Chapter 1

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         Applejack walked into Sugar Cube Corner, closely followed by Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash. "Welcome to Sugar Cube Corner!" chirped Pinkie Pie as she bounced over to them.

            "Uhhh, you called for an emergency friendship meeting?" Applejack questioned with a look of concern on her face.

            "Shhhhh!" Pinkie cried, putting a hoof to her mouth. She ducked and quickly looked around, as if expecting somepony to be hiding around the corner. She leaned over to Applejack "Meet me in my room, but only come up one at a time, waiting a few minutes in-between." she whispered out of the side of her mouth. Pinkie stalked away to the back of the shop where the stairs to her room were, ducking under tables and hiding around corners.

            Applejack rolled her eyes at her friend's odd behavior and waved a hoof to her three confused friends standing behind her. "Come on girls, Pinkie's in one of her moods again."

            "When is Pinkie not in one of her 'moods'?" sighed Rarity as she followed Applejack.

They gathered into Pinkie Pie's bedroom, Pinkie checking to see if they were followed before closing the door. "Alright, Pinkie what is it this time?" said Applejack, a hint of exasperation in her voice. "I've got a lot of work to do at Sweet Apple Acres so make it quick."

Pinkie stood on her bed and waited for all eyes to be on her. "Twilight and Spike are..... MISSING!" she said dramatically. The listening ponies gasped in horror.

"Wait a second," said Rainbow Dash, the first to come to her senses. "How are they missing?"

"Have any of you seen either one of them in the past week?" questioned Pinkie Pie.

"Well, no but that doesn't mean they're missing," retorted Rainbow Dash. "Twilight is probably holed up in her house doing some egghead experiment or something."

"But can you explain this?" Pinkie Pie asked, holding a pile of unopened pink envelopes.

"What exactly are we looking at?" asked Rarity with a quizzical expression.

"These are a week's worth of party invitations all addressed to Twilight. I came to Twilight's house every day this week to invite her to a party, but she was never home! And she never came to Sugar Cube Corner this week either, and she usually comes at least three times a week!"

Rarity tapped her chin with a hoof. "Now that you mention it, my little Spikey-wikey hasn't come over to visit me lately!"

            "I was taking care of Owlwishes while she was sick and when I came to return her to Twilight no one answered the door," piped up Fluttershy. "But I just assumed that she was busy and I didn't want to bother her."

            "Twilight said she would swing by the Orchard a couple days ago and bring Apple Bloom a few books. When she never came I just assumed she forgot," shrugged Applejack.

            "Now that we have established the fact that Twilight and Spike are missing, we have to figure out where they went!" said Pinkie Pie as she pulled a big poster with two pictures of a beach and a giant dragon out of nowhere. "I have it all narrowed down to two options. They either went on vacation or got ponynapped by a dragon sorcerer."

            "First off, Twilight would never leave on vacation without telling us," Rarity said, as she inspected herself in a nearby mirror. "And where in Equestria did you get the preposterous idea of a dragon sorcerer? Let's be realistic, now darling, this is no time for jokes."

            "Wellllllllllll, this note that I found in the middle of Twilight's trashed house kinda tipped me off on the whole dragon sorcerer thing," Pinkie said as she pulled out a crumpled piece of paper from her mane and smoothed it out on her bed. The five ponies gathered around and peered at the note. It read; Spike and I have been taken by a dragon sorcerer into a strange place. I reinforced the portal we went through with my magic to last for at least a week. If you do not find a portal in my house, it is already too late. Please help us before-

            "Before what?!" Rainbow Dash cried, flying up into the air. "We need to get there before that portal closes!" she shot off out of the room.

            "Oh my, I feel as if I might faint!" swooned Rarity, swaying from side to side.

            "This is no time to faint, Rarity," Applejack said, a determined look on her face. "We've got to save our friends."

            "Ooooo an adventure!" Pinkie giggled, bouncing after Rainbow Dash.

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