Part 6

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Regardless of my fears that I was going to be taken to a dungeon to become his sex slave, he parked right in front of my house. I heaved a sigh of relief. Finally, I was getting out from this horror ride.

As I started opening the door, the locks were back in place. I turned around to look at him. Would I get a goodbye kiss?

Dominic scowled.

Guess not, I'm not getting any kisses anytime soon. I could still taste a bit of him in my throat. He hadn't allowed me to drink water after that, what an asshole.

"What?" I asked him.

"Better soften that look when you talk to your master, okay?" He patted my cheek, "Also, there's a weekend party at my buddy's cabin house an hour away from here. Cool place, lots of fun things to do there. You're coming with me, and 'No' is not an answer because slaves don't get to fucking say 'No'. They do what their Master asks them to."

When he agreed to help me fend off the bullies, I knew there had to be a catch. A popular guy like Dominic with rumors surrounding him, he can't be the "nice guy" he pretended to be at the ice-rink. When I'd seen that dangerous look on him that night, I knew he was hiding something, I just didn't know it was this rotten personality.

He was taking this Slave-Master thing seriously. Maybe the psycho had some kind of fetish and I'd given him that once in a life-time opportunity.

"Make sure you carry enough clothes for two nights." He declared. "And wear some sexy thongs otherwise I'm going to throw you in the lake."

I gaped at him, "You can't be thinking about sleeping with me during this weekend party."

"Fuck yes, I am." He squished my cheeks together, "And don't you dare pretend like you're an untouchable little daddy's girl because I saw the way your panties were soaked like you were standing in the freakin rain or something. Point is, you wanted it but you're just going to keep denying it."

What was with this personality flip?!

"It was the first time anyone touched me!" I said, getting a little defensive.

"Whatever. If I'd decided to fuck you in my car, your cunt would have eaten up my dick in an instant and the only reason I didn't do it is because I wanted to savor the moment so two weeks from now, you better come for this weekend getaway party."

"What if I can't?" I asked. "I mean it's possible my step-mother would have something to say about it."

I hope she does. In fact, I hope my father yells at me and I'm grounded for an entire year.

"You're eighteen, they can't stop you. Tell them you're staying over at your boyfriend's place."

My eyes went wider, "You seriously want me to lie to everyone?"

He gave me an amused look, "You never lied to anyone before," He laughed humorlessly, slapping my cheeks playfully again, "You're something, aren't you?"

"I won't lie to my dad!"

"Why the hell not, Maeve? People are going to talk at school when they see us together so telling them I'm your "boyfriend" is more convenient, don't you think?" He smiled coyly, "Or would you rather tell them the truth?"


"And come to school early tomorrow. I'll be waiting in the parking lot."


"Because I'm fucking telling you to." His dark eyes flashed in warning, "And next time you talk back to me, it won't be nice. I don't like misbehaving slaves, am I clear?"


"Good. I'll see you tomorrow."

* * *

Dominic had put a lot of fear into my head that I'd almost forgotten about the bullies. I didn't know what was worse, the fact that I was getting bullied by a bully to fend off the bullies or the sheer stupidity of all this.

I couldn't wait to get into a nice hot bath, and scrub Dominic's seed off me. Harmony, Melody and Bridget were all going for dinner and a movie tonight, and as usual they hadn't invited me but that was fine because I enjoyed my own company. I planned to make a burrito and watch a movie.

I opened the door with my key but the doorknob gave away easily.


I knew they weren't home because their car wasn't in the driveway so why was the door open?

There had to be in intruder.

I quickly reached in my bag and took out the pepper spray when I saw a shadow pass in the kitchen and walking into the living area.

I raised the spray to the person's eyes when I saw him coming at me with a baseball bat.

I screamed.

"Stop!" He yelled covering his eyes.

Too late, I'd sprayed all over his face.

Turned out, it wasn't an intruder. It was Win, my step-brother with his thick golden hair and sheepish brown eyes.

I stood outside the bathroom as he started washing his eyes.

"I'm so sorry...I didn't know you were supposed to be here today and your car wasn't in the driveway."

"My car is in the workshop, need to get the tires changed." He complained.

"Do your eyes hurt?"

"Just stinging. I didn't get too much into my eyes so don't worry about it."

His eyes were going to end up looking red, and I was going to be blamed for this. I was already dreading the lecture I was about to receive from my step-mother.

The scent of garlic butter permeated the air. It smelled amazing in here which hardly ever does because Bridget can't cook to save her life. The only thing she made perfectly was spaghetti, and she made that twice a week and the girls usually complained.

I was stupid to assume it was an intruder. No intruder was going to stay long enough in a house to cook a delicious meal.

After he'd done washing off his face, he turned to look at me, "You're coming from school?"


"It's pretty late. Are you in the cheerleading squad or something?"

"Or something." I answered.

I just wanted to go upstairs and get into the freakin' bath!

I guess he was waiting for me to elaborate on why I was coming late from school but what was I going to tell him? Should I say that I was too busy having the town's troublemaker's hands up my skirt?

"I thought I was going to be at home by myself since Mom texted me that she was having a girl's night." Win shrugged, "I figured you would be with them too."

"If there was an invitation, I didn't get the memo."

"I'm sorry they are treating you this way." His tone had sympathy in it, "I'll talk to your dad about this."

I shook my head, "Hey don't worry about it. I can handle them."

"Still." He said, "You should talk to Henry."

And tell him what? That his wife and daughters were not including me in their girl's night out plans? I'd rather stay home than go out with them.

"I don't want to cause any trouble." Which was the truth, "I'm happy he's letting me stay here, and besides, after graduation, I'll be moving out."

Win stared at me with clear amber eyes, "If things go crazy here, you can come and live with me. I don't have an apartment yet because of the business startup. I live in a trailer but you're always welcome."

"Thanks, Win. I appreciate it."

Win's name was Winter, but no one called him that, and who names their kid after a weather? Only someone as eccentric as my step-mother. Maybe she was drunk one night and decided to name him.

"No problem."

I helped him set the table, and I was surprised how natural our conversation was flowing. He'd made butter garlic chicken, and some creamy mashed potatoes with a lot of cheese. I think this was the first time I'd enjoyed someone's cooking in this house. I was a decent cook since I did most of the cooking at home, but Win's cooking was next level.

"We are kind of similar." He pointed out at the table.

"Similar how?"

He chuckled, "Both of us don't really belong here. You're here because of your dad and I'm here because of my mom. They have their own little family and sometimes when I visit, I feel like an intruder."

I smiled; he had a point. "You're not wrong." The delicious gooeyness of the mashed potatoes melted into my mouth. "Do you wish things were different?"

"I don't have a great relationship with my dad. Honestly, I prefer your dad more than him."

"Yeah, he's alright."

I hadn't properly noticed him before. Win had shoulder length golden blond hair and chocolate brown eyes, he kind of resembled Harmony. Not to mention the hard muscles and abs, but he wasn't huge like Dominic. Win was more on the leaner side. He could have been fit as a model on any magazine cover.

If he wasn't my step-brother, I would have called him hot.

I felt guilty for even remotely thinking this way about him.

"Do you know Dominic?" I blurted out without thinking.

Win frowned, "Dominic Spencer?" He said his name like it were a curse word, "More like Demonic Spencer."

I had to laugh, "Um, yeah, can't deny that."

"Everyone in this town knows about him, Maeve. He goes to your school, doesn't he?"

"We also share some classes together." I admitted, I hoped he didn't see how nervous I was.

Win didn't look happy to hear that, "You need to ask for transfers on whichever classes he takes with you because he's not just bad, Maeve, he destroys everything he touches. The only friends he has are probably still with him because he uses threatening tactics or he got some dirt on them."

I couldn't help but ask. "Why is it like that?"

Win chugs his beer, and whatever he's about to tell me, I know it's worse than what I've imagined.

"His father is a serial killer."

* * *

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