Chapter Eighteen

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kindly ignore the fact that I put down Amethyst Wishbone even though the last chapter was Natasha's


Natasha might've been starting to bond with Amethyst. Amethyst realized this as she sat on the edge of her bed, staring out the window.

But...something else was happening, too. There was no doubt that they had both changed since their first conversation over the computer while Natasha was at a How to Focus seminar. When they'd first talked, Amethyst's impression of Natasha had been that she was obsessed with her grades, controlled by a super-strict mom, and wanted to host Amethyst for her resume. Now, though, she was starting to see Natasha as someone who was trying to defend her and wiggle out of her mom's grasp. And Amethyst...well, Amethyst had arrived at Natasha's house excited and hoping that Natasha would like her, but now she was constantly checking her grades and, well, maybe even concerned over her own resume.

This can't be, Amethyst thought to herself. I'm not worried about my resume. I'm not! And my grades are just fine...

Amethyst's mind flashed back to the A+ she'd received on her creative writing assignment. This will really help my report card, was one of the first things that had popped into her head. But no...


Amethyst jumped and whirled around, spotting Natasha's mom in the doorway of the guest room. "Y-yes?" she stammered, frightened by the mere sight of the woman.

"Amethyst, Natasha's getting quite busy, and while we've loved having you as our guest, we're going to have to—"

"Mom!" Natasha stormed into the hallway behind her mother, arms crossed. "You can't do this to Amethyst! Where is she going to stay?"

"Natasha Summerville, this conversation does not involve you. Go back to your room," Mrs. Summerville instructed.

"But Mom," Natasha whined. "I—"
"Back. Now." Mrs. Summerville pointed her finger and Natasha slunk off, muttering insults and equations under her breath. Mrs. Summerville turned back to Amethyst.

"As much as we've loved having you as our guest, Amethyst, we are, unfortunately, going to have to send you to another host." Mrs. Summerville tried to look sympathetic, but her expression came across as a mix of glee and horror instead. Amethyst's heart sank as she realized what Mrs. Summerville was saying.

"You mean to say...that you're sick of me?" Amethyst asked. Her voice cracked at the end, but she forced herself to keep the tears down, to not cry in front of her hostess's mother.

"No, not that at all! We've loved having you! You're an amazing guest! But Natasha's simply so busy and..."

"Well, thank you for hosting me," Amethyst replied snippily. It seemed that what she had thought before had been wrong. She and Natasha were most certainly not bonding. "I'll begin packing."

"We've loved having you!" Mrs. Summerville chirped before high-tailing it out of the guest room and leaving Amethyst silently crying over her words.

Are Natasha and Amethyst changing? Will their "bond" break because of Mrs. Summerville's orders?

~ writesthetic

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