Chapter 16

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Hajime's Third Person P.O.V.

Day 3

He wanted death more than anything. He wanted it to take him away from all his suffering.

However, Celeste had not let death come to him that easily. After long agonizing hours of torture, she was displeased at the fact that Hajime had not yet broken like she wanted him to.

After every session, Hajime would be patched up by the medics so that he wouldn't die. He refused his food so often that Celeste had no choice but to inject nutritional fluids into the brunet's body to stop it from collapsing due to malnutrition. She didn't want her toy to die after all. She wanted to have more fun with him first, and see the emotion on Hajime's face as he broke, both mentally and physically.

She spun the wheel the second time this week. It landed on mental. Her favorite.Not so much of Hajime's though.

The brunet would take on physical torment any day. He would do anything but mental torment.

His sanity would almost be thrown off the edge of his mind sometimes.

The thought of being strong and doing it for the greater good was the only thing that held it in check.

Hajime hated the mental tortures.The dreams would fondle with his mind, casting illusion upon illusion until he couldn't tell the difference between reality and dreams anymore.

Oh, how he wished he could die. If only that witch let him. He wouldn't surrender his weakness 

to Celeste that easily.

She would just have to find it herself. Good luck to that.

Day 4

Physical torture today. It was like a carousel of agony. Every day, filled with torment until Hajime's body couldn't take it anymore. He had forgotten about Ko and his feverish state right now. It was that bad.

Scars littered Hajime's pale skin that seemed to hang off his bones.

Blood and sweat mixed together, crusting his brown hair.

His eye sockets were sunk in, he almost looked like the walking dead. But he wouldn't give in just yet. He still had a trump card up his sleeve.

The nails on his wrist restraints were very very loose, indicating that he could pull them off anytime. As for his leg restraints, Hajime realized that he now could pull them off his ease, due to his struggling in the torture sessions.

He would make his escape today.

Hajime watched the last guard leave for break. Their footsteps receded down the hallway until it faded away. They hadn't even bothered to lock his cell door.

Incredible luck.

For defense, Hajime took a shard of glass from the mirror he had broken out of rage yesterday. Before he broke it though, the brunet had noticed that his original eye color had changed. Instead of olive green, both of his eyes were now a piercing red color, just like Celeste's. He was too shocked to think when it had changed when he first saw it. Not like it really mattered anyway.

Armed with the sharp piece of glass, Hajime limped out of his cell and into the empty hallway. 

Freedom was just at his fingertips. If only he could reach it.

He walked into a figure, his head slamming against the body.

"What are you doing out here?" The figure asked.

Hajime looked up at the person he had bumped into.

He struck like a snake, using the piece of glass to stab the figure in the chest. He didn't care if they were on Celeste's side or not. He had learned to trust nobody. That's his way of surviving. You can't even seem to trust yourself either. He couldn't be dependent on someone since they'll just end up stabbing you right in the back again.

Hajime only walked a few paces when a bittersweet sounding voice echoed around the halls.

"Well, well. Who's been a bad boy?"

Day 5He was back. This time, Celeste showed no mercy. It was both mental and physical torture. To make it worse, Celeste had hit the jackpot, as she did every time in gambling. She had found Hajime's weakness.

Celeste didn't know how she hadn't seen it before. It was all so obvious.

She watched as Hajime bleed out on the floor with double restraints. The crimson blood leaked into cracks in the floor, staining it red yet again.

Then came her most favorite part of today's torture session.

Surely he would break this time. If not, the second. As everyone says, third time's the charm.Hajime wasn't even conscious when Celeste stuck yet another needle into his fragile skin.

The darkness swirled around his mind, enveloping the boy in a cocoon of black.

He was back in his prison cell. His body ached all over, but besides that, he was perfectly normal. So all that was a dream? He sighed in relief. And to think that it was actually real.

He spotted a blob of white hair at the entrance of his cell.

"Ko!" Hajime called out almost immediately.

"I'm over here! Help me!"

He saw Ko's face in the dim light. The albino wore a face of shock and sadness.

"You're still not dead?" He sighed, crossing his arms.

"Wha-What?" Hajime stuttered. He tried to reach out for his protector, but a collar around his neck stopped him from doing so. He fell backward, clawing at the collar, wanting to be released.

"Don't struggle. It'll just make it worse," Ko stated.

"What do you mean?" Confusion gripped Hajime and squeezed him so tightly that he couldn't 

breathe properly anymore.

Ko looked at Hajime with disappointing eyes.

"It means that I have to kill you myself. I knew I couldn't trust Celeste with that task. Oh well, after I kill you, I can finally be free anyways."

"Kill me? Wha-what do you mean?" Hajime panicked.

Ko was actually in league with Celeste?

Why? When? How? What?

"Geez... you're such a burden. That's more of the reason to kill you." Ko started advancing towards Hajime.

He lifted his foot and stomped on the brunet's stomach, causing the air in his lungs to 


Ko lifted his foot and did it again, and again, and again. A coppery tang appeared in Hajime's mouth. Blood.

Ko laughed as he drew long lines onto Hajime's skin with a blade, spelling out the words BURDEN.

"There we go. Now you shall forever be branded as a nobody who isn't loved by anyone or 

anything. You'll forever be a loner. Goodbye, Hajime Hinata."

Ko brought the knife downwards and into Hajime's shattered heart.

Day 6

It was all over. His sanity had withered into dust, and his heart and soul had been shattered into 

a million fragments, not even the gods could put it back together again.

He had broken, given into Despair.

He had lost all will to live.

He was just an empty shell with no soul or emotions.

He had become a new person.

He had given up Hope.

The last torture session had broken Hajime.

He had now lost his sense of reality and the dream world. But he did manage to obtain a vital piece of information.

If he were in a dream, he would have to kill himself to escape. It was the only logical thing to do.

His red eyes darted across the floor, half closed, an attempt to find anything to kill himself with.Nothing.

Too bad the medics had cleaned up the mirror and its shards.

No one was going to come for Hajime now.

That was the truth.

It was the final truth that demolished his last fragment of hope.

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