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When they got outside debris was flying everywhere and people were almost trampling them.

" FRIDAY, what am I looking at?" Tony asked.

" Not sure, I'm working on it," FRIDAY replied.

" Hey, you might wanna put that Time Stone in your back pocket, Doc," Ana suggested.

" We might want to use it," Strange replied.

They turned a corner to see a giant spaceship in the sky.

" FRIDAY, evac everyone south of 43rd street, notify first responders," Tony commanded.

" Will do," Friday replied.

Suddenly, people, or aliens, were coming out. The group walked over, getting ready to fight.

" Hear me and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of the children of Thanos. Be thankful that your meaningless lives a now contributing to..." the alien started.

" Earth is closed today. You better pack up and leave," Tony snarked.

" Stone keeper, does this chattering animal speak for you?"

" Certainly not I speak for myself. But you are trespassing in this city and on this Earth," Strange explained.

" It means get lost Squidward," Ana sassed.

" You exhaust me," Squidward said as the other alien next to him started making noises," Bring me the stone."

The big alien started coming for the group.

" Banner, you want a piece?" Tony asked.

" No, but when do I ever get what I want?" Bruce replied.

" That's right,"

Bruce tried to get the Hulk to come out but he refused. Ana then went into his mind to see if she could release him.

" Hey, big guy. We need you. Will you come out?" Ana tried to persuade him. 

" No!!!" Hulk replied.

" Come on, big guy. We need to stop the bad guy,"

" Hulk said no!"

Hulk smacked her but before he could do any real damage Ana slipped out of Bruce's mind.

" He's not coming out," Ana said.

" Thanks for trying," Bruce said.

" Dr.Banner if your friend won't be joining us..." Strange said.

An orange ring formed at the bottom of Bruce and then he was gone. Before a car could fall on Ana, Pietro pushed it back towards Squidward. Before it hit him, though, he cut it in half.

" You need to watch your surroundings," Pietro said.

" Well give me a break I'm rusty, I'm not exactly the hero type anymore," Ana replied.

" Then get out of here,"

" Not until it's safe,"

" Gotta get that stone outta here now," Tony said.

" It stays with me," Strange replied.

" Exactly, bye," Ana said.

Ana helped Tony try to get to Squidward but they were both thrown in the air. Ana lowered herself gently while Tony flew into a tree.

" Tony, you okay?" Ana asked.

" I've been better. Since when have you been able to do that?" Tony replied.

" Since I've been in contact with Wanda, she's been helping me with the Telekinesis part of my powers,"

Before any of them could speak, Bruce was at their side.

" How we doing? Good? Bad?" Bruce asked.

" Really, really good. Do you plan on helping out?" Tony replied.

" I'm trying he won't come out,"

The big alien came back and they almost lost until Spider-Man showed up.

" Hey, man. What's up Mr.Stark?" Peter said.

" Kid, where'd you come from?" Tony asked.

" Field trip to MoMA,"

" Come on, skipping school. We had this handled," Ana scolded.

" Clearly you didn't,"

The big alien came behind Peter and threw him. Ana was about to save him when he shot a web to a building.

" What's this guys problem, Mr.Stark?" Peter asked.

" He's from space, he came here to steal a necklace from a wizard," Tony explained.

They looked up to see Strange fighting Squidward. He was winning until he was choked out.

" Peter, that's the wizard. Get on it," Ana said.

" On it," Peter replied.

They were making a plan when Tony got a call from the suit.

" Uhh, Mr.Stark? I'm being beamed up," Peter said.

" Hang on kid," Tony replied.

Suddenly, the big alien's hammer turned into a huge claw and grabbed Tony. He tried to fight back but it was interfering with the suit. Ana managed to pry the claw off of Tony. As the big alien was charging at them Wong opened a portal. He tried to jump up but all that managed to get through was an arm. Ana flung it away in disgust.

" Unlock 17-a," Tony said.

" Tony let me come with you?" Ana said.

" First of all Pietro would kill me. Second, you're pregnant," 

" That didn't stop me from fighting two seconds ago,"

" Fine, you're lucky I made you a suit,"

Tony slapped a hunk of metal in Ana's hand. When she opened it the design looked like angel wings. Ana slapped it on her chest and a blue and black suit formed.

" Ana you can't go," Pietro said.

" Go, find Steve and Wanda. If Thanos comes here we need you guys," Ana explained.

Before Pietro could reply, Ana and Tony shot up to save Peter. Just as he was falling a pod surrounded him and turned into a suit.

" Mr. Stark it smells like a new car in here!" Peter exclaimed.

" Happy trails, kid. FRIDAY send him home," Tony replied.

A parachute opened and as Peter flew to the ground there was an," Oh, Come on!"

Then Tony got them on the ship. All Ana could hope was Pietro got to the other part of the team.

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