Chapter Ten

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Natasha pushed her into a doorway, then hurried off with a wave. Amethyst stood there for a minute, dazed, wondering what kind of game required running through the halls a second after lunch when the rest of the school hadn't even started cleaning up yet.

"Are you Amethyst?"

Amethyst looked up and saw a young teacher with thin bangs and a huge smile waiting for her reply.

"Yes," Amethyst told her.

"Great! I'm Savannah Calibri, like the font. Take a seat anywhere, you're early," the teacher said cheerfully. It was only then that Amethyst realized that unlike all the other classrooms she'd seen at the school, this one had brightly colored walls, a fluffy carpet in the middle of the floor, and tons of beanbags and pillows strewn across the floor.

"Sure, thanks," Amethyst replied, then hesitantly lowered herself onto a striped cushion. A second after she seated, two girls burst into the room, laughing loudly and shouting at each other.

"Welcome Celeste, Poppy," Ms. Calibri said, looking like she was trying not to crack up herself. "Meet Amethyst, she's our new student."

The girls, Celeste and Poppy, apparently, both turned and gave Amethyst the once-over.

"Hi," the shorter one said at last, walking over and taking a seat on a pillow next to Amethyst.

"Hi," the other echoed, pulling over a beanbag and motioning for the shorter girl to share it with her.

"I'm Celeste," the shorter girl said, giving Amethyst an apologetic look as she squished in next to who must be Poppy and started chattering again. Amethyst looked away and focused on braiding her hair over and over again until Ms. Calibri called class.

"Welcome back everyone. As you all know, this is our first class of second semester, so we'll start out slow. However, before we start, I would like to introduce you to Amethyst Wishbone, our new student! I trust that you will all welcome Amethyst with open arms, am I correct?"

"Welcome, Amethyst," the class choursed. Amethyst blushed as Ms. Calibri continued.

"Today we will use the first half of class to write a description of a gold box to practice writing descriptions. During the second half, you will get feedback from your peers and then write a final draft. Tonight your homework will be to write a description of a room. Now, chop, chop. Get to work, everyone!"

The class got up to either get paper and a clipboard or to grab their laptops from the table where they'd left them. Amethyst got a piece of paper and a clipboard, then pulled a sparkly pink pen out of her bag. Maybe this class wouldn't be as bad as she imagined. Amethyst loved designing things, and writing about a non-existent box was kind of like designing it, right?

She got to work and finished as Ms. Calibri clapped and called, "Feedback time! Amethyst, come over here please."

Amethyst made her way to Ms. Calibri, who was standing in front of a podium that she apparently used for her desk.

"Yes, Ms. Calibri?"

"Call me Savannah." Ms. Calibri, er, Savannah, laughed. "So what do you think of this class so far?"

"Not too hard." Amethyst smiled. "That was a really fun exercise."

"Glad you liked it. I look forward to seeing your work tomorrow," Savannah told her.

"Thank you. I look forward to it as well," Amethyst said honestly, then went back to join the rest of the class.

What do you think about Savannah? And what about Celeste and Poppy? Will they become friends?

~ writesthetic

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