Chapter 5

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Ko's Third Person P.O.V.

The morning rays of sunshine hit Ko's face, and unfortunately, directly on his eyelids too.

"Hnrrhh... What time is it..?" he mumbled, still groggy from sleep.

Then he realized.


He mentally slapped himself for being so irresponsible.

But where was Hajime? His eyes darted across the room in a panic. Was he taken? There were no signs of any resistance against the kidnapping. His senses told him that Hajime had a calm emotion right now, and he felt no pain.

Brown hair poked out from behind the bathroom door.

"Good morning," he managed to say between the toothpaste foam.

Ko's heartbeat slowed down, now that he knew Hajime was safe.

But why did he care? Sure he needed to protect him because he didn't want to lose another one of the people he had to protect, but what was this other feeling?

He just couldn't lay a finger on it.

"You know," Hajime said suddenly, already rinsing the toothpaste out of his mouth. "I think we should find the author of the book and give it back to them."

Ko felt a pang in his chest.


"Well, you want nothing to do with me, and I want nothing to do with you. I just want to live a normal life. So why not return the book?"

Ko sighed.

"I would have done that sooner, but I can't touch the book. You're the only one who can open it. But if you open it, something bad will happen and boom. Also, the author hates to be seen."

"Then let's track him down. You are his character after all."

Ko played with his chain that hung from the collar.

"Ehm... Well...."

"Well? What?"

"It's more difficult than that..."

He picked at his nails, not wanting to meet Hajime's gaze.

Hajime walked over to Ko. He lunged out and grabbed the chain, causing Ko to lean forward to meet Hajime's face.

"I order you to show me to the place where the author lives."

The collar heated up.

The exact location of where he lived showed up in Ko's mind.

"My, my, aren't you a demanding one." He smirked. "You'd make a great tyrant someday you know?"

His eyes glimmered with mischief.

Hajime's physical appearance didn't show it, but Ko could feel the embarrassment that was bubbling inside of Hajime.

One of the perks of being a bodyguard, I guess. He smiled.

He was starting to enjoy this.


The sidewalks were bustling with people, either talking on their phones or texting. Many people rushed by the pair, not giving even a glance at them.

The roads roared with cars that were honking and beeping at one another. What a traffic jam.

Ko eagerly took in his surroundings, making up an excuse that he was looking for any possible sign of danger.

But you can't blame him. He hadn't gone to the human world for such a long time. A lot of things had evolved.

"Hey Ko," Hajime spoke up.


"Why does your personality change so much?"

"I'm bipolar."


"But the personality when I first met you was a side effect."

"A side effect?"

"Mhm. That was my character personality."

"But I thought that your character personality would be your personality in real life."

"Oh, you poor simple-minded Hajime. The author makes up our personality, yes, and he also controls our lives. But... when we're in the real world, we change. We get to have our own feelings, our own lives. Lives in which even the author can't control."

"Then how did you get here in the first place?"

"That's a secret~. That is.... if you believe in magic." Ko purred.

Hajime sputtered. "Magic??? Those are only in fairytales!"

Ko chuckled.

"Believe in whatever you want."

They neared an emptier street. There were less and fewer people. Until... silence.

"You sure it's here, Ko?"

Ko placed his hand on Hajime's mouth.


Two cloaked figures appeared out of nowhere and started advancing towards the two males.

Ko took Hajime's tie and used it as a blindfold.

"Close your eyes. Whatever you do, don't open them until I say so."

Hajime couldn't object, so he obeyed. Ko swiftly slid out two daggers, his signature weapon, then threw them at the figures.

They simply dodged out of the way.

"I see... So that's how it's gonna be hm..." he told himself.

He summoned small darts in between his fingers, accurately shooting them at the cloaked figures.

They dodged yet again.

It looked as if they were in no hurry for they were only walking, not running, to the pair.
"No?" Ko mused to himself. "Well then..."

He took out two guns.

Gunshots pierced the empty silence, filling the air. If he could, Ko could just run towards them and slash open their necks. However, there was the case of Hajime and the fact that he couldn't leave his side. 

This was annoying him.

He could just end their pesky little lives right now. The only thing holding him back was that rule.

He couldn't risk the scenario in which he hid Hajime behind his back while he fought. That would be even riskier.

He clenched his teeth.

Stupid rules.

A sudden pain rushed to his throat.

Oh, heck no. 

He had forgotten about what would happen if there were to be another one of them. Truly he was so careless.

"Don't move. Or I'll slice his throat open."

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