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Ellie's POV-

" Why isn't the signal working?" Elisa growled.

" Something must've overloaded it. I can't get it back up for a while, I'm sorry," El replied, her voice shaky with nervousness.

" What do you mean, you can't get a signal? How are we supposed to contact the Avengers, now?"

" I'm sorry, but it's out of my control right now."

" Get back online as soon as you can. If we miss this opportunity, it'll be your ass on the line, and I won't help you this time!"

El nodded, walking away as quickly as possible. She fidgeted nervously, holding the disruptor in her palms.

It had been a few weeks since she had spoken to Barton. She only hoped that he had come up with a plan.

Ana's POV-

Ana lay on the ground, trying to drown out her surroundings. Her body hurt, and her head was fuzzy.

She heard footsteps coming down the hall. She could only hope it wasn't the guards. They were ruthless, using her whenever they needed a punching bag or a plaything.

Luck was not on her side as they walked in, quickly hauling her up. She didn't know where they were heading, but she knew it wasn't good.

They brought her over to the "lab," a small room consisting of a rusty metal table and old medical equipment. They slammed her down, knocking the air out of her lungs. The men strapped her to the table before she could recover.

" Well, it looks like you really have given up," Elisa taunted.

" Go fuck yourself," Ana spat back, flipping the bird.

" My, my! You really do like making this hard on yourself. Hydra's not happy with you, you know. Their little pet gaining freedom? They won't have it."

Ana looked over, watching Elisa pull out a syringe with her name on it. Her heart rate picked up, knowing what came with the injection.

" No, stop. Please, don't do this..."

" Oh Ana, don't act like such a baby! I'm giving you the one thing you need to survive in this world- power."

Elisa jammed the needle into Ana's neck, making the girl cry out. As it spread through her veins, she could feel her body trying to reject it. As it spread, an intense, burning pain ran through her body.

Ana screamed out, fighting back the tears in her eyes. It wasn't the first time she had been through this. Hell, it wasn't even the fiftieth. Any time she started to slip, Hydra would inject her with a serum they concocted, sending her into hysterics.

Ana pulled at the restraints, trying to get free. She couldn't stay still, the serum sending spasms through her body.

" Oh, Ana... you look so pitiful right now. Once the most feared assassin of the decade... now look at you..." Elisa ridiculed, hints of horrific pride lacing into her voice.

" Please, take away all your fancy tools and what are you? You're nothing... you always will be. Just like... when we were kids," Ana spat, breathing heavily.

Elisa pulled out her knife, jamming it straight into Ana's thigh. She let out a blood-curdling scream, trying to reach for her leg.

" You may think you're so high and mighty now that you're an, 'Avenger,' but you're nothing! You're still an object, only useful when you have value! It doesn't matter where you end up. You'll never be able to find peace."

Before Ana could respond, the alarms rang out, signaling an intruder. She could feel herself relax in relief. She didn't want to get too comfortable though, for all she knew it could be a higher up coming to make her punishment worse.

Ellie's POV-

El quickly walked down the halls, shoving past the guards. She had to meet the Avengers, or they would never get to Ana alive.

Luckily, she didn't have to walk long, being shoved against the wall by none other than the widow herself; Natasha Romanoff.

" I'm only going to ask this once," she seethed. "Where is she?!"

" Natasha! It's been a while. I was actually looking for you. If you let me go, I can take you to where Ana is right now. After that, it's all on you to get her out," El explained.

" Why should I trust you?"

" Nick Fury has no problem working with me, that should be enough. You think I want to be here? You think I willingly left SHIELD?"

" Fury told us you betrayed SHIELD and ran off to find your sister."

" To fool Alexander Pierce. Now I'm stuck here. I dug out a lot of information over the years. You wouldn't even have figured out Hydra had infiltrated without me. Get Ana out. Just make sure it doesn't get me killed in the process."

Nat sighed, releasing the girl off of the wall. Ellie nodded, directing her towards the "lab."

" Natasha!"

" What is it?"

" Just... make sure what I did wasn't useless. If I'm going to be stuck here, make sure you keep the Government in the right hands. Help the Avengers be what Shield couldn't."

Natasha nodded, walking away.

Natasha's POV-

" Pietro, did you catch that? Get her out of here quickly. I have other things to do here," she spoke into the comms.

" Got it, but what could be more important than your sister?"

" Her files. If anyone gets their hands on them, we could have an even bigger mess on our hands."

" Got it."

Ana's POV-

Elisa left to take care of the issue, leaving a guard in her place. Ana couldn't leave if she tried to.

Her muscles had given out a few minutes before, leaving her limp and restrained. Her vision was going in and out, making everything look fuzzy. The knife still wedged in her leg sent shooting pain through her nerves every once in a while, making it spasm.

She didn't know if she would make it out alive, all she could hope was that someone got here soon.

Ana heard a thump near her, making her blood run cold. In a normal situation she would have made an escape, but she couldn't even force her body to move.

" Hey, it's me. We're here, Ana," Pietro spoke, his voice barely above a whisper.

" Pietro?" Ana asked, almost desperately.

" Yeah, it's me. I'm going to get you out of here, just hold on..."

It only took seconds before Ana was lifted, letting out a cry of pain. Her whole body ached. She just wanted to go to sleep.

" I'm tired," Ana whimpered.

" It's okay Ana, you're going to be fine. Keep your eyes open, we're almost there," Pietro ensured.

Ana tried her best, but her eyelids were heavy. She couldn't stop them from drooping, her head slumping to the side.

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