Chp.8 Entering The UA Entrance Exam

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It was morning still as all the students were heading to UA High to apply for the UA entrance exam and too see who is capable to entering UA High. Suddenly, there's some students that were surrounded as they were talking with Bakugo for some reason...

Student #3: Oh man! Bakugo I bet your gonna nail this one!

Student #2: Yeah no kidding! With that quirk you got you'll pass the exams like nothing!

Bakugo: Ha! You bet your asses I'm gonna ace this exam! Just like I always do at Aldera High! No one can be better nor stronger than me! And I will proof everywhere here that I will become the best hero to all time and enter UA High!

As the students started cheering for Bakugo, suddenly, some of them notice someone was coming, who happens to know him, this student was none other than (YN)...

Student #6: Holy shit! Look y'all! It's (YN)!

Bakugo: What?!

The students who were with Bakugo suddenly quickly turned around, also Bakugo as him and the others were shocked to see (YN) here to apply the exam...

Student #4: He's here too!?

Studnet #1: No way! Looks like Bakugo has some competition since (YN)'s here now.

Bakugo: Shut up!! He's not better than me!

With full anger and aggressive, Bakugo started walking towards (YN) as (YN) notices him coming towards him, he stop as Bakugo stood infront of him...

Bakugo: ..You got some nerve to come here, (YN)!

(YN): ..Mind your god damn business. Get the hell out of my way.

Bakugo: Tch. What did you say?!

Bakugo then place his hand onto (YN)'s shoulder as smoke was coming out from Bakugo's hand as if he wanted to burn (YN) up...

Bakugo: Here me out you bastard. Try to talk shit like that to me, and I will set you on fire! And this time I'm ready for you!

Bakugo grins as (YN) started to clench both of his fists as we can tell his is severally started to get pissed off by Bakugo and not looking at him the same way as what he did to Izuki to cause her to commit suicide and kill her self, he kept growing angry from the inside as his hair suddenly started to flow around as if the wind was blowing it and suddenly his eyes started to change color quickly from brown to blue...Bakugo then took a step back and wonder what just happen..

Bakugo: What!? What the hell did you do!?

(YN): The hell are you talking about?

Bakugo: Your hair! And your eyes! They change color! What was that all about!?!

(YN): Like I said...Mind. You. God. Damn. Business.

Bakugo stood quiet as he then scoffs and grunts as (YN) then walks pass by him, Bakugo then looks at him again to notice his hair flowing like if the wind was blowing it..and one of his eyes turn color again quickly from brown to blue...after that, (YN) walks away as he enters the school as Bakugo started thinking to himself...

Bakugo Mind: What was that!? I've never seen him like this....what's with his hair and eyes!? What the hell happen to him!?

(YN) then arrive at the porch of the school as he notice about a feeling he had talking with Bakugo...

(YN) Mind: For some reason...I felt like the inside of my body...felt so..electrifying. Like if I'm gaining some power and more strength...could One For All already connect to my DNA already??? Looks like I have to found out in the exam.

Suddenly, as soon (YN) was about to enter the school, someone bump into him from behind, he then turns around...

(YN): Hey watch it-

He then notice that it was a girl that bumped into him, she has brown short hair and two pink cheeks...her name is Ochaco Uraraka

Ochaco: Oh sorry! Are you okay? I'm sorry. Honestly.

(YN): Oh. That's okay, maybe I was in your way I guess-

Ochaco: No No. That was on me. I should have been focusing on where I'm walking.

(YN): Heh, it's okay though. I accept your apology.

-(YN) POV-

This girl....her face...

Ochaco: Isn't this nerve racking? I'm so excited to pass the exam! Aren't you?

(YN): You and me both are.

Ochaco: *giggles* Yup! I've always wanted to apply here and become a hero! Just like I dreamed of! Welp, I hope you do good as well in the exam, see ya!

The girl then walked inside the school as she heads over to the class to get ready for the exam...but...that girl...her face...her personality...she kinda reminds me of...Izuki...*shakes head* focus (YN)! Your here already! And to pass the exam! Let go!


And so, he enters the school as he heads over the class to talk about the exam and going over it. In the class, the exam will be lead and taken over by the voice pro hero DJ, Present Mic.

Present Mic then started telling us the rule of the beginning of the exam. Each of us will be gaining point in the exam and will be located in different battle locations. In terms, splitting some up and not work with their friends...(YN) will be located at battle station for Bakugo, Battle station A. In each battle station, there are 3 types of fighting robot villains in their stations, the students will gain point depending on the robot villain's difficulty. Their goal is to destroy the villain robots Witt their quirks, the more points they destroy the robots, the higher chance they will pass. However, there's one robot villain that's out there, but his points only cost 5 points, it's great, but then again, the point 5 robot villain will be tough to take down and destroy, if the students can't take it down, they can just avoid it and take down the other three ones better...and so, Present Mic then ended the interview of the exam as all the students exit the room as they went into their own rooms and change into their workout clothes for their exams...


As 45 minutes pass by, (YN) and some other students arrive to their battle stations for their exams. As him and the other students then waited for their exams to begin, as they waited, suddenly, a student with glasses then approach behind (YN) and place his hand onto his should and says to (YN)...his name is Tenya Iida...

Tenya: Excuse me!

(YN): Huh?? Can .. I help you bro?

Tenya: Don't you bro me! Now listen here mister! I've been watching you all day since you arrive here for the exams! And by the looks of it, you seem to be mockering and looking really annoyed this whole time! Stop that. If you can't take this seriously, then why bother come here and just-

(YN) then started to get annoyed with Tenya as he then grabs him by the shirt, pulls him towards him and tells him...

(YN): Look here four eyes! I don't know what your talking about, but I'm here for a reason! To achieve my dream and become a hero and enter UA High and to become the next generation of heroes! So, tell me "Mister" is that a problem for you?

Tenya: N-No. not at all. *fixing his glasses*

(YN) then let's him go as he soon to walk away and stand another distance from another annoying person...and suddenly, Tenya says to himself...

Tenya: Damn it...Why did I act such fool to him!? He is taking this seriously...I hope I get the chance to apologies to him...but not now. I have to focus on the exam.

And so, (YN) and the others then waited in front of the gate to begin their exams, and so Present Mic was on top of a building outside of the station as he then yells out...

Present Mic: Alright!!!! Get ready y'all! The exam will begin!!! On your marks...gets set...GOOOO!!! Go! Go! Go! Don't waste time and Go!!!

And so the gates open itself as all the students rush inside their battle stations as they rush and begin their exams on gaining the most points...and lets see if (YN) will manage to pass his exam with his new quirk of his!


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