Thor just technically

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...Friday...Avenger's facility...

...July 24th,2015...1:57 PM...

"Ant-Girl," Steve said. "I want you to meet some one."

I raise a brow.

"Why are you calling me by my superhero name?" I ask.

"Because I am," Steve said, taking a turn to the left as I follow him.

"But you don't always call me by that alias," I said. "There is something definitely up."

"He'll ask you your real name," Steve said.

"So I'll tell him," I said.

"You will not!" Steve said.

I frown stopping in my tracks.

"You got bad news or something?" I ask, folding my arms.

Steve sighs, pausing in his tracks.

"You can't be unstatue-fied," Steve said.

I sigh

"And?" I ask.

"The visitor is Thor," Steve said. "He knows nothing."

I stare at Steve.

'You know I have a rule for myself," I said. "And that one is: don't fall for anyone."  I had this said in a serious tone. "If a Norse God falls for  me they are so outta luck because I refuse to become a demigod or a god for some one I never have yet to begin friendship with."

"Demigod?" Steve asks.

Right, Steve doesn't research much about Norse Gods.

"Half mortal, half god,"  I said.

Steve sighs.

"Don't tell him you real name," Steve said. "Far as I know from one rambling to me; statue transformations can't be undone by Asgardian technology and magic."

I roll an eye.

"I won't," I said. "Mr Captain America."

I walk past Steve with a smile on my face.

"Hey!" Steve said, coming after me.

Eventually I came to a stop out the front door.  A bright flash of blinding blinds me temporally so I cover my dear protective eyes from the all-so-blinding defying light. I take three steps to the side out o the doorway letting Steve out. I un-shield my eyes to see no other than Thor. Why would Thor leave Asgard when he is out to get answers about some visions that Ultron gave him about the future and he has yet to discover the truth? Truthfully I imagined Thor reading books and scrolls about these visions sometimes zoning out thinking about it too much until the answer is right there staring at his face.

Thor approaches me.

"Hello," Thor said. "I heard about the Megashark."

"All ready out in the ocean with a mate," Steve said.

Thor raises his golden brows.

"How did you come up with that?" Thor asks.

"That was not my idea," Steve said.

"Stark?" Thor said.

"Yes," Steve said, with a nod. Thor's eyebrows went down.  "It took him hours to generate a fully grown female Megaladon."

"How curious," Thor said, turning his head towards me. "And who is this girl?"

"I am Ant-Girl," I said.

Thor blinks turning his head towards Steve.

"A child?" Thor said.

"Ant-Girl is not a child," Steve said. "She is a adult."

"You look too young to be an adult," Thor said.

"I get that a lot," I said, looking at Thor eerily.

Usually Thor would take it without question, generally for a guy who's dealt with Ultron ad whatever undocumented threats waged against Earth. Unless he is not Thor. Unless, Thor is still back at Asgard and there is someone pretending to be him in my presence. But why do that?

"I assume you must," Thor said, turning towards Steve. "That Sharktopus, I want to see it."

"It is underground in the tank," Steve said. "Right where we lured it out days ago."

"With little 'ol me being small," I said.

I turn small becoming the size of an ant.

"Where did Ant-Girl go?" Thor asks.

"She is called Ant-Girl for a reason," Steve said. "Come on, I'll show you the tank."

I hitch a ride on Thor's boots.

Yes, quite frankly Thor wears boots of steel with cracks to hold onto.

About 15 minutes of Thor and Steve sharing a conversation that mostly involved Thor saying 'I don't remember that' to which Steve elaborated and Thor miraculously remembered on the spot after being reminded I came to a disturbing solution.  The way Steve reacted told me this did happen a lot before Thor went to Asgard but I assume that is with the modern day culture Earth has. I realized then that someone is pretending to be Thor under a very uniquely spot on disguise matching Thor's attitude. I guess it is their take on him. A pretty accurate one.

They came into a blue room.

"Here she is," Steve said.

I hop off Thor's right boot rolling over to the side.

I haven't been able to see the Sharktopus because only VIPS  who have signed on to the Accords could enter. Which is odd because Steve has claimed on numerous occasions that he has not signed on these 'Accords' and since Thor is a god I believe he may be immune to it. I whisper the word 'big' in a pretty low voice.

"She looks beautiful," Thor said, approaching the glass.

"And deadly," Steve said.

The Sharktopus is at peace resting alongside the glass. Thor stops at the glass  then places one hand on the glass alongside the two times larger Sharktopus.  Thor has a look on his face indicating fascination and interest in the beast.  It is kind of like the one you see on a child or on a man who majors in science witnessing a break through in what is not possible.

"How did you get her in here willingly?" Thor asks.

"Meee!" I sang.

"Ant-Girl, I told you no sneaking in!" Steve said.

"I have ta' see how big the tank is," I said.

"Shrinking mortal, did you have a hand in capturing this beast?" Thor asks.

"I had a hand in attaching the control device on," I said. "With the rope that has a mind of its own."

"This is quite interesting," Thor said.  "Show me."

"No,no,no," Steve said. "I am not about to--"

"No!" I interject. "Thor just technically dared me. I'll tie him up like a pig."

"I'll like to see you try," Thor said, challengingly.

"You just made her point," Steve said.  "I'll step outside and close the door. I give you three minutes."

Steve went out and then shut the door behind him.

"I am not just Ant-Girl because of my power," I said. "I can otherwise be great at kicking ass small."

I shrink in size.

"Uh, Ant-Girl?" Thor asks, looking around stepping forwards so I get out of his boots way. "Where are you?"

I take the rope out of my side pocket walking around Thor. I see three hooks in the room. One on the left wall, a second one on the ceiling,and a third one to the left.  Right, I thought, You need a lot of velocity to make yourself go about the room in one minute. I swing my rope right after the 1st hook where it curled around the hook. I unclip my other pocket with spare tight string that is invisible to the human eye.

I leap up forwards then strike at the wall turning my direction towards Thor.

"Ant-Girl?" Thor calls looking around.

Goal three; make Thor let go of the hammer so I can tie him up before he realizes what is going on.

I unravel the invisible rope.

Hit like you mean it!, I thought flying forwards towards Thor.

I hit Thor's back pretty, pretty,pretty hard knocking him down.  Thor falls down as did his hammer so with the opportunity in hand I made my rope wrap around the ceiling hook then swing around and around tying Thor's boots and hands together making him fall to the ground tied up like a pig. I swing to the side carefully using my obvious rope earning  a safe landing.

"Big enough," I said.

I became my human size, once more.

"You cheated!" Thor said.

I laugh.

"I did not cheat," I said, putting my main rope away.

The door opens and in came Steve.

"Impressive," Steve said. "Never in a million years thought I would see Thor defeated by a girl."

"I demand to be untied!" Thor demands.

"Not unless you say please," I said.

"Please untie me," Thor said.

"Small!" I said.

"Ant-Girl, untie me!" Thor demands as I run through the open doorway.

"Get Steve to do that!" I shout back.

I saw Steve take out a device from his left pocket then hold it up.

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