Chp.34 A Tale From The Past

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As days pass, Todoroki, Iida and (YN) wounds were now fully recovers as their allowed to free themselves from the hospital, the three went to their internship teachers to grab their stuffs and leave back to their school, as for (YN), he thanked Gran Torino for every training he gave him and apologized for the trouble he caused him, Gran Torino accepted his apology as the two were now even. They said their farewells as he heads back to he does and arrives to UA, him, Todoroki and Iida both were being surrounded by their classmates, knowing that they all know what happen to them and looking out for them, and glad they were safe and they all went back for their hero training with All Might this time. They all did a good job on the training, suddenly, (YN) then was confronted by him as he told him to meet with him in specific room to have a private talk...(YN) doesn't know what All Might meant, but he'll do it. Later after training, it was already dawn as (YN) was heading over to the room All Might told him to meet up, as he arrived and enter the room, he then notice All Might was suddenly quiet, and seem like serious for somehow...

(YN): All Might?

All Might: Come have a seat, Young (YN).

(YN) walks as he takes a seat...

All Might: You went through a lot lately, sorry I wasn't around with you to help out..

(YN): Oh no. You don't have to apologize. More wanted to speak about me with something...

All Might: Young (YN) you remember how I gave my power to you the exact words I said to you?

(YN): *impersonates All Might's face* Eat This!!!

All Might: N-No! Not that part! You see...One For All can only be given to another person if you the bearer, intend to pass it along. It's not something that can be taken by force. Although..:it can be transferred by force. The quirk you have in unique. So you should know how it works and it's origin. One For All was derived from another odd quirk power that's very old.

(YN): Wait, it used to be different??

All Might: ...The name of that quirk is...All For One. It allows its user to take quirks from others and the user could keep the quirks himself or give it to someone else.

(YN): can...steal powers...and give them as well??!

All Might: This was back when quirks were just starting to show up, before society had figured out to deal with the newly power among them. When quirks first appeared suddenly, it was impossible to be meant what is to be a normal person. Laws and humans rights were hotly debated, civilization's progress stalled. Society, decayed.

(YN): If superpowers had never appeared, and humans would be taking interstellar holidays by this point. I remember hearing that from someone famous.

(YN): Right. During that chaotic period of change, there was one person who managed to rally many people together. He went by the name of his power, All For One. He stole quirks from others, and then with his overwhelming abilities, he spread his influence across the country. He manipulated people to serve his purposes and committed evil acts with little resistance. In a blink of an eye, he became the leader of villains and ruled over Japan.

(YN) suddenly started holding his head...

All Might: (YN), is something wrong??

(YN): Yeah I'm fine. Don't's just...hearing all this...somehow gave me a bit of flashbacks of someone I know who happens to do something like that...I just don't know who...but I think it's all made up...yeah, wasn't in the textbooks...

All Might: *I-I think he kinda remembers?? ...I don't know if I can keep this up..:but I have to.* It's the kind of shameful history people would rather ignore. Anyway, when a person gains true power, they enjoy showing it off to others.

(YN): But how does this tie up about All For One??

All Might: ...I said that All For One could give quirks to others, remember? He made people trust him who submit to his will by altering their abilities, and apparently, their are many poor souls who couldn't bear the burden of the quirks they were given, they became mindless living dolls and capable of speaking...just like the Nomu's are. Meanwhile, some quirks actually evolved as they were passed on, some even combine with other power sets. This evil bastard has a older brother as well, he was small and sickly, but had a strong sense of justice. That cousins have been different. And pains the brother to see All For One's deeds, so he kept resisting him. And then, All For One transferred a quirk to his brother, one that would allow him to stockpile power, we don't know it it was a gift he gave to his brother, but if he wanted to force him to submit...

(YN): Wait..don't tell me-

All Might: Yes. Even though the people thought the brother was quirkless, the brother did have a quirk all along. He even didn't realize this to be the case he has a useless power, that only allowed him to pass on quirks. And so the stockpiling ability merged with the younger brother...and that is how One For All came to be.

(YN): Woah...

All Might: I've always found it ironic, but justice so often spawns from evil.

(YN): Wait. I understand about how One For All became, but why bring this All For One bad guy up, isn't he like long dead??

All Might: ....No. He's still alive. I know it. After all this years I thought he was gone for good...but I was wrong. He's back and somewhere around the city, hiding, and I don't know when he'll show up, but I'm ready for him. He is also known as the symbol of evil as well. As I got the power of One For All, I manage to take him down on a one on one fight, and beat him good...but, now that head back after years, he is now the brains behind of the league of villains...So, now you know, the entire purpose of One For All, the only way to defeat All For One again...but, I'm telling you this, because I want you to stay away from him if he appears. No matter what, get away from him. Even if you have One For All, you don't-

(YN): I'll do it! I'll do my best, I'll do whatever it takes to take down that bastard All For One! You'll have my back as well! And I will have yours as well, and together we'll take him

All Might then stood quiet and started to feel sad somehow..

All Might: *Come on...tell him. He needs to know..he needs to know All For One is his father...b-but I can' mouth doesn't wanna open nor wanna even tell him...I-I don't know how he'll react...* (YN)...I-

Tekka: I'll do it, Toshinori.

Suddenly, Tekka enter the room...

(YN): Mom??

All Might: Tekka??! What are you-

Tekka: Your old teacher call me, and he told me everything...and I think I can help you with that.

All Migh: No Tekka please. Young (YN) isn't ready-

Tekka: He is. He must.

(YN): Whats going on?? Mom??? All Might??

Tekka then walked up to (YN) as she then takes a seat on the sofa as (YN) as well, sitting next to her...

Tekka: Sweetie, you already know everything about...All For One..right? All Might told you??

(YN): He did, wait you know him as well??

Tekka: ...Yes. I do. And I...need to tell you one more thing about him...

Tekka suddenly takes a deep breathe as she started to sound a little emotional...

Tekka: All For One...real name is Shigaraki...and...and...he..he...he was your father.

Suddenly, after hearing his other and telling him what she said about All For One...(YN) was in shocked...

(YN): Wh-What????!!

Tekka: Son, please...before you say something, listen for what I'm about to tell you: your father, Shigaraki, wasn't the father and husband I've wanted, at first I thought he was, but I was wrong. When you were 7 years old, your father was nothing but an abusive person, when he got that terrifying quirk of his, he was nothing but a cruel man, I couldn't do it Hong to defend myself from him, not even from you, he would always try using you to become evil like him, but I wouldn't let him do such horrible thing to my son. And I couldn't take it, so I ran away from him, and holding you with me. At first, I thought it was the end of me when he found me...until Toshinori came to recuse me from him..and luckily, he did. He manage to take down your father, and save the both of us. And thanks to him, he was the one who got me the house we're currently living...I have thank him so much, if it wasn't for him to arrive and save us...we would have done for...sweetie, I' sorry I didn't mention you your father like this, but please understand. I didn't mean to hide this from's just...I don't know how will you react...

Tekka started to become emotional as All Might walked up to her from behind...suddenly, (YN) started to have some little flashbacks about his childhood with his abusive father, All For One, of how he treated him and his mom, how abusive he was as well...after that, then grabs his moms hands and replies...

(YN): Mom...I understand. Know that you mention him...I'm starting to remember some about him when I was little...of how he treated you, and me as well specially...but...I won't forgive him! After what he has done to us...I won't! That's why, if he even dares to show up here again, I'll defeat him with the help of All Might!

All Might and Tekka smiles...

Tekka: Oh (YN)...

Tekka hugs (YN) as (YN) does as well...

(YN): Dont worry mom. I'm here for you.

All Might: Me too.


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