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Here's my most recent FF Video (trailer)! \(*-*)/ You might have noticed that in the title I have Jimin FF Video, while in the end of the video I have Jimin/Jungkook FF Video, hehe e.e' XD That was all for a reason... I couldn't decide!!! TTuTT XD Can someone help me decide?! TTuTT XD

By the way, I also made a FF Video for Vmin - Number One, so you can always check it out on my channel, if you want ^-^


Jimin POV

"So, what's troubling me is..."

And with that I told them everything – ok, almost everything, there were still some things I didn't want anyone to know... - and brought up a few things that they never expected to hear from me nor from anyone.

I told them about the playboy - of course, I referred him as Yoongi, I didn't want them to start suspecting me and my true intentions, or even start hating me instead of the person I had in mind: the guy I hated the most.

I told them about our type of relationship, while still being careful to ensure I would not mention about us being roommates: I would only use and share with them that information later, in the - possibly near - future, when the time had truly come.  Now it just wasn't the right time.

And to leave the best for last...

...I started telling them everything he had done to me: the constant threats, the attempts to punch me – despite the fact I had actually punched him once before, which I decided to just keep a secret from them too – and even the sexual assault and harassment he did recently to me.

As the words escaped from my mouth, their eyes got wider and wider and I could clearly see their shock. Still, I wasn't sure if that shock was something good, at least in my perspective, neither pleasant news nor a sign of them being actually on my side.

Their first reaction could be shock, but the next one, the definitive one, could be anger and rage. They could start hating me now, as I had revealed, exposed and said so many bad things about their idol, the person they admired and loved the most in school. However, that was a risk I had to make.

This was the only chance - and only way - for me to have some kind of advantage against him! And that's why I would keep going with this plan, even if the result and consequences could be catastrophic and ruin the whole "purpose" of me being transferred to this school!

And so, I decided to finish "informing" them with the story about the argument I had with the playboy early in the morning, which made him miss school, as whose absence was more than noticeable to everyone. Once finished, I just leaned back on my chair and waited for their last reaction.

"How would they react?"

That provoking and amusing question, which had been traveling freely inside my mind until that moment, collecting all my attention and eliminating all the other thoughts, useless, on the way, was now "louder" than ever.

The possible reactions were only a few – shock, pity, anger, hate – but the question still didn't lose its hilarity, at least not for me.

The destination and the possible receivers of some of those reactions and emotions were something that contributed for my amusement too - not to mention, also for my fear and anxiety, which I consciously tried really hard to give myself reasons to not feel...

"So..." I thought and moved my gaze towards them the same instant, with that question still stuck inside my head.

"...How are you going to react?"


Yoongi POV

~ Vrm Vrm ~

My phone started vibrating inside my pocket, as I was glaring at myself in the mirror and carefully analyzing the recent bruise, which "apparently my new roommate" stupidly had the nerve to be the originator of, without actually having a fucking good reason. I had gotten a message, but I didn't even bother to read it nor see who had messaged me.

My fingers softly touched the red area, now more bluish and purple.

To be honest,  I didn't care about the pain, even because my cheek was number than actually sore. The problem was indeed the aspect of it.

My cheek was already all swollen and with an ugly shape - not to mention, color -, which it was more than unlikely to pass unnoticed. The midget really hadn't held himself back when he decided to punch me...!

The phone didn't stop vibrating, as it kept receiving more and more messages from whom-fucking-knows-but-he-or-she-will-most-likely-wish-to-never-had-been-born-after-seeing-me-angry-because-of-them.

I tried to ignore the constant texts, but, as my patience started decreasing and the messages, on the other hand, didn't stop coming, I just picked up my phone from my pocket before I could end up losing the rest of my sanity...!

"Aff, what now...?" I mumbled under my breath, as I lazily went to the messages section and slowly ran my eyes through the screen. I had multiple messages from the same person and, maybe luckily, maybe not – I didn't remember anymore, ironically -, I recognized that person's name and remembered who was.

I began to read the messages one by one, after ignoring the first (many) ones which only repeated "Hi" over and over again.

"Hey, where are you, dude?"


"Why aren't you at school? Did something happen?"

"Did you just decide to miss school?"

"The morning classes are already over and I still didn't see you. Everyone's also asking for you. Are you really missing school?!"

And after these considerably "normal" messages, everything went downhill and started getting weirder and weirder, not to mention way far from my current comprehension.


"It was about time"

"What the hell is he talking about?" I asked inside my mind, as his texts, instead of actually getting my interest, only made me start feeling annoyed.

"I knew it was only a matter of time"

"It, you say? Matter of time, you say?" Now all those words, besides of being total gibberish to me, were upsetting me a lot. In my perspective, it was all just a lazy prank or someone trying to make fun of me by confusing me, if not both.

"Don't worry"

"I will make sure to properly welcome you back when you're finally here"

"What is his problem?" I frowned at those last messages and gave up on trying to figure out the meaning of them.

"He probably messaged the wrong person. These texts most likely weren't even meant to be read by me." I told myself to stop thinking about it and decided to just put my phone aside, to then get back to thinking in how to deal with the bruise and especially in how to cover it.

However, my mind, for some reason, was unconsciously determined to not give me permission to forget his texts and, when my phone vibrated again with a new message, the same started screaming at me to read it.

Still, the conscious part of my brain was the one who had most control over my body, so I knew I wouldn't go anywhere without actually wanting. My mind couldn't persuade me to do anything I didn't want to do, like look into the phone...

...Or at least, I thought...

And that's when it decided to use its trump card against me...

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

That question suddenly popped inside my mind, almost as a dark and painful thought, unwanted and intruder. Involuntary, I immediately looked at the phone which I had left next to me, near the sink, and gulped nervously.

"Am I forgetting something...? Isn't it just a prank...? Didn't he message the wrong person...?"

I finally accepted the fact that, sooner or later, I would end up reading the message and I decided to just get over with it quickly. I picked the phone one last time, went through the messages and...

...If I was trying to erase that question from my mind and to convince myself that, or the messages had no meaning, or weren't actually meant to me, before, now I could start reconsidering giving up, because the next message wasn't of any help for me at all...

"I missed you, Yoongi"


New chapter! \(*-*)/ Sorry for not updating for so long, I had kind of forgotten about this fanfic... e.e' XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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