Chp.40 Encounter

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After the final exams, mostly all of Class 1-A pass their practical exams, and some failed, but that's doesn't stop them for going to summer camp, the ones that failed will still go, but they will end up having extra lessons and for (YN) and Bakugo, the two were proud that they pass their exams and manage to do it together....and so, It was the final day of school, and only days of the beginning of summer. (YN) and the rest were about to enjoy their last day of school after finishing their practical exam, since their off tomorrow as well, they all decided to go shopping together at the mall. Mostly will go.


The next day, at the mall, Kirashima, Kaminari, Shouji, Mineta, (YN), Tokoyami, Mina, Tooru, Jirou, Momo, and Ochaco arrive at the mall as they experience the mall how huge and cool stores they have to shop for their summer camp. They all split up and shop until there done and meet up a spot where they can all meet. As for (YN), he started looking around and looking at the stores they have...

(YN): Hmmm. Where can I find a store that have heavy lift weights??

???: Oh! It's someone from UA! Nice!

(YN): Huh??

Suddenly, a stronger with a black hoodie, covering half its face, walked towards (YN) as he wrapped his arm around him...

(YN): Uh..can I help you-

???: You're the won who beat the hell out of the Sports Festival right?!

(YN): Oh..Yeah. *Geez. UA is amazing after all, never knew so many people who watched the sports Festival and still remember us*

???: And hey, aren't you also the one of the Audi at who ran into the hero kill back at Hosu City??? You're practically famous.

(YN): Yeah, I am one of them... *His voice...he sounds....familiar...* Hey, you sure do know a lot about UA huh?

???: What can I say, I'm just a big fan of yours...I can believe I can run up to you again, (YN)...

(YN): *That voice! Now I know...that's-

Suddenly, this stranger started placing his hand slowly towards (YN)'s neck, grabbing on to it as the stranger the reveals his face to (YN), Tomura Shigaraki...

(YN): You...Tomura...Shigaraki!

Tomura: Let's have a little talk, (YN)..Now, act natural, don't make a scene, just an old friend who ran up to you at the mall. I just want a friendly conversation with you that's all, let's chat, oh and of course if you try to run or fight me...then my hand that's holding your neck, your throat will be the first thing to be disintegrates, in amateur of seconds you will be nothing but dust.

Tomura gave him a evil smile on his face as (YN) replies...

(YN): Okay, let's talk.

Tomura: *Strange...he doesn't seem to be afraid of me..he's not even scare the fact I try to threat him if he even tries to attack or run away..what's with this guy...*

The two walked down to a table while Tomura was still holding on (YN)'s they found themselves a seat...

(YN): So, what the hell do you want??!

Tomura: Well, let's just cut to the chase, as you know...I hate everything. EspeciallThe Hero Killer, he pisses me off more when I met him now

(YN): The Hero Killer??! Isn't he one of your guys??

Tomura: Not technically, but that's what the media has been saying and made it look like. Buts that my problem is, it's like everyone is so obsessed with that stupid hero killer. The attack on UA, the Nomu's released on Hosu, he upstaged all of it. No ones even giving me a second thought. Why is that? Despite the claim of what he believes, all he really was getting rid of things he didn't like...Now tell me, what do you think is the difference between us??

(YN): To be honest...I don't agree on any of you villains...even I don't agree anything you guys do. I especially don't agree with the hero killer either. But I can understand him, well maybe sort of...because him and I have both something in common...we're inspired by All Might...that night, he saved me from a Nomu, I don't know why, but he just did. He's a maniac that's for sure, but he doesn't destroy things just because it sounds fun. When things are looking bad for him, he didn't abandon his mission like you did back at USJ, even the way he acted was wrong, he held truth in his beliefs...that's the difference.

Suddenly, Tomura somehow grips (YN)'s neck even tighter as Tomura seem to be angry...but then again he gave off this creepy smile...

Tomura: I see...I see it now. All the dots are now connected, why he makes me so angry, why you make me feel so irritated me so much, everything makes sense! It's him! The problem is Al Might! Yea Yea! That's it! The most rational explanation! Why didn't I see it the whole time?! What was I worried about!? It's simple! He's why these morons in this pathetic city smile thoughtlessly! They feel so safe because that garbage pro is smiling thoughtlessly as well! As if there is no other world he can save! Oh I'm glad we have this chat! Thank you so much (YN)! I don't need to change my ways after all!

(YN) seem to be a bit hurt by being choked by Tomura as he tried to take his hand off but..

Tomura: Oops don't struggle now! Cause if you do, I'll kill you...just like how Master was this close to kill your worthless mother.

(YN)'s eyes widen after what Tomura said to him...

Tomura: You know, Master would have take you away from the bitch mother of yours, you could've been really useful for us, but no. You rather stay with her, that worthless woman. She's the reason that garbage All Might made a fool out of Master. That stupid-

Suddenly, (YN) heard enough for what Tomura is saying as he grabbed his whole arm that he's grabbing his neck...

Tomura: I warned you!

Tomura emits his quirk as he started having (YN)'s arm turn into dust slowly, he started laughing quietly, but then again...his quirk did no affect to (YN)...

Tomura: What?!? That didn't-

(YN) suddenly ended up braking Tomura'a finger...

Tomura: Aaaagh!! You-

(YN): Shut it! Don't wanna make a scene now don't you??

Tomura: You mother-

(YN) then brakes another finger of Tomuras...

Tomura: aaagh!! D-Damn it.!!!

(YN) then grabs both Tomura'a hands for him not to use his quirk as he stares him down with this menacing pissed off looked in his face and tells him...

(YN): Listen you fuck. Don't you ever talk to my mom like that. And as for your "master" he got what he deserved. And I heard he's around here, lurking around or hiding somewhere. But if he somehow reveals himself in this city, I can assure you that I, myself will beat the living hell out of him and teach him for everything he has done to me and my mom! So, now that I gave you my answer, now is your turn to answer me this question...Where is Izuki Midoriya?!

Tomura: nrrrrgh! Why would I tell you?!! She don't want you!! Not even the slightest-

(YN): I will brake your fucking fingers if you don't tell me where she is!

Tomura: Screw you!

Tomura suddenly kicks (YN) in the gut as (YN) lets Tomura go and starts running away, (YN) started chasing him down the mall as Tomura was running for his life, holding his broken fingers...Tomura manage to find the exit of the mall and exit the mall, (YN) already knew that he escaped to the exit door as he continues chasing him off. As he exits the Mall, it led him to the alley way...and no sign of Tomura for some reason...

(YN): Nrgh! He got away! That bastard! Tomura! Where the hell are you?!

???: (YN).

He then heard someone calling his name, and he recognized that voice, he slowly turns around to see the person calling his name, and he knew who she is...

(YN): I-Izuki!


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