Untitled: Part 51

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In the realm of shadows where sorrow weaves, 

A tapestry of tears, the heart perceives. 

A haunting melody, a mournful song, 

The symphony of sadness, played so strong.

Beneath the moon's pale, melancholy gaze, 

A lone soul wanders through a murky haze. 

Whispers of regret in the silent air,

 A burdened heart, weighed down by despair.

The willow weeps, its branches bowing low,

 As if sharing tales of woe from long ago.

 Each leaf a teardrop, glistening with pain,

 A testament to the tempest of disdain.

In the garden of emotions, blooms decay, 

Petals of joy wither and fade away. 

The vibrant hues of happiness retreat,

 Leaving behind a palette cold and fleet.

Eyes that once sparkled with a lively gleam,

 Now mirror the sadness, a tempestuous stream. 

The echoes of laughter, a distant trace,

 Lost in the labyrinth of a somber space.

Sadness is an empty feeling inside the heart,

You may feel suffocated and locked inside your own body.

You cannot surpress or express your own emotions,

You want to escape the reality, just live your own way.

Nobody will understand except your loved ones,

Why you're shedding storms of tears within.

Only those who are true will know you for you,

Your feelings are like  shattered pieces of glass.

 Tears streaming down your face, you wonder,

" I never felt so alive and free while I cried this much."

Yes, sometimes crying lets out all your feelings and emotions trapped,

You feel so relieved and free as your emotions are out.

A symphony of silence in the lonely heart, 

Where once danced dreams, now torn apart.

The sunsets paint a canvas dipped in blue,

As shadows of sadness deepen and accrue.

But in the depths of despair, a flicker remains,

A resilient spirit that silently sustains. 

For even in sadness, a beauty lies, 

A kaleidoscope of emotions, a soul that defies.

Through the tears that fall like gentle rain,

 A cleansing ritual, a release of pain. 

For sadness, too, has its own sacred art,

 A cathartic journey, a mending of the heart.

So, let the verses of sorrow gently flow, 

Like a river of emotions, a ebb and a flow. 

In the vast expanse of the human soul, 

Sadness is but one part, a transient toll.

For in the tapestry of life, both dark and bright, 

The threads of sadness weave with threads of light. 

And from the symphony of sorrow, we may find, 

A resilient spirit, a heart unconfined.

The ocean's waves, a mournful hymn,

 A requiem for feelings dim.

In every ebb, a tear is shed, 

A testament to love long distant.

Yet, in the heart of sorrow's maze, 

A flicker of hope, a distant blaze. 

For sadness, too, must find its end,

 As time, a gentle healer, sends.

A promise wrapped in morning's light,

 That joy shall follow darkest night.

 For in the tapestry of life, 

Sadness is but a thread, not strife.

So let the tears, like rain, descend, 

And let the broken hearts unbend. 

For in the vast expanse of sadness,

 There lies the seed of future gladness.

A storm of silence, thunderous and cold,

Where dreams unravel, stories untold.

 A canvas painted with grey hues, 

The portrait of the saddened muse.

For in the heart of the darkest night, 

There lies a glimmer, a distant light.

A promise that this too shall pass, 

As shadows fade, and sorrows amass.

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