Untitled: Part 74

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In the quiet of the evening, where shadows softly fall,
I wander through the memories, of a love that once stood tall.
Echoes of our laughter, like a distant, haunting song,
Remind me of the days when everything felt right, not wrong.

Your eyes, like stars in twilight, now fade in distant skies,
Their light once shone upon me, now hidden from my eyes.
The warmth of your embrace, a ghostly, tender touch,
Is now a fleeting whisper, I miss so very much.

The gardens where we wandered, with blossoms all in bloom,
Now seem like lonely pathways, wrapped in silent gloom.
The winds that used to carry, our secrets and our dreams,
Now murmur tales of sorrow, in their soft and mournful streams.

We built our castle high, on promises and trust,
But time, like cruel tides, has turned it all to dust.
The love we thought eternal, like a fleeting autumn rain,
Has left behind the echoes, of a sweet yet aching pain.

Each moment spent together, each kiss and tender word,
Now rest within the shadows, of the memories deferred.
Our love, a distant lighthouse, on a shore of yesteryears,
Guides me through the darkness, with the shimmer of my tears.

I search the starlit heavens, for signs of your return,
But find only the emptiness, in the constellations burn.
The moonlight on the water, reflects a silvery glow,
Of dreams that drifted far away, where only heartache grows.

Yet in the depths of sorrow, there lies a quiet grace,
A strength born from the heartache, a calm within the space.
For though our love is scattered, like leaves upon the breeze,
It lives within the silence, of the whispered, trembling trees.

In dreams, you often visit, with a smile soft and kind,
A fleeting, ghostly presence, a solace for my mind.
Though waking brings the distance, and reality's cold truth,
The moments shared in slumber, are treasures of my youth.

So here I stand, unyielding, on the shores of memory,
With heart and soul entwined in what was once to be.
For lost love never truly fades, it lingers in the heart,
A bittersweet reminder, of what we had to part.

In the quiet of the evening, where shadows softly blend,
I whisper to the night winds, of a love that couldn't end.
For though we walk on separate paths, beneath the starry dome,
Our hearts will always carry, the whispers of our home.

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