Attempting to run

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With what I can manage; I grab the toilet paper then use it to clean off what mess I made then dump it into the toilet. I pull up my panties, then my pants, button up and zip it up. I leap up landing on the square lid to the toilet nearly losing my balance upon landing with one leg outstretched and the other trying to regain balance. Come on, we gotta flush! Who knew being so small it would be difficult to flush the toilet?

I manage to gain my balance.

I look over to see the handle.

"Come on," I reassure myself. "You can do it!"

I hop up and down.

"I can do it!" I cheer. "I CAN DO IT!"

With so much energy and excitement I hop off landing on the handle pushing it downwards. There came the 'woosh' of the toilet flushing. I leap off the handle landing in front of the toilet on the ground safely on my feet. Ah primus I felt like a Asgardian trained to handle such landings. I ran under the stall door into the narrow hall where I saw holy slagging Natasha Romanov  coming in appearing to be unwell physically.  I gulp down my fear then ran after the sink. I leap up landing on the counter right onto my side.

I safely hoist myself up seeing Natasha going to a nearby sink.

So did I actually get through a different building through my crashing?

Natasha puts her hands around the circular part of the sink while I go to the hand sanitizer machine. I leap up flying towards the 'push' button turning myself around so that my legs are aimed towards the foresaken button. My feet strike the plastic button making a tough tap. A white fluid came gushing out of the machine so I held my hands out.

Turns out it covered me completely in bubbles.

"Ah!" I shriek falling.

I land straight on my back coated in hand soap.

"What was I thinking?..." Natasha thought out loud.

I land right in the way of the big water thing. Cool, it automatically lets out water! I wash my hands under the man made waterfall. I made sure to wash my soaped coated body as well until all the bubbles are gone. I leap out of the waterfall and onto the counter dripping wet. I turn around and face towards Natasha. Natasha turns away then goes into a stall where I hear a puking sound from outside.  I hop off the counter to the floor. I ran on out fast my feet can carry me from the restroom into the next room.

"I told you,Steve," Falcon said. "I was chasing after a really, really, really little girl."

"Well, not saying I do not believe you,Sam," Steve said. "I am just finding this...odd."

Slagging Steve Rogers!

Oh! The Falcon's name is Sam Wilson. I will refer to The Falcon as Sam starting now.

"And she  made me land on my face," Sam said.

"A girl about the size of a ant made you land flat on your face?" Steve asks.

"Yes," Sam said.

"That is very unexpected," Steve said as I walk right past their shoes. "Suppose she's still around..."

Both of the men stop in their tracks.

"I smell hand soap,"  Sam said.

"So do I," Steve said.

Both men turn around towards my direction sniffing. I cover my mouth blocking a chortle fleeing through the hall. Oh, I believe this is when they spotted me because the smell is overall persistent in the hall. I mean as in the scent is moving instead of standing still. Their boots made the ground bump beneath my feet while I flee. I am scared, scared, scared and down right scared of these gigantic people right above little old me.  Steve tries to catch me but he trips over his shoe laces landing square on the floor. Boy is Sam determined to catch me  as I hear the flapping to his metal wings.

"You are not escaping this time!" Sam said.

I look over my shoulder, terrified, to see Sam's hand outreaching towards me.

Then I fell and my world entered into darkness.

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