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And so, the practical final exam has began. As the first match was Team Kirashima and and Rikido vs Cementoss, and the results of it, they both failed, due to Cementoss quirk power, Cement, the two couldn't take that much destroying all of the cement and ran out of stamina. So team Kirashima and Rikido failed. The second match was Team Tokoyami and Tsuyu vs Ectoplasm, and the result of that match, Team Tokoyami and Tsuyu pass. The Third match, Team Ojiro and Iida vs Power Loader, result of that match, Team Ojiro and Iida pass. The fourth match, Team Momo and Todoroki vs Aizawa, result of that match, Team Momo and Todoroki pass. The fifth match, Team Ochaco and Aoyama vs Thirteen, result of that match, Team Ochaco and Aoyama pass. The Sixth match, Team Mina and Kaminari vs Nezu, result of that match...Team Mina and Kaminari  failed. The Seventh match, Team Shouji and Tooru vs Snipe, result of that match, Team Shouji and Tooru pass. The Eighth match, Team Jirou and Koda vs Present Mic, result of that match, Team Jirou and Koda pass. The ninth match, Team Mineta and Sero vs Midnight, result of that match, Team Mineta and Sero pass. So, mostly all of the team pass and some failed. And now, for the final match of the practical finals exam, the final match is Team (YN) and Bakugo vs All Might...(YN) was already making his way to his stage, knowing that Bakugo was already there before him...

Iida: So, (YN) and Bakugo are next Huh? I hope the two get along in their exam.

Ochaco: They have to, if not then they will fail. I just hope the two don't end up arguing and then fight. More over, Bakugo has to strategize working together with (YN) at least...

And so, both (YN) and Bakugo were standing between as they both entered their stage...

Announcer: Team Bakugo and (YN), practical exam, ready, go!

And so, the exam for Bakugo and (YN) began...Bakugo then stares at (YN)...

(YN): What?!

Bakugo: Nothing!

(YN): Tch. Well, as far I hate saying this...but we have to-

Bakugo: Don't even think about finishing that sentence! I already know what you're gonna say, and I refuse to team up with you! Over my dead body! I can pass this exam myself without even your help, so don't get in my way!

Bakugo then started marching his way down to look for his opponent, All Might...

(YN): *This guy...he can't be serious. If we don't work together, we'll fail. Damn it, i have to tell him*
Oi! Bakugo!

(YN) started following Bakugo...

(YN): Look I know you don't wanna team up with me, and o don't as well, but we don't have a choice, we have to discuss about how we're gonna pass this exam and we need a plan to do so. And by the look of it, All Might is our opponent, yet our villain, so we need to come up with a solid plan to-

Bakugo: Stop following me Damn it!

(YN): Dude! Are you even listening?! All Might might be waiting for us on this road, we need to-

Bakugo: I'm not scared of him! I'm going to blast that stupid smile of his! I won't bitch out on this fight with him!

(YN): I know that and I do to, but in order to take him out, we need to plan like I said to take him down so we can pass-

Bakugo: We're gonna toy with him until time is almost up and then knock him unconscious for real! There! That's the stupid plan, happy?!?

(YN): *Nrrrrgh. Why is it so damn hard to talk to this bastard!? I don't have time upsetting him!* Oi! Think about this, you know what All Might is capable of during battle, even if it's a handicap against him, we don't stand a chance against him if we even try going one on one, so just listen to me and-

Bakugo: Shut the fuck up!!

With pure anger, Bakugo swings his hand and strikes a punch towards (YN)'s face as (YN)drops on one knee to the floor...

Bakugo: I don't wanna hear another damn fucking word from you!

Bakugo walks closer to (YN) and says...

Bakugo: Just because you think your stronger, doesn't mean you got the damn right to tell me what to do!

(YN) stood quiet for a moment...

Bakugo: I'm going to say this once! Leave me alone! I don't need you! Never!! I don't even know why are you even here in this school! And I don't know where you manage to get a quirk to enter! Your suppose to be quirkless! A worthless one! Your not better than me! Never you will! I wish you weren't here, it'll be so much better if you weren't around here!

And suddenly, (YN) couldn't take it no more, he couldn't take it no more the fact Bakugo is now getting in his nerves, he started shaking...clenching both of his hands...

Bakugo: And look at that! Your gonna cry! I knew it!! You're always soft even back when we were damn friends ! So soft even Izuki-


With pure and so much anger, (YN) charge at Bakugo as he grabbed by his shirt as his eyes were pure anger and blinded with rage...

Bakugo: H-Hey! What the-

(YN): Why are you like this?!? Huh!?! Tell me!!! Who the fuck you think you are!?!? What fucking problem you have to get this angry at me!?!? What have I done to you!?!? You have this fucking ego to be this much angry I don't even know what the fuck your problem is!!!! Just what exactly is wrong with you!?! I'm trying to get us pass this fucking exam and your over here getting mad at me for no ducking reason?! You're always like this ever since I came here to UA! Why?! You're jealous?! Because I don't give a damn your jealous or not! I came to UA to become a pro as well! I have a dream too you know!! It's not all about you! It's about the others who's here in UA who have dreams too damn it!!! But

Suddenly, (YN) started to sound emotional, yet still angry at Bakugo...

(YN): You...You ruined someone's dream of becoming a hero!!

Bakugo: Wh-What-

(YN): Don't fucking act, you bastard! You know who I'm talking about! I'm talking about Izuki! Izuki Midoriya! She always wanted to be a hero too! It's always her dream to become one, it didn't matter she was quirkless, she still wanted to be one, but had to jump into her business and ruined everything for her!! You fucking ruin her dreams, her hopes, and her life! You made her killed herself! And the worst part was I had to see her "die" right in front of my eyes! But wait! She didn't die! Turns out she's alive, only to become a damn fucking villain!!! If you never get in her business, and ruined her life and dream, she would have never became a villain, and none of that would have happen, but NO! You just like to bully her and treat her like shit!!! even made me lose my friend...just why?! Why Bakugo!?!

Bakugo heard enough as he pushed (YN) away, soon to notice that he was quiet and somehow...started to sound a little emotional...

Bakugo: I-I didn't mean it...I didn't...really.

(YN): Didn't mean it?! Are you serious right now?! Are you trying to-

Suddenly, a huge shock of wind wave was coming towards Bakugo and (YN) as they felt the pressure of the wind, the wind was so strong it caused the road to be destroyed and sending (YN) and Bakugo flying away...after that huge impact of the wind, (YN) and Bakugo recovers themselves..

(YN): What the hell-

Bakugo: Just happens!?

All Might: Who really cares if I destroy this city, and who cares about listening about your stories??!

(YN) Mind: What?! When did he-

Bakugo: What?!? How is he-

(YN)/Bakugo: So intimidating!?

As the smoke clears off, All Might appeared, he suddenly took a huge step and caused a wind wave again and says...

All Might: If you two think of this as a exam, and not a real fight you'll be sorry. I'm a villain now heroes, remember that. You better come at me with everything you got, I won't pull my punches!

(YN): *Damm it! Looks like-

Bakugo: All Might!!

(YN): Hey wait!

All Might: Ha! Let's see what you two got!


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