Untitled: Part 77

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Surrounded by the garden where our souls first met,

Two hearts entwined, their fate beset,

Beneath the vast skies, where moonlight glimmers,

We wove our dreams from silken seams.

Your eyes, they guide to a sky full of stars,

A map to heaven, where no boundary mars,

In their depths, I wake up to my fears of losing you,

Bathed in the light of countless years.

With each gaze, the cosmos unfurls,

A tapestry of endless and unseen worlds,

Your presence, they speak of ancient lore,

Of love that burns forevermore.

Your smile transcends beauty over time,

A timeless tressure, pure, sublime,

It shines through ages, past and now,

A promise on which my heart does vow.

In its curve, I find my solace,

A warm embrace, a tender grace,

No artist's hand could craft so magnificent,

As your smile, my love, my meaning.

Your laughter echoes in the halls we once walked through,

A melody seemingly familiar, yet always new,

It dances within the morning light,

Chasing away the deepest night.

In its rhythm, I hear our past,

The moments that were made to last,

Each note a step, each chord a tear,

Binding us closer, year after year.

Your voice is sweet and melodic to hear,

A gentle whisper that draws me nearby,

Like a lullaby in the silence of night,

It soothes my soul, makes everything right.

In its tone, I find my peace,

A love that will never cease,

Each word, a testament, soft and clear,

That you, my beloved, will always be here.

We walk side by side, holding hands,

Through time's ever shifting sand,

No storm can tear what we've sown,

Inside the garden where our love has grown.

We've faced numerous trials, we've faced obstacles,

We've weathered time, and shed our precious tears,

Despite through all circumstances, we've stood as one,

Our love, a long journey, just began from the very start.

In every adventure, in every memory,

In every joy, in every hardship,

I came across you, my eternal flame,

In every tune that mentions your name.

For Love is more than just a word,

More than whispers softly heard,

It's in the way your heart collides with mine,

Within the silent vows, we've made divine.

It's in the early mornings, soft and young,

When dawn breaks over yonder hill,

And in the wild nights when shadows play,

You love is present to illuminate my way.

In every glace, in every moment,

I sense the bond that means so much,

No force on earth can tear apart,

The string that pulls us, soul to soul.

We've danced through life's unsteady floor,

Found valuables in what others ignore,

Alongside the quiet hours, in the loud,

We wore our love like a shroud of attachment.

You are the dream I never knew would come true,

A love so deep, pure, so true and innocent,

In your embrace, I've found my real home,

A sanctuary where I am never lonely.

Your loving gaze escorts me into glowing clouds,

Where our love is inked, free of trauma,

A story told in timeless blaze,

A tale that bounds no end in sight.

Your twinkle, it's the song of the past,

A history that is utterly mine,

In it, I see the days gone by,

Besides the future holds no unfortune.

Your childlike giggles, it's passage of time,

A euphony that lasts till the world ends,

In its sound waves, I hear distant calls,

The flashbacks that calm our terror.

Your essence, a fragrance that lingers on,

Right after the day comes to an end,

It's the siren that distracts me home,

No matter how far I roam into the unknown.

Our love was made within the realms of galaxies,

In every heartbeat, in every blow and trouble,

It's a battle that doesn't implement losing,

A story where we will never bend any rules.

Through every cyclone, every fight,

We will hold on with all our might,

For true love isn't just a sentence,

It's a metaphor that must be spoken.

In every mumble, in every roar,

It's a passion which leaves no doubt,

A love unbreakable, so real and right,

That nothing we could turn back to.

Your eyes, your smile, your laughter and your voice,

All directs me to an unconditional love I rejoice,

In your heart, I have found my blissful shelter inside,

A love where I truly belong.

We will walk this golden path till the end of time,

Enclosed by a love that never frays,

Through every season, through every year,

Looking at you, I find my greatest inspiration.

Our love spreads across the sky, stars and night,

A candle flickering, ever been bright,

And as we journey on this pavement,

In your warmth, I found my ambition.

For true love isn't just a fleeting thing,

It's the melody that makes life sing,

It's in the eyes that guide to the stars,

In the cheeky grin that heals wounds.

It's in the laughter that fills the air,

In the voice that says, "I'll always be there,"

In every beat, in every line,

In your love, I've found spiritual peace.

So let the world turn as it may,

In your love, I will always stay,

For true love is eternal, pure, and strong,

A symphony where we both belong.

We've built a life, brick by brick, hand in hand,

A castle of dreams, on a foundation so grand,

Each memory we've made, every tear, every laugh,

Has carved our own path, our very own craft.

Through the chapters we've written, in the book of our days,

We've found in each other, a love that always stays,

It's in the pages worn, in the ink that never fades,

In the stories we've shared, in the love that pervades.

For love is not perfect, it's messy and raw,

It's in the wounds we heal, in the truths we feel,

It's the courage to stay, when the going gets tough,

It's knowing our love, is more than enough.

When the years grow long, and our hair turns gray,

When the fire burns low, and the night overtakes day,

I'll still see the stars in the depths of your eyes,

And I'll still feel the love that transcends all goodbyes.

In the twilight of life, when our journey's near end,

I'll look back with you, my lover, my friend,

And in that final glance, before we must part,

I'll thank the stars for you, the keeper of my heart.

And when the world is silent, and our story is done,

Our love will remain, like the warmth of the sun,

A lantern for others, a tale to inspire,

Of two hearts that found, a love that won't tire.

So here's to you, my love, the light in my days,

The moon in my night, the fire that stays.

In you, I've found, what the poets adore,

A love that defines the limits of the universe.

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