5- Kill Or Be Killed.

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Addison stood amongst the crowd at Mystic Falls Public Park, watching as Carol Lockwood gave a speech as its the Mystic Falls Historical Society Volunteer Day.

"This all part of the historical society, continuing efforts to give that to the community." Carol says. "Thanks to the generous donation of the Fell family. We are now standing on the sight of our newest public park. Thank you to everyone who has shown up today to land a helping hand. Thanks."

Addison looks around at all of the people before walking away to find Caroline, or someone she knew.


Addison stood talking with Elena and Caroline.

"So suddenly, she's on the running for mother of the year just when I'm trying to avoid her the most." Caroline says, noticing that Addison wasn't paying much attention and Elena probably didn't want to hear her rant about Liz. "I'm babbling, you don't want to hear all this."

"No, we're sorry." Addison says, bringing her attention back to the blonde vampire. "Then what happened?" She asks. 

"Well, I was a bitch but it's part of the process. So, how are things between you and Stefan? Anything?" Caroline asks Elena. 

"No, not since the fight. He's been pushing me away because he thinks that Katherine might get jealous enough to hurt me. I just don't know how to change his mind." Elena says to the two. Addison gives her friend a small, sad smile. 

"You said that Katherine's dangerous. Maybe he's got a point." Caroline tells her. 

"Yeah, I know that she's dangerous and I know that he's just trying to protect me but it feels like giving up and I just..." Elena trails off. 

"Just what?" Caroline and Addison both ask in unison. 

"I just thought we were stronger than that." Elena tells them.


Elena is painting a wall with Addison. The doppelganger looks at Stefan as he looks at her. Caroline and Addison are looking at them.

"Oh, oh. Lurking looks are being exchanged." Caroline says. 

"I'm gonna go talk to him." Elena says, putting down the paintbrush.

"Not a good idea." Addison says.

"No, Elena. I think Addy's right, it's a bad idea." Caroline says but Elena ignores the two and leaves, right as Damon joins Addison and Caroline.

"What's her problem?" Damon asks Caroline and Addison. 

"Don't worry about it." Addison answers. 

"Why are you being such a bitch to your mom?" Damon asks Caroline. 

"Don't worry about it." Caroline repeats Addison's words to the older vampire. 

Addison watches along with Damon and Caroline as Elena joins Stefan. Addison quickly whispers a spell her aunt taught her, and she was able to hear Stefan and Elena's conversation as she knew Caroline and Damon were both listening as well.

"Do you still care about Katherine?"  Elena asks Stefan. 

"Don't be like this. Please don't turn this into something that it's not." Stefan says to her.

"So this is not for discussion. That's what you're saying?" Elena asks.

"No, I'm saying that is enough for discussion right now because we have ears on us." Stefan tells the doppelganger. They look at Addison, Damon and Caroline. They three pretend that they're not listening, but still continue too.

"Okay, when?" Elena asks. 

"I don't know." Stefan answers.

"I saw her Stefan. It's like we are the same person. How could you hate her and be in love with me?" Elena asks him. 

"You're reaching. I'm not... I'm not Damon." Stefan says. 

"How about we don't bring Damon into this right now?" Elena asks the vampire.

"You know, I can't... I can't do this anymore, Elena." Stefan says to her.

"Fine, Stefan. Whatever." Elena says then leaves Stefan standing alone.

Damon is still with Addison and Caroline. "Relationships are about communication." Damon says causing Addison to scoff and Caroline to leave.


"What's going on?" Addison asks as she walks up to Elena and Caroline. 

"I don't know. Something's up." Caroline tells the two. 

The three girls are now going into the woods. "Where are you going? What's going on?" Elena asks Caroline as they two brunettes follow her. 

"I need to be able to hear better." Caroline says. 

"Hear what?" Addison asks, confused on what was going on.

"Something's wrong, Addy, Elena." Caroline says.

"Oh god." Caroline says, hearing something the other two could not. 

"What is it?" Elena asks. 

"Stefan and Damon." Caroline answers. 

"What?" Elena asks once again.


Addison, Caroline and Elena are in the woods looking for Liz, Damon and Stefan but suddenly Addison stops. "What is it, Adds?" Elena asks the girl. 

"They've been here, I can feel it." Addison says to them. 

Caroline bends down and looks at a plant. There's blood on it. "She's right, they were here."

"What?" Elena asks. 

Mason arrives. "What are you three doing out here?" He asks. 

"Have you seen Stefan?" Elena asks them. 

"Yeah Elena, I've seen him. Seen Damon too." Mason tells her. 

"Where are they?" Elena asks. 

"You don't need me for that. I let your friend here sniff them out." Mason says and he looks at Caroline. "Does your mother know what you are? I'll happy to tell her." She goes toward him but he catches Elena and strangles her from behind.

"Don't be stupid! Necks snap easy around here." Mason tells her. 

"I can take you." Caroline says. 

"Wanna bet?" Mason asks. 

"Yeah. I do." Caroline says. She rushes over him, catches him and pushes him against a tree. "I told you." She kicks him in the leg, throws him on the floor and kicks him on the stomach with strength. He's thrown against the tree and fall on the floor. Addison does a small spell to keep him from moving until they get Stefan and Damon. 

"Let's go. He should stay there until we get Stefan and Damon." Addison says and the three girls take off.


Addison, Elena and Caroline arrive at the ruins. "What is that?" Elena asks as she hears gunshots. Caroline hears her mother telling to her deputies to kill Stefan and Damon. "Caroline. Caroline, what is it?"

"My mom. She's killing them." Caroline says. 

"What?! We have to stop her!" Elena exclaims. 

"No, I can't. Elena, she's gonna find out about me." Caroline says and Elena goes into the ruins.

"I'll get her." Addison says, rushing in after the brunette.

"Let's do this. Each with a stake in the heart, then burn them both." Addison hears Liz say. Elena hits one of the deputies with a plank and then goes into the cell, along with Addison. 

"Elena! Addison! What are you doing?"  

"You can't kill them. We're not gonna let you." Elena tells Liz.

Addison holds out her hand to one of the deputies, using her powers to throw him against a wall.

"What the hell?" Liz asks as the deputy falls, unconscious.

They all hear noise. The door closes alone.

"What was that?" One of the cops ask. 

"Who else is with you?" Liz asks, causing Addison to smirk. 

Caroline is here. She kills one of the deputies and then punches the other one. She steps slowly out of the shadows, blood upon her face, well on her mouth.

"Hi mom." Caroline says. 


Damon and Stefan are now awake. Damon is feeding on the deputy Addison knocked out. Once he was done he checks on Stefan. "You need to drink some deputy blood."

"No. I'm gonna be fine. It's gonna take a little bit longer." Stefan says. 

"Damon's right you know. If it's ever time to break your diet..." Caroline says. 

"He said he didn't want it, okay?" Elena says.

Addison rolls her eyes then walks over to Stefan. "Lift up your shirt." She tells Stefan, earning confused and weird looks from the others in the room. "Do you want to be healed or not?" Addison asks, slightly annoyed. Stefan nods then lifts up his shirt. Addison puts her hands over Stefan's wounds, taking a deep breathe before chanting a spell none of the others understood.

The wounds on Stefan slowly disappear. "There." Addison says before standing back up as Damon began talking. 

"This is the most unfortunate situation. Two deputies dead and you." He looks at Liz. "What am i gonna do with you?"

"You won't tell anyone, will you?" Caroline asks and Liz doesn't answer. "Mom? Mom? Please." Caroline says, close to tears. "Look, I know that we don't get along and that you hate me but I'm your daughter and you'll do this for me, right?" Liz still doesn't answer. "Mom, please. He will kill you."

"Then kill me." Liz says. 

"No!" Caroline exclaims. 

"I can't take this. Kill me now." Liz tells Damon. 

"But you're gonna dry out so painfully." Damon says. He grabs Liz. 

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Caroline begs. 

"Damon, don't!" Stefan yells. 

"Damon, please!" Elena says. Addison stays quiet, knowing he wont actually kill her. 

"Relax guys. No one is killing anybody." Damon says. Addison nods slightly. He looks at Liz. "You're my friend."

"We have a lot of cleaning to do." Addison says, looking at the three dead deputies.


Caroline arrives with a luggage at the Salvatore house.

"Hey, sorry that took forever. I just didn't know how long my mom was gonna be here." Caroline says to the two girls.

"Damon says it'll take 3 days' tops for the vervain to leave her system. Maybe even sooner." Elena says to her. 

Stefan joins the girls."Hey! You had some bunny in you?" Caroline asks. 

"Yeah, I'm feeling much better, thank you." Stefan says.

Caroline, Addison, Stefan and Elena arrive at the cell and listen to the conversation between Liz and Damon.

"Can you keep Caroline far away from me please? I don't want to see her." Liz says to Damon, making Addison angry. 

"She's your daughter, Liz." Addison says, walking forward to where Liz could see her.

"Not anymore. My daughter's gone." Liz says.

Addison scoffs. "Your daughter is not gone. She's still there. She's still the same Caroline we all knew before this, all that's different is she's stronger, mentally and physically, her emotions are heightened but she's still the same. You have no idea how wrong you are." Addison says before looking at Caroline, who leaves. Addison follows her. 

Caroline is in the living room with Addison. Elena joins the two.

"You want me to take you home?" Elena asks Caroline. 

"I can't go home." Caroline says. 

"Why not?" Elena asks. 

"Because I'm scared." Caroline says. Addison grabs the blondes hand, giving her a small frown. 

"Why are you scared?" Elena asks the blonde vampire. 

"Caroline, you can talk to us." Addison says to her.

"Katherine's gonna be there and she's gonna want me to tell her everything that happened today. She told me I had to spy on you and report back to her." Caroline says. Addison sighs. 

"I know and I've been so mad at you. But then, I tried to put myself in your position so that I could understand why you would do this to me and to Stefan because he's been such a friend to you. Who did she threaten?" Elena says to her. 

"Matt, she threatened Matt and I'm so scared of her! I am so scared of her." Caroline cries. 

"And you should be. Caroline, we all should be." Addison says to them.

"Why is she doing this? What does she want?" Caroline asks. 

"That's the million dollar question." Elena says. The three share a small group hug. 


"I figured you wouldn't want to stay at the Salvatore's, and I know you don't want to go home. So you're gonna stay with me." Addison tells Caroline as they walk into Addison's motel room.

"Thanks." Caroline says, sitting on one of the beds.

"Don't have to thank me. You're one of my best friends, I'd do anything for you." Addison tells her. Caroline smiles at the witch before her eyes travel to a bulletin board filled with papers dating back almost two centuries and random sticky notes.

 "What the hell do you have going on up here?" Caroline asks the witch, walking over to the board, looking at all the notes.

"Nothing." Addison says, clearing up her spell books from the bed and the coffee table. Caroline gives her a look. Addison sighs. "Something's going on with me and I can't find out what. It's like my brain is locking away things and only giving me small stupid things. My powers are changing and I don't know why. I've tried to call my aunt but she doesn't know what's going on either. And if she does, she's not telling me." Addison explains.

"Who are the Originals?" Caroline asks her, looking at a sticky note.

"I don't know." Addison asks. "But I'm going to find out."


Another chapter complete. What do you guys think? Please comment. Thanks for reading. Bye.


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