Chapter 2

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Hajime's Third Person P.O.V.

The book's pages suddenly flipped as if a phantom wind had stirred it. A bright purple glow emitted from the words. The pages began to flip faster. And faster. And faster. Until it reached the end of the book. Then it slammed shut. A figure emerged from the chaos. The clanking of a chain could be heard.

"Oh lookie here," A suave voice said. "Look what I got dragged into again." 


Hajime opened his drowsy eyes, rubbing them as he sat up.

Huh, I must have fallen asleep before I finished the first page. He laughed to himself.
Then, he noticed the figure on the ground.

"HOLY-!" Hajime screamed.

The figure stirred ever so slightly. "Mhhh.."

"What the-" Hajime backed up onto the wall. The figure opened his eyes. They were the color of emeralds, but darker.

He turned his head towards Hajime. Then he smiled. Not a gentle one, but an insane one.

He slowly got to his feet and bowed with much respect.

"I'm the servant. You are now my master. I shall obey your words."



Hajime stared at the albino from across the room. His appearances seemed so familiar... He just couldn't lay his finger on what it was.

But it all cleared up when the albino spoke up.

"My name is Servant."

Hajime's mouth hung open.

"You mean...The Servant? The one who partnered with the Ultimate Despair?"

"Well, yes. But I no longer work for her. As of now, you are my new master, as I have just said before."


The Servant titled his head to the side.

"I do not understand what fictional means."
Hajime's brain could not process what was currently happening, and thus his mouth opened and closed like a fish on land.

"Are you alright, Master?"

Hajime closed his eyes. This must be some joke.

Yeah, that's right. A cosplayer. A hardcore fan just like me.

"Alright, you cosplayer. Get out of my house now or I will call the cops."

The albino looked even more confused now.

"I am not a cosplayer. And it is also against my contract to leave your side. If I don't obey these rules, I will end up losing my life. Not that I care. Trash like me shouldn't be alive after all. Such bad luck has dragged me to this place. Aha...AHaHaHa!"

His laugh was insane. Just like the real Servant.

Just then, Hajime noticed that his sweaty palm was holding onto a piece of paper.

Curious, he opened it.

"This is real." Is all it said.

Heck?! Who the heck is playing with me right now!!

His eyebrows scrunched up again.

"If you're really the real thing, tell me your real name."

He laughed yet again. "Ah, you see. I would love to tell you. Anything for my master. But it is forbidden to tell you my full name. Just call me Servant, due to the fact that I am still trash and trash like me shouldn't even have a name. I'm such a disgrace to society."

"Well then...Tell me who sent you."

"That is also classified. But I can tell you this. I walked through a portal and got here."

Hajime had chosen to believe him now. Just out of instinct, a nagging part of his brain insisted that it was real, that the Servant was real. He chose to believe it.

"Well then. I'll call you Antagonist." His eyes glistened with dramatic tears. "Master gave me a name! Trash like me doesn't deserve this!"

Hajime's eye twitched.

"First of all, stop calling me Master, call me Hajime, or Hinata, whichever. Second of all, stop calling yourself trash," he ordered.

Antagonist gracefully bowed at Hajime. "Of course, Ma- Hinata-kun."


"Why'd I have to get stuck with the bad guy?" he sighed.

Antagonist had heard.

"The...bad guy?" he questioned.

"Yeah. You're the one causing despair everywhere and you even killed my second favorite character!"


"Oh right. I forgot. You're a character in a book series, which is fictional. That means you are not supposed to be here. And you killed Chiaki Nanami."

"Chiaki Nanami...Such a tragic death if I do say so myself. Such despair.."

"So all of those events were real in your world?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Nothing. Why were you sent here anyway?"

Antagonist pointed to the purple leathered book.

"That book is extremely important. You're the one who will protect it. I will be the one protecting the protector of the book." A smile flitted across his lips at the last sentence.

"Why is it so important though? Why me?"

Antagonist sighed. "That I cannot answer either. But you'll figure out in time."

The confusion continued to linger in Hajime's mind.

"Anyways..." Antagonist started. He pulled a small dagger out of his coat jacket. The blade met flesh and ruby red blood came gushing out onto Antagonist's palm.

"To seal the contract, you must drink my blood."

"The wha-, what? Why?"

"So I can sense whenever you're in danger and come to save you." he grinned.

"Uh, no thanks..."

Antagonist's grin faded. "You have to. Or else."

"Or else wha-"

The window shattered with an earsplitting boom.

"They're here," mumbled Antagonist. He silently cursed under his breath.

"Hurry up and drink it," he commanded.

"Hey! I thought I was the one allowed to make the orders." Hajime yelled.

"Not unless you die. I can't protect you from those people if I don't seal the contract with you using this blood oath. Therefore I cannot use my abilities to shield you from harm's way. Believe me, this isn't the first time I've done this either."


Antagonist muttered something about someone being stupid. Something about an Arthur?


The footsteps were approaching more rapidly now.

With much hesitation, Hajime took Antagonist's hand and drank.

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