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Ana is waiting behind debris when Thanos arrives.

" Oh, yeah you're much more of a Thanos," Strange said.

" I take it the Maw is dead. This day exacts a heavy toll. Still, he accomplished his mission," Thanos replied.

" You may regret that. He brought you face to face with the master of the mystic arts," 

" And where do you think he brought you?"

Ana took it as her cue to get ready when everyone else did.

" Let me guess. Your home?" Strange sassed.

" It was and it was beautiful. Titan was like most planets. Too many mouths, and not enough food to go around. And when we faced extinction I offered a solution," Thanos replied.

" Genocide,"

" But at random, dispassionate, fair rich and poor alike. They called me a madman. And what I predicted came to pass,"

" Congratulations, you're a prophet,"

" I'm a survivor,"

" Who wants to murder trillions," Ana snapped.

" Anastasia figures I'd see you here, you just don't give up,"

" Well, I think you'll see the others don't either,"

" Others?" 

He looked surprised as Ana helped Tony crush him with some of the wreck.

" Piece of cake, Quill," Tony said.

" Yeah, if your goal was to piss him off," Quill replied.

An aura of purple surrounds the debris as Thanos lifts it off himself. He sends bats towards Tony and Ana, chasing them back through the ruins. Everyone else tries to overpower Thanos but he is too strong. He comes at Strange but he deflects it with his shields. Ana comes at him. She tries to distract him so the others can do their job.

" So last time you tried to kill me. Is this time the same or have you somehow become less of a cocky dick?" Ana taunted.

" That witty attitude is what's going to get you killed one day," Thanos replied.

" Everyone tells me that but they never realize I'm still a kid. Witty is just normal for me,"

While Thanos is distracted Quill places a bomb on his shoulder, knocking him to the ground. Strange commanded his cloak to keep Thanos from closing his hand while everyone else was trying to get the gauntlet off. Thanos was getting the upper hand when another ship dragged him away, burying him under debris. When the person got out Thanos recognized them.

" Well, well," Thanos said.

" You should have killed me," Nebula said.

" It would have been a waste of parts!"

" Where's Gamora?"

She slashed at him as everyone else tried to pin him down. Eventually, Mantis falls on top of him, putting him to sleep.

" Is he under? Don't let up," Stark said.

" Be quick, he is very strong," Mantis replied.

" Parker, Romanoff get over here. She can't hold him much longer, let's go,"

Peter grabbed onto the gauntlet while Ana used her powers to try and get the gauntlet off. When it became too hard she used all of her powers, practically glowing yellow.

" For the record, this was my plan. Not so strong now, huh? Where's Gamora?" Quill asked.

" My... Gamora," Thanos gasped out.

" No, bullshit where is she?"

" He is in anguish," Mantis said.

" Good,"

" He mourns,"

" What does this monster have to mourn?" Drax asked.

" Gamora," Nebula replied.

" What? Quill asked.

" He took her to Vormir. He came back with the Soul Stone... but she didn't,"

Ana realized what she meant. She felt her heart stop with grief and guilt. She fell to the ground every bit of power disintegrating.

" Oh my god, it's my fault. I did this it's my fault," Ana sobbed.

" Ana, get it together. Quill, you gotta cool it right now, you understand?" Tony replied.

Ana got up and gave Quill a look. They turn towards Thanos.

" Don't engage! We've almost got it off," Tony yelled.

" Asshole! Tell me you didn't do it!" Quill screamed.

" I...had...to," Thanos spoke.

" No, you didn't. No, you didn't! NO, YOU DIDN'T!"

Quill hit Thanos in the head as Ana blasted with all she could. Stark takes care of Ana while Drax takes care of Quill. Peter P almost has the gauntlet off when Thanos takes it back and puts it back on his hand. He pushes Parker away and flings Mantis off of him. Thanos knocks Drax into Quill and Nebula and throws Strange far away. He knocks the other guardians unconscious. Ana tries to blast him but he ends up throwing her to the side. When Tony interferes he throws a moon at him.

When Ana gets up she helps Parker grab the unconscious heroes and get them out of the range of chunks of the moon. Strange gets Thanos in a hold when he uses the Stones to bring Strange to him and choke him.

" You're full of tricks wizard," Thanos says reaching for the time stone.

" No!" Strange screams.

" Yet you never once used your greatest weapon, a fake,"

He threw Strange to the ground, knocking him out.

Suddenly, red and gold metal is bracing itself around the gauntlet.

" You throw another moon at me and I'm gonna lose it," Tony snarks.

" Stark," Thanos replies.

" You know me?"

" I do. You're not the only one cursed with knowledge,"

" My only curse is you,"

Tony ran at Thanos. He was battering him in the face when Thanos ripped his helmet off. While it was reforming he ripped the metal off the gauntlet. He keeps going at Thanos until he manages to draw blood.

" All that for a drop of blood?" Thanos taunts.

They keep fighting until Thanos stabs Tony.

" You have my respect, Stark. When I'm done, half of humanity will still be alive. I hope they remember you," Thanos said.

He goes to use the stones on Tony when Ana stops his hand midair.

" Get your filthy hand away from him!" Ana yelled.

" Ah, so you decided to rejoin the fight. Where were you before this happened, napping? If you wanted to do something you should have done it earlier," Thanos taunted.

" At least I didn't kill my own daughter. How could you do that? My kid's not even here yet but I'm twice the parent you ever could be,"

" Ah, if only you realized the source of your powers. Would you be so cocky if you realized you had part of an infinity stone inside of you this entire time,"

" What the hell do you mean? There is no way I'm that powerful,"

" No, how could you be? All you'll ever be is that sad little girl under the rubble waiting to die. I can't wait to kill your fiance,"

" Don't touch him!" 

Ana ran toward Thanos, blasting him to the ground, keeping him from getting up. Eventually, Thanos managed to grab her in a chokehold.

" You never learn, do you? I feel bad I have to hurt a kid but in order to succeed, I have to do whatever necessary. This time there will be more than bruises for you to remember me,"

Suddenly, it felt like every bit of energy was leaving Ana's body. She felt herself wanting to drift off, to leave the world behind. But she tried her hardest to keep her strength. Eventually, she saw a flash of yellow and she was thrown to the ground. She watched as Strange tried to intervene.

" Stop... Spare their life and I will give you the stone," Strange bargained.

" No tricks," Thanos replied.

" Don't," Stark said.

Strange handed the stone to Thanos and he put it in the gauntlet.

" One to go," Thanos said.

Quill started storming towards him when he disappeared. He was saying something but Ana was too tired to focus.

" W-why wo-would you d-do that?" Ana asked.

" We're in the Endgame now," Strange replied.

Ana layed there for a while until she started to feel emptiness. She knew what it was. Thanos had succeeded and now her fiance and sister and law were gone.

" Pietro, no no this can't be happening," Ana sobbed.

" Something... is... happening," Mantis said as she turned to dust.

" Quill?" Drax says.

Slowly and horribly Ana watched as the guardians and Strange turned to dust. Then she felt Peter's connection start to fade.

" Mr. Stark? I don't feel so good," Peter said.

" No, Peter," Ana pleaded.

" It's alright kid," Stark says.

" I don't know what's happening. I don't- I don't wanna go. Mr. Stark, please. Please, I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go... I'm sorry," Peter cried.

Ana watched as Tony collapsed from Peter turning to dust. She wanted to go over and comfort him but she couldn't make herself move.

" He did it," Nebula says.

" Stark everyone's gone. P-Piet-tro, Wa-anda. They're gone," Ana sobbed.

Stark walked over to her and hugged her.

" I know, kid, I know," he said trying not to cry himself.

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