed them bread. They woul leave when the unicorn was there. But more would come every day. Before I knew, there were too many and I ran out of bread, didn't save anything for myself." the little heart stopped, taking courage to find her next words. "It was late the sun was about to set, and as a storm begin to gather. I realized I had forgotten to bring something warm to wear. The rain begin to fall when my beautiful unicorn showed up. It was me you see, it was my fault. I sat in the rain hungry and cold. It was difficult to see through the rain and dark. I thought my unicorn had los his horn. It was my fault, you see it was me that did it all, as I called my unicorn just a horse, when I leftted the horn to prove my point, he shook his head and sadly said "that one is yours" disappointed and heart broken my unicorn walk away and I ran home ashamed and alone."
"My little heart, my sweet and gentel soul. Even the best of us would fail when we are wet, hungry, and cold." They sat in slice the little heart and her father.
"Oh daddy will it grow again" the little heart asked fearing a no.
The father smiled gentel and witha a firm tone reaffirm the little heart "Time heals all."

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