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After the whole tragedy happen between class 1-A and the villains, especially for Bakugo and (YN), the pros came in rush to help out the students and calling the police and ambulance to check their wounds and treat them and arresting the villains that were knocked out...the ambulance and police came just in time to arrest the villains...the doctors from the ambulance were treating the student wounds as well and feeling better already, and some of them took Aizawa and thirteen to the historical due to their terrible injuries, some of the polices then found Nomu on there way, and arrested him as well...the detective, Naomasa Tsukauchi checked on the others students conditions...

Naomasa: How are all of you feeling??

Kirashima: Yeah, we are all okay. Thank god all of you came just in time.

Sero: But did you see how (YN) manage to take down all of those villains and that brain dude one?! That's was so intense!

Rikido: Yeah, he has some hardcore power.

Shouji: Yeah, crazy

Naomasa: Well, I see all of you are all okay. Lest take you all back to your school. You all have been through a lot.

Tsuyu: Detective, what about Mr.Aizawa?? How is he??

Naomasa: Well...what I've heard is that his bones in his arms are all splintered and he's got all fractured as well. Fortunately there doesn't seem to be any brain damage, but his orbital floor has been almost completely destroyed, we may not know when will he get his eye sight back...

Tsuyu: Oh no..

Mineta: Not Aizawa-Sensei...

Ochaco: Detective, what about thirteen?!

Naomasa: Thirteen will be okay. It's just she has pretty bad lacerations to the back, but she'll be going to pull it through good as new.

Most of the girls felt relief to hear the good news about Thirteen...

Naomasa: And All Might is also without any injuries. He's in the nurses office at the school right now. Recovery girl's power should be using enough of her quirk to fix up All Might as soon as possible.

Iida: What about (YN)?!

Ochaco: Yeah, how is he!?!

Naomasa: Oh (YN), he'll be fine too. His injuries aren't that bad, but wounds that looked he got stabbed, recovery girl should be taking care of them as well with no worries. And I gotta say he's quite the tough one, I'd never seen someone like (YN) to walk off the pain, but he still needs his wounds to be treated, so he'll be good as well once his wounds are treated.

All of the students felt relief that their teachers and friend are doing okay and will be out in no time. They all then started heading back to their school, leading by their other home room teachers...Meanwhile, at the league of villains hideout, you can see Izuki leaning against the wall, cleansing her knife while Tomura...started acting like sort of child cause of his plan being failed on not killing All Might...

Tomura: This wasn't suppose to go like that! Why did it had to ruin everything!? I was this close to win and...and...NRRRRRGH!!! Why was Master wrong!? He told me All Might has starting to become weaker and he didn't!? Why master!? Why did you lie-

Izuki: Ugh. Will you stop acting so damn childish. At least we've taken down the heroes and show them at least a sign that we'll be back.

Tomura: You...You did all the work, not me! Plus, you should have kill that damn (YN) when you had the chance! All you did was taunting him!!!

Izuki: Don't worry, I'll get him again...soon~

Tomura: Tch...that (YN)...I knew he was something...and that power as well, interesting. Tch. Master should have taken him with him by force from his worthless mother!

???: Now Now, why don't you relax, Tomura.

Suddenly, a voice was to be heard as soon Tomura, Kurogiri and Izuki notices the computer talking....and the voice coming out from it...was the sound of their master...

???: And No Tomura. I wasn't wrong nor I lie about All Might being weak. We just weren't prepared as much as we exited to be, I agree. We've underestimated him. Thankfully, we've failed under that cheap league of villains name and not our own. Say, where is Nomu.??

Kurogiri: He was blown away.

???: What??! By All Might???

Kurogiri: someone else. Someone you may know. He's a student from UA...and on top of that...he is your son.

The master stood quiet...and then gives off a little chuckle...

???: I son, (YN)'s been a while since I've seen him.

Tomura: And also, you should hav taken him away with you with force from his mother of his!

???: I was...Until All Might got in the way...if it wasn't for him...then I would have taken him away from Tekka.

Izuki: So the rumors were right from Tomura after all, the master's son is (YN) after all. So shocking.

???: And you Izuki, how was he when you met him after he thought you "died"

Izuki: Hmmmm. He looks the same, always has been, but something was off from him...before he don't have a quirk, but now...he does. On top of that, he was faster and stronger than the symbol of peace, All Might.

???: Interesting.

Tomura: That Damn (YN)....Damn him! DAMN HIM!!!! If that bastard wasn't in the way, we would have kill All Might in the spot!

???: Easy now Tomura, we will get my son and the rest of the heroes later on, but for now we must rest, as I need to be hidden in the shadows still....once I'm out of the shadow, and recruit new villains to join the league of villains, then I'll be letting you all know, when we will be ready to strike again.

And so the computer shuts off...

Tomura: ...Lay low???! Recruit new villains to join us?!?? I don't have time for that!! I want-

Izuki: Tomura. We have to do what he said. If we do all that, then we might be able to have a chance to win this time, don't you think???

Tomura: ....Fine. Well do that and stay low for now.

Izuki: Good, now will you two excuse me, I'll be heading to my room.

Izuki then starts to head over to her room upstairs. She walks upstairs, walks to her room, enters and shuts the door. As she does, she then started to have flashbacks from a while ago back at USJ...when she was torturing and fighting against (YN)...starring him, torturing his own best friend, who has been nothing but having her back and helping her a lot when she actually needs him...she then shakes her head...

Izuki: ...I'm sorry (YN). But you have to accept me of who I am. A villain...If Kachan doesn't want me to the a hero, then being a villain is no problem at all...We will meet again, Kachan...and (YN).


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