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The group walked over to where Tony's was standing.

" Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird? Definitely weird," Tony quipped.

" Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind this," Steve said.

" Captain," T'Challa replied.

" Your Highness,"

" Anyway... Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?" Tony pleaded.

" You're after the wrong guy," Steve replied.

" Your judgment is askew. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday,"

" And there are five more soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony, I can't,"

" Steve... you know what's about to happen. Do you really want to punch your way out of this one?" Nat asked.

" Alright, I've run out of patience. Underoos," Tony called.

Suddenly, Cap's shield was gone and Ana's hands were webbed. Then, the person landed above them. He looked to be impersonating a spider. Spider-Man?

" You've been busy," Steve said.

" And you've been a complete Idiot. Dragging in Clint. ' Rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave. Bringing Ana and Pietro into this. I'm trying to keep... I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart," Tony ranted.

" You did that when you signed," Ana spat.

" Alright, we're done. You're going to turn Barnes over because it's us. Not a team with no care about being impolite,"

" We found it, Cap. Quadrant 5," Sam said.

Everyone broke out into a fight. Ana went after Nat because she knew she could hold her own against her. 

" We're still good right?" Nat asked.

" Depends on how hard you hit me," Ana joked.

Ana could tell Nat was going easy on her so she used it to her advantage. She grabbed Nat's leg and flipped her to the ground hearing a pop.

" Ow, that seemed like it hurt. I'm sorry, Natty, but we have to get the other soldiers," Ana said.

When she looked at the sky she saw Pietro hanging on to Rhodey, trying to disable the suit. Then she saw Rhodey get shot down.

" Pietro!" 

Ana tried the best she could to keep both of them falling slowly, but they were both heavy and she didn't have as much control as Wanda when it came to this power. Suddenly, she felt a burning pain in her hip and fell to the ground. She saw the gaping hole and the scorch marks around it. Tony fired his beam at her. She watched as both the men she tried to protect smash to the ground. She went to get up but Natasha was holding her down.

" Natty, I need to go make sure he's okay," Ana cried.

" And I need to make sure you don't bleed out. Damn it, Stark!" Nat barked. 

 She felt relief when she saw Pietro get up. But Rhodey didn't. 

" Nat, don't worry about me I'll be fine," Ana said.

" You have a hole in your hip. You are not fine,"

She saw Cap get away and then everyone else was getting arrested. When Tony got to her she knew she could guilt him into what she wanted.

" Wait, Tony. You take me with you and I'll tell you where Cap's headed," Ana spoke.

She saw the angry looks from her team but she didn't care right now. Tony was going to get the information one way or another and someone had to be there for Steve.

" We're not making deals," Tony spat.

" Look you need to find Steve and I have a bunch of assassins to kill. Besides, you shot me while I was trying to save your friend, is he okay?" Ana questioned.

" He's going to be. Fine, you can tag along,"

" Yay me! Now help me up,"

When she was pulled up it felt like a thousand knives stabbing her and the place she was laying down was covered in blood.

" Are you sure you're going to make it?" Tony asked.

" Gauze will definitely help but, yeah, I'll be fine," Ana replied.

Ana followed Tony and the rest of team Stark to the jet they rode in. Nat helped Ana patch up the wound and then they went back to base. The second Secretary Ross saw her he was furious.

" Why isn't she with the other criminals?" Ross demanded.

" This 'criminal' is going to help you find your actual criminal. Look I just want to go home. My boyfriend dragged me into this and I'm feeling the blood loss. The sooner we find good old Stevie, the sooner I'll be out of your hair," Ana sassed.

" Well, then you better get going,"

" I intend to. Come on, Stark. We have two old men to find,"

They got back to the jet and headed off to Siberia.

When they got into the building they headed off to where the cryostasis chambers were. When they got there the assassins were all dead.

" Aw, man! Someone beat me to it. I was going to enjoy the PTSD it gives me when I kill people. Well, I'm bored," Ana said.

When she looked at Tony he was staring at the screen. She looked at it to see Bucky killing Tony's parents. She didn't notice the fighting in the background however because the next video was of her and the soldier back when she was in the Red Room before she met the Maximoffs. She could barely hear what the video was saying but she could make out what it translated to.

If you fail I'm going to make you watch as I kill your sister as I did your parents.

She couldn't tell if she was dizzy because of the information or if it was because of the blood loss, all she knew was she was beyond pissed. When she turned around Tony was fighting Steve so she took Bucky. 

" I'm going to kill you!" Ana yelled.

She punched Bucky before he could react. They were full-on fighting, her from anger and him in self-defense. Somehow they managed to get outside and in an attempt to save his life her threw her behind him. She stumbled and rolled until the only thing keeping her alive was her grip on the ledge.

" Somebody help!" Ana screamed.

Her hand slipped sending her further down the cliff. Before she could fall anymore she found another place to grab. When she looked up Tony and Steve were there. They tried to reach for her but she was too far down.

" Ana, can you climb up?" Steve asked.

" No, there's nowhere else to grip. Please, please don't let me fall," Ana sobbed.

" Ana, you have to try and get up. We can't reach you. Help us," Tony said.

Ana knew, either way, she wasn't getting out of this without falling. She decided to take her chances and jump, almost reaching Tony's hand. Ana swallowed her fear as she rushed down the cliff, it would be over soon. 

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