Untitled: Part 27

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I used to put the happiness of my loved one first before anything,

I thought making them happy would make me happy too,

But as time flew by, I finally understood the meaning clearly,

Happiness of own self is far more important in the whole world.

In pursuit of happiness, I roamed far and wide, 

Through valleys of sorrow and mountains of pride,

But little did I know, it was always within, 

A radiant light, waiting to begin profoundly.

I did some real big mistakes throughout life,

But I pushed through and learned many things,

Happiness also was something that I learnt,

I hope I'll not put away my happiness to give others. 

I am like a white falcon flying in the sky for happiness,

A journey of self-love and inner laughter within,

No longer seeking anyone's help or basic needs,

I soar on wings of self-discovery and pleasure.

I love myself just the way I am created into,

My quirks, my unique voice and talents,

Everything is the reason of my happiness,

I can make myself happy no matter what.

I don't need a man to make me happy,

I don't need anyone to save me in life,

I am enough and will do anything possible,

Happiness is an eternal bliss gifted into life.

Smiling is the main antidote and key to happiness,

Smile more often even though you're sad inside,

Don't let sadness make you fall in depression,

You have to fight for your own happiness it's needed.

Self-happiness is not a fleeting illusion, 

But a steadfast anchor in life's confusion.

 It blooms like a flower, radiant and bright, 

Igniting my spirit with its glorious light.

Happiness is a power, a weapon to solve life's problems,

Every human has ups and downs in each steps they take,

So, it's important to give and spread happiness in the world,

Be the reason someone smiles every day and light up like moon.

So let us embrace this precious gift,

 Unravel the layers, let our spirits lift.

 For self-happiness is a beacon to share, 

A ripple of joy, spreading everywhere.

In this grand tapestry of existence, you see,

 The thread of self-happiness weaves you and me. 

Together we'll dance, basking in its embrace,

 A symphony of souls, in perfect grace.

Indeed, life was made to enjoy and live dreams,

Not to be dwelled upon trauma and tragic things,

There are reasons to be sad but there is more reason,

To smile all most every second, you are here in the world.

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