Chapter 12

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Hajime's Third Person P.O.V

He couldn't hear anything after she uttered the word "burden". Everything dimmed inside of him and all he could think about were them.

"You're such a nuisance!"

"Don't go helping people when you can't even help yourself."

"You're just a problem for everyone to  carry on their shoulders."

"You're not talented. What a waste."

"I heard he only got in because of all the money his parents gave the school. Haha."

"You're only a burden."

"You should go die!"

Should go die?

Go die.


He wanted to die.

A warm hand on his shoulder snapped his thoughts in half like twigs.

A comforting feeling rushed into his chest.

The albino began walking Hajime out of the mall, not uttering a sound. With his eyes downcast and his shoulders drooped, the brunet followed his protector out the door.

The heavy sound of rain caused Hajime to look up at the sky.

Oh, so it was raining again? He had forgotten an umbrella.

He glanced towards Ko, wanting to see his reaction to the whether. Ko noticed Hajime's troubling gaze and gave him a reassuring smile.

"It's okay. The mall isn't that far from my house. I can probably carry you and run. Oh hey, are you cold?" He raised an eyebrow.

Hajime's teeth were clattering against each other since he had worn short sleeves instead of long ones. It had been warm in the afternoon though. Screw the weather.

"N-no I-I'm n-not." He defended.

However, the sneeze that came from him betrayed his thoughts.

Ko laughed.

"W-what's s-so fu-funny?" He tried to form the words in between the chattering of his teeth.

A warm presence suddenly enveloped him around his shoulders. Ko had given him his coat.

He seemed okay with it even though he was wearing short sleeves. He was probably faking it again.

"Thank you," the brunet murmured, clutching it closer.

"But won't you get cold?" He questioned.

"Nah it's fine. I can bear it."

"Well, how are we going to get back now?"

The sky was dimming into a dark purple color that peeked from behind the clouds. It was nightfall.

The air would get colder anytime soon.
Suddenly, Hajime legs were no longer touching the ground. Instead, he was being carried bridal style by Ko.

"Eh?!" At least this was the back entrance of the mall not many people were there.

"Hold on," Ko grinned like a maniac.

He shot off like a bullet, into the cold rain. The jacket shielded Hajime from most of the rain, so he didn't get wet from it. However, in Ko's case, the rain flew into his face as he ran, drenching his hair.


"You should go take the shower first! You're covered in rain!" Hajime protested as Ko pushed him towards the bathroom.

"I don't need it. You first."


"Relax. My immune system can take on anything." He boasted.

"Fine, fine. But you'll have to promise me that you will at least change your clothes so you won't get sick and die on me." He huffed in annoyance.

"Eh. Whatever. I always liked the thought of dying anyways."

Hajime glared at the boy in front of him.

"I'm going to take the shower first then. You better not get sick." He stated, closing the door.

Before he did though, a sneeze came from the living room.



Hajime walked out of the bathroom with a towel on his head.

"Ko you can use it now."

"Huh? Okay." A nasalized voice came from behind the couch.

"Do you have a stuffy nose?" Hajime questioned suspiciously.

"Eh? Nononono."

The brunet rolled the eyes. It was unexpectedly fast, though. How could someone catch a cold in such a short time? It had only been forty-five minutes when they came back.


"Ko..." Hajime dragged out the words slowly and carefully. "Did you not change clothes?"

"Huh? Wha? I did."

"You liar."

"See? I'm not lying. I did!" Ko defended himself against the accusation.

Hajime's eyes narrowed.

"That is also a lie."

He grabbed a fistful of Ko's shirt. It wasn't warm, but cold, as if he had been only wearing it minutes before Hajime came out of the shower.

"It's cold. Which means that YOU didn't bother to change right when I entered the bathroom."

He then raised a hand, as if he were going to strike Ko for his stupidity.

However, it was only to feel Ko's fluffy hair, which was used against his case.

"You're hair is still wet, which indicates that you haven't bothered to dry it," Hajime concluded.

He placed his hands on his hips.

"What do you say now?"

Ko sighed, and shook his head.

"You're such a troublesome kid..."


Ko blankly stared at Hajime like he had grown three more heads.

"My birthday is before yours. And also, I'm taller." He smirked.

Hajime clenched his fist in front of him as a threatening pose.

"Ko..." He warned.

A loud fit of coughing shook Ko to the core. His voice was raspy as he coughed.

Hajime's worry intensified.

"Didn't you say your immune system could take on anything?" He tried to joke.

Ko's coughing ceased.

"Yeah... um, about that..." He scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

Hajime pointed his finger towards the bathroom.

"Shower. Now."

Ko didn't disobey him this time.

Hajime waited as Ko shut the door behind him, then collapsed on the couch.

Geez, what am I going to do with this guy?

But I have to admit, his hair was fluffy...

He remembered the texture underneath his fingers as he placed them on top of Ko's head.

The albino's hair was smooth and silky, traveling in between the cracks of Hajime's fingers as he ruffled them.

He didn't know how long he fantasized over Ko's hair, but he lost his train of thought when he heard the bathroom door open. Ko was finally finished.

Unlike Hajime, Ko didn't look so refreshed after the shower. His face was more flushed and his actions were sluggish. He was practically dragging himself over to the bed.

"Ko? All you alright?" Hajime asked in front of the albino.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm... fine." Ko breathed heavily.
It seemed like his eyelids were closing on him too.

Ko swayed on the balls of his feet.

"I'm.... fine."

He collapsed onto Hajime.

"Ko? KO???"      

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