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-10 YEARS later-

During the years passing by, Izuki and (YN) have been spending time together and enjoying themselves as friends. The two will always got to the park together with their mom's, play at the playground, and also role play as their favorite super heroes at either one of their houses, their favorite hero is All Might. All Might is the number one and greatest super hero of all time. He has saved millions of innocent citizens, stopping evil, and no one is better than him and no one can defeat him. The two have always get along and always been the happiest friends during their childhood...and so, as the years go by, I say 10 years, the two friends were now 17 years old and still friends until this day, Izuki Midoriya then was on her way on her school, Aldera Junior High. She's so hyped about going to school and knowing that even though she's quirkless, she still wants to be a hero no matter what.


As Hours go by, class was about to end as Izuki was in her class as the teacher then started saying...

Teacher: So, as third year students, it is time for y'all to take this seriously and thinking about your futures on what will you do with your lives. I would give all of you career altitude tests but..why bother. Cause all of you will have a chance to head over to the hero track academy.

The students in the class started cheering the fact that they all had hopes up that they will have a chance to enter to the hero track academy and head over to UA High for Izuki, she kinda felt embarrassed to cheer the fact she's quirkless, but deep down, she still wants to be one and keep dreaming and never give up...

Teacher: Yes Yes. You all have some impressive quirks. Now get a hold on yourselves...

???: Hey teach.

Suddenly, a student who happens to sit up with his legs on top of the table and leaning backwards...

???: Don't lump me in with these bunch of losers. I'm the real deal here, these guys will end up being sidekicks to some busted D lister. Ha.

The student she's being such a jerk and dictator is none other than Katsuki Bakugo himself...the students started arguing with Bakugo...

Student #3: You think you're better than us Katsuki!?

Bakugo: Ha! Let's go I'll take all of you on like nothing.

Teacher: Heh, by the looks of it here, you got some pretty impressive tests results. Maybe you will get in to UA High.

Student #8: He's going to try on at the National school!? No way! That's impossible!

Student #4: That school has a 2.0 percentage acceptance. It's impossible to get in to.

Bakugo: That's why it's the only place of me to be worthy.

Bakugo sits up as he jumps on top of the table as he gives out a little speech of himself saying....

Bakugo: I pass and ace all of the mock tests. I'm the only one here in school who has a high chance to get in UA. I'll end up being more popular than All Might himself. And be the richest hero of all time! People across all the world will know who I am and what I'm capable of! And it all starts in UA High-

Teacher: Oh yeah I remember, Midoriya, don't you wanna ho to UA as well?

Bakugo stood still and quite as Izuki then started to feel embarrassed as the whole class stood quite as well...and started laughing at her.

Student #3: Midoriya!? HAHA! You're kidding right?!

Student #2: There's no way you will enter UA and the hero course without a quirk!

Izuki: W-Well actually they already got rid of that rule, and maybe I can be the first one-

Bakugo: NRRRRGH!!!

Bakugo then rushes to Izuki's desk as he emitted his explosion quirk to scare her off and trip back...

Bakugo: Listen Deku! You're even worse than the rest of these damn rejects! Your quirkless wannabe! You really think they will let you in!?! Hell no! And are you even trying to compete against me on entering UA High as well!?!

Izuki: Wh-What!?! N-No No No! I swear it's not like that! It's not because I wanna compete against you to enter's just that...even though I'm quirkless...I'm still wanting to become a hero and I'll try my best and hardest to become one without a quirk....

Bakugo: HA! You'll never be able to hang out with the best of the bests! You'd die in the exams! Defenseless Izuki! The schools already shitty and you really wanna embarrassed yourself more by trying so hard to enter UA! Ha! In your dreams!

The students continue to laugh at Izuki as she stared to feel a little emotional until the teacher said...

Teacher: Oh. Bakugo, it looks like you're not the only one here that will have a high chance to enter UA.

Bakugo: Tch. I already know that it's Deku! Like I said, this bitch has no chance of entering UA and-

Teacher: Language Bakugo! And it's not Izuki that I'm talking about.

Bakugo: Huh!?! Then who!?!

Teacher: ...(YN).

Bakugo: What!?!

Students: What!?!

Izuki: (Y-YN)....

Bakugo and the whole student stood silent as they all turned around and looked at (YN) the fact he's leaning back on the chair like if he was some bad boy...which he is, the fact that he isn't wearing his top uniform, only a all white shirt as he then smiles and says...

(YN): Hehehe, how the tables turn. Looks like you ain't the only one here, Bakugo.

Bakugo: Tch. It has to be you...bastard.

Teacher: And by the looks of it here, (YN)'s tests results are really over the top as well.

Student: #5: No way! (YN) too!?

Student #7: Bakugo may have a rare and unique quirk...but (YN), hes the only student here who doesn't have a quirk besides Izuki, but holy cow does he have some super human strength...

Student #1: And speed and stamina. That's amazing.

Student #4: Heh, at least he ain't a failure like Izuki here.

The students then went back laughing and making fun of Izuki as she started to feel sad and emotional again...until (YN) has to stand up for her and yell out...

(YN): Shut The Hell Up!!!!

The student went quite fast as (YN) stood up...

(YN): Answer me this you jackasses, would all of you feel sad and really upset the fact your quirkless!?! If all of your are quirkless, I would have laugh my ass of on you guys, and that will make you feel bad and embarrassed, right!?! Just think about it, if one of y'all are quirkless, all of you will feel the guilt, sad, depress and embarrassed of not having one. That's how Izuki feels now. But that doesn't hurt her, cause she still wants to become a hero and give everything she got and having her dreams come true!

The student stared at each other as they nod their heads, agreeing of what he is saying...

(YN): So let me clear myself, if anyone tries to bring Izuki's hopes down and ruining her dream of becoming a hero, I will beat the ones who even dare to talk to her like that so bad, you won't be able to have teeth's anymore! Besides, even though she doesn't have a quirk, she will do her best to become one without a quirk and become a hero!

The whole class stood silent and nervously sweating as (YN) then walks over to help out Izuki getting up...

Izuki: Th-Thank you (YN)...*blushes a little*

(YN): No problem. As for you Bakugo, why can't you give Izuki some slack and let her become a hero. Why do you even care? Just leave her alone dude.

Bakugo: Tch. Oh (YN) (YN) (YN) still have soft spot on that damn Deku huh?? Heh, your still the same. I don't even know why your friends with a quirkless wannabe like her. She got nothing to prove she can be a hero.

(YN): So what? You got a problem with that? Cause if you do...

(YN) walks up to Bakugo infront of him...

(YN): Then we can solve this here...and now.

The two stared at each other, knowing the fact that these two have so much hatred on each other ever since...especially (YN) hating on Bakugo for still treating Izuki like shit...Bakugo stood quite as he slowly backs away...

(YN): Heh. That's what I thought.

Bakugo: Whatever.

(YN) then walks over to his desk as he then grabs his bag and started heading over to the door as he was soon to leave the room...

Teacher: Mister (YN), where are you going?? Class isn't over yet.

(YN): Oh it is...just wait in

Suddenly, the bell rings...

(YN): There, class is now over.

(YN) then kicks the door open as he leaves the room...and so as the whole class he started walking down the hallways, he started thinking about Izuki...knowing the fact him and her have been beat friends since their childhood...but he still doesn't get rid of the memories that Bakugo still treats her like shit...

(YN) Mind: Why can't he just leave her alone and let her be? What his deal of her becoming a hero anyways? Its her business, not his...good freaking grief. This guy is and will be a pain in the ass to me.

All the students here in the school got out from the school as they all head home as for (YN), he stopped for moment and realizes he forgot something back at the class...

(YN): Shit. I forgot my pencil back at class...that's the only one I have to work in school and do my homework.

(YN) then turns around and heads back to his class to get his pencil that he only has to write during his he walks down the hallways again and was about to enter the class, he suddenly heard Bakugo's voice, yelling and screaming inside and so as some two other boys laughing as well, he then takes a looks to see Bakugo and two of his no for nothing good friends testing and bullying Izuki...he then hears the conversation between them and Izuki and Bakugo tells her...

Bakugo: Here's a little advice for you, nerd. Don't even think about applying...or else.

(YN) can see the fear and nerve shaking Izuki is...Bakugo and his two friends walk away as one do his friends say...

Bully #2: Man that's just sad. I thought you have at least some fight of you...

Bully #1: But she finally gets it. She'll never be a hero. What a loser.

As three were about to exit the room, Bakugo then says to Izuki...

Bakugo: Oh. You know, if you really wanna be a hero that badly, there is one other way to be one. Just pray that you will be born with a quirk in your next life. And take a swan dive off the roof of a building.

Bakugo grins as the two bullies chuckles as (YN) notices after what Bakugo just said to Izuki, it hurt her so bad that she fell down to the ground on her knees and started sobbing quietly...

Bakugo: Hehe, what a pathetic worthless bitch.

Bully #2: Haha. You said it man.

As the three then were about to leave the room, they all notice (YN) coming in as the three back away...

Bakugo: Oh, it's you. The hell you want??

(YN): take back everything what you said to Izuki.

Bakugo: Or what? You ain't gonna do shit. You act tough but on the inside your just a soft reject, just like this damn deku here!

Bully #2: Hehe yeah. Now (YN), why don't you get move out of our way so we can leave...

Bully #1: Unless, well make you move out of the way with force.

The two bullies then places there hands on (YN)'s shoulder to push him out of their way, but (YN) didn't let that happen as he then grabs both of their arms as (YN) strikes a knee towards one of the bully's gut, causing him to spat out saliva as he then head it's the other, causing the other one to bleed from his nose, after that, he then tosses both of them away from his sight, as he was now focus on Bakugo as he and Bakugo dropped their as Bakugo started emitting his explosion quirk to get ready to fight (YN)...

Bakugo: So we're doing this huh!? Well bring it! I wanna see if your capable of beating me-

(YN) with such speed then rushes towards Bakugo as he quickly gives him a straight jab to the face, sending him flaying crahsing through some tables as Bakugo somehow has little blood coming out from his nose as (YN) then grabs him from his shirt and stares at him right directly to his eyes and tells him...

(YN): I'm going to beat the living fuck out of you! Take back everything you said to Izuki-

Izuki: (YN) stop!

Izuki suddenly stood up as she ran up to (YN), as she was trying to stop (YN) from trying to beat up Bakugo more...

(YN): Let go Izuki! He has to pay for what he said to you!

Izuki: No don't do it! Please (YN)! Your gonna get yourself in trouble! Don't!

(YN)...for somehow..his mind is telling him that he should listen Izuki for now...he then takes a breathe and then says to Bakugo...

(YN): ...Bakugo, call yourself today a lucky man. But know this, if I even see you near or even try to trash talk to Izuki, then this time, I won't give you no mercy.

Bakugo: T-Tch. Wh-whatever...j-just get the hell out of here and my sight! You and I are no longer friends anymore! You hear me!?

(YN): ...I can agree to that.

(YN) then let's Bakugo go as Bakugo then gets up and waits for (YN) and Izuki to leave, Izuki then grabs her stuff as she then stood near (YN) as the two started exiting the room as (YN) grabs his stuff as well as thh The two then leaves the school and head to their homes...


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