Part7: We shall meet again (final chapter)

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He falls off his chair, he couldn't belive what he just hear. Mafumafu on the news and the Mafumafu sitting here, he's not a doplerganger or whatever. Soraru takes a breath, stand up, then urn off the TV."Mafu ?" "Yes ?.....Are you ok ?" Mafu asked, notice that Soraru's face is like a potato, red to his ears "I know this is weird but...Mafu is " Riing Ring ( I don't know how telephone sounds liked so....) The sound break Soraru words. The annoying ring keep bother him. He pick up the phone, did't bother to whos calling he shout "What do you want ?" "Soraru come to the hospital quickly, Mafumafu is injure!"that was Kradness voice "What ? But Mafu is here with m..." he look to the table " ?" "Soraru ?" "I will be on me way" he hang up, grab a coat then run to the hospital. Mafumafu is no longer in the house thoughts he and Soraru were just eating with each other a moment ago.

He hate it, he hate the smell of the medicines and the cold air. But, Mafumafu was much more importan to him, despite all."When did Mafu became important to me ?" he stoped all a sudden and rethink. Well, did it even matter now.Riing riing "Soraru" "yes ?" its was Kradness "Listen carefully...Mafumafu... he passed the danger..." "What a relief " "but...Amatsuki didn't make it...he's.....death" "Please don't call the hospital pls sir !" "a umm, sorry" he turn off his phone then walked to the elevator. Wait for the doors to close comeplely he began to colasspes to the floor. He lost Lon then Amatsuki "At least that idiot still safe, that is enough for me" tears appear in his eyes. This is no time to be sad, he should be cheering up Mafu not himself, he run to Mafu room and slam the doors open. "You came !" Kraddness and the others are there too. A slightly small voice is saying "Who are you ?" he hide behind Kraddness shirt like he's protecting himself from something "Its ok Mafumafu, Soraru is a friend" he smile softly at the small Mafu. Soraru couldn't understand the sittuation untill Rib came and explain. Mafumafu lost his memories due to the heavy injure in his head, he didn't have any serious wound but he lose to much blood in the past three days."Mafu..." "The police said Mafumafu may have lost his life if it weren't for Amatsuki shielded for him. The bulet went right to his heart" everyone went silent, no one dare to talk, they all quietly leaving the room. Kraddness put Mafumafu back in bed then leave. Soraru sit on a side of the bed "Mafu do you remember where you live ?" a head shake "Then do you remember any about yourself ?" a nother head shake, he can only remember his name is Mafumafu, nothing else"What's the last thing you remember ?"

_Your smile

_What ?

_Soraru-san smile is warm-he said while laughing for no reason

_You...remember. Soraru jumps on Mafumafu bed, pinned him down then kiss him forcefully. Mafu struggle under Soraru but eventualy gave up on resitsting. Soraru broke their kiss, he panted hard and Mafu too.The albino pushes Soraru off his bed not relizing how red his face was. Soraru take note of that and let out a small chuckle making Mafu felt uncomforble. "What are you laghing at you pevrt !!" "Nothing, you never change do you M-a-f-u-m-a-f-u ". After that Mafumafu somehow magicaly gained his strengh and destros the room.

Their new start to re-create their relationship begin. The second day after the acident, Soraru again visited Mafu, Mafu keep on jumping around even if he a sick person. The next day Soraru brought Mafu some hot miso soup, Mafu is sicked of hospital for only after 2 days. The next day is curry with some candy. And so its go on, Soraru came to see Mafumafu every day, Mafu little and little gained his memories, only a little of his memory came back to him.

-Hey Soraru-san

-Yeah ?

-Do you belived in the after life ?

-.....No, not really

-Is that so....

-But if its do exisit won't that be great ? We can meet again someday

-Mafu you read too many books...

Mafumafu smiles at Soraru

The next day,









Soraru had a car acidents and died




Mafumafu remembers everything after that. Whats he felt, what Soraru felt. He cries out all his heart contents but the pain didn't disapper.

Years passed, Mafmafu is now a great and famous doctor, he helps many people in needed, he cures many wounds but pains still regisn in him. A pain no medicine can cures, he refused to open his heart untill that day came.

How cold that day is. Mafu was involes in a fighttrying to protect a girl that he didn't even know . When both of the girl and the mens group go away he were looking at "life" with a soulessly eyes. What did he even want to protect.....he sat up, his whole body is getting numb, he can fell his leg any more. He fells sleepy, as his eyes about to shut down a small but familiar voice woke him.

-Nii-san you shouldn't sleep at places like this, you could freeze you know. A young boy with short blue hair look exactly like sSoraru ask


-Eh ? Nii-san you mistake me for some else. Im an opharn so I remember pretty clear whos I use to meet.

-What's your name ?

-Eh ?

-Your name. I will adopte you

-What ???? Do i even know you, you decied so quick

-Don't worry I will take good cares oc you so don't scream in my face like that. Mafu seems more lively

-So....your name ?. he chuckle my name is










The end.

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