🔆Chapter Two🔆

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Akari sat in the jail cell. Her boredom accompanied her most of the time she was there thus far.

Of course, she could feel the hunger that swamped her thoughts. It was her fault, though. She should've stopped Volo, but she was so angry at Kamado and thought this would make things better for her.

She was wrong. It only made things worse.

She just wanted Kamado to realize sending her out into the Pokemon world because of a wormhole spreading was not the correct way of dealing with the issue. Now she's "a traitor" for joining up with the one person who decided to help her.

But was it really that wrong to start over if people are so mistrustful of Pokemon? She just wanted people and Pokemon to get along and she also just wanted to help—that's all she's ever wanted.

I wish Rei were here. I wonder how he's doing. A small smile formed on her face. I hope he's alright. He shouldn't get involved.

As much as she wanted out of here, she didn't want to risk her best friend's life. It would be difficult to protect him if he got in any trouble.

Footsteps alerted Akari to the presence of someone visiting her. "Rei?" she softly inquires, feeling hopeful.

He did promise to visit...

"Hello...Akari," a voice greeted her. Akari's eyes widened as a slender, yet stern figure approached, turning around to greet the visitor. The figure's hands were behind her back as she approached.

Finally, the woman before her bent to get a good look at her. Blue hair and blue eyes greeted her as the woman bent down to get a look at Akari. Their eyes met for a brief moment before disappointment hit the pit of Akari's stomach.

Where's Rei? Akari looked behind Cyllene.

Cyllene noticed her hopeful stare and shook her head. "The person you are hoping to find is banished."

Akari felt her stomach drop. The hope inside her began to shrivel up like an old Oran Berry. She really wanted to see Rei. He was the only person

Akari was about to ask about Laventon, but Cyllene proceeds. "Kamado is quite furious with what's occurred recently. He blames you."

Akari blinks in confusion. What was Kamado blaming her for? Akari scooched closer to Cyllene, wanting to know what happened and if Rei and the Professor were okay.

Cyllene and Akari stared at each other in silence. Much was shared in the moments that passed. Akari could sense all the curiosity, anguish, and fear in her steely calm eyes. There was also a sense of overwhelming care, though it was mostly masked.

Cyllene cleared her throat. "He is planning on having you executed." She visibly flinches giving Akari the information.

Akari remains emotionless. She figured. It was all a lie to appease her friend.

She lets out a sigh. Well, at least you tried, buddy. At least you won't be here to witness it. Consider yourself lucky...

She frowns. "How soon?" she asks simply, not even afraid to die. She just wants to know how long she has so she can make the most out of it.

But who will be able to take care of the Pokémon I've caught?

Cyllene grips the edge of her sleeve. "By full moon."

Akari gazed at her in confusion. By full moon? Akari hasn't kept track of time. There is no sun or moon in her jail cell; and no way of tracking time.

Cyllene stood still with her firm gaze on Akari. "Rest assured it's sooner than you'd expect." Cyllene's face contorts for a second. It seems she wanted to say something, but held back whatever it was in favor for turning around and leaving.

Akari was lonely. Without anyone here except the guards, who didn't bother to talk or even address her besides a grunt or so, she was often left on her own.

It didn't cause her stomach to churn this much before when she could talk to anyone. Now there's no one left—or at least no one she felt comfortable with talking.

No offense to Cyllene, but she can be pretty intense. For Akari, Cyllene's presence was never unwelcome, especially since she was a major asset to Akari. And yet... Cyllene never felt close to Akari.

She was close in the sense she was like a mother, and yet Akari couldn't help but not form any sort of bond with her.

Akari moved toward the wall, pulling her legs close to her. There was no use fighting for her life anymore. She was better off dead anyway—that's what she told Rei.

And now his life was in danger. All because he wanted to help. What good is telling him to give up to protect him if he's not going to listen?

Akari sighs softly, knowing the only thing she can do now is sleep—that is the only thing she can do. It will be difficult to sleep because of her unsatiated hunger, but she had no other option.

Akari tries to get comfortable, finding the ground cold and hard. She forces herself to relax, knowing what will come to her soon enough is not worth thinking about.

However, she couldn't help but think of her friend, Rei. She had indeed confessed to him before he left. I doubt he heard.

Her heart raced at his care. She knew it wasn't aimed to be romantic; despite this, Akari couldn't help but feel this sort of affection for him. They have been friends for...only Arceus knows how long. He's been a major help for her in the past and, even now, he was still helpful.

She smiles, finding herself at peace. She closes her eyes and attempts to go to sleep.

A sudden aggressive round of clomps interrupted her peace, making her lift her head. Her stomach churned, and she lowered her head to alleviate the churning.

Heavy stomps came closer to her cage. She didn't bother looking up. There was no point for her anymore.

A sudden clanking noise got her attention. She startled, pressing a hand against the ear closest to the bars unharmonious jangle. Her head tilted to get a look at the ear assailant.

A stern older man glared down at her with intense dark eyes, his hair matching dark gray eyes. He has a bushy mustache, and eyebrows adorned the man that were just as bushy as the mustache. The eyebrows made the strong man before her appear angry, though Akari knew he had a resting anger face.

The man's face furrows, wrinkles showing on the elder's face to express the years of pain and suffering he had experienced. His steely gray eyes regard Akari, watching her carefully, yet brashly.

The two stare dangerous into each other's eyes for too long. Akari didn't blame him for jailing her; she deserved it for being stupid.

Why was he here? Akari didn't know what compelled him to visit her. Especially right after Cyllene informed her of her demise at his hands.

Akari tried reading Kamado. His eyes dark with anger and frustration while his hands were placed on a yellow belt on his black kimono. If he was thinking, he was hiding his emotions and thoughts well behind a well built facial wall.

The negative energy Akari sensed from Kamado made her turn around. She shivered, knowing his cold steely eyes were watching her with the ill intent to murder.

"Greetings Akari." He was being cordial. "You've forced my hand, you know?"

Akari could hear him shifting behind her. She refused to turn around to see. There was nothing she could say.

"As the leader of the Galaxy Team and leader of Jubilife Village, it is my job to protect and serve every person within this small community."

Akari felt his breath on her back. She moved away, shivering.

She could feel his dark aura looming against the bars. She could hear him huffing and puffing slightly.

"You are a danger to my village, Akari." His voice starts cracking. "Thinking for yourself," he hits the metal bar, "joining up with Volo," his voice filled with venom, "and trying to destroy our world, your world. Don't we mean anything to you?"

His voice rose in pitch, "Answer me!"

Akari silently turned around, not afraid. She stared with dull eyes into the Galaxy team's leader's serious eyes. She could feel the anguish even before he spoke.

She sucked in a breath, forcing herself to respond. He deserves the truth.

"You mean the world to me," she paused, taking another breath to allow her thoughts to formulate before speaking, "What am I to you but a wild human; An ultra beast ready to be attacked and destroyed for how I feel."

Akari paused again allowing Kamado to speak, yet he only touched his face in thought.

The silence was deafening. It send chills up Akari's spine. She wishes he would speak. Speak his mind, say she deserved her fate; but nothing.

Akari moved closer to the bars, eyes shifting as she tried to read her boss' mind with furrowing eyes. There was a shroud of clouds barring her from being able to understand what he was thinking.

"You see, we both are quite similar." Akari shifts, trying to get even the slightest bit of comfort. "The only difference is," she pushed her face closer, feeling awkward about being this close, "I know I messed up. It was never you who made me realize this. I know I hurt you and everyone else in this village, however, I believe you brought this upon yourself."

Kamado grits his teeth, hands curling into fists. "So revenge?"

Akari could feel his anger heating up the dark cold room; however, the heat of his rage only made the cell area a sauna, attacked by the likes of an all too familiar fire-type human. Akari didn't dare flinch in the hopes showing herself fearless will aid her in some way.

Despite being willing to let the living world go, Akari would still stand her ground—better now than never.

She knew Kamado would misunderstand her. Yeah, she was angry at him, but she truly thought she could take away this world's issues with Pokemon and with her if she aided Volo's cause.

It was wrong—she knew it—but she her resolve to make things right overwhelmed her ability to see the full picture. She didn't wish to hurt anyone with her actions, just aid the world in seeing the good in others and helping them feel fearless. Although there was reason in the fear of Pokemon, she just didn't see the point of always hiding away.

Now? Now everyone wasn't afraid, but still the weariness over Pokemon bothered her. And sometimes their weariness over her gave her the sense she was constantly treading over lava.

"Mmm. I see," Kamado responds, emotionless. Akari was certain he didn't understand her motives completely.

He closes his eyes. "It doesn't look good for you, Akari." His expression was unreadable.

I know.

Kamado's eyes open again with a renewed valor. "I have to keep my people save."

And I am not one of them, Akari thought with a welling sadness. I was never truly a part of this village was I? All the time spent....

Akari nodded. " I understand. You see me as a threat. You always have."

Kamado turned around, frowning. He sighed, "You're right. I see you as a threat. You turned your back on Jubilife Villiage and aided someone you should've stopped." He closes his eyes, whispering, "You know better."

Akari sighed, knowing her actions had a lasting impact on him. Even if he could see it in his heart to let this go, it would still stain his wounded heart forever. She would never be seen in the same way again.

"I understand," she whispers, unsure if turning away was the best idea. Kamado seemed broken like her. Unlike her, however, he was forcing himself to be strong; she was forcing herself to give up for the greater good.

But what was the greater good?

"Your friend has left," Kamado suddenly informed, spitting with distaste the word friend. "He tried to save your Pokemon. They were being dangerous beyond imagination."

What? Typhlosion would never...? Akari tried to imagine it, but it couldn't be true, could it? Why would her Pokemon suddenly go crazy? Unless I'm the only one who can control them...but then why would they...? She had been taking good care of them I thought.

Akari was baffled. What did they do to be dangerous?

Pokemon have always been these mysterious creatures full of potential and good, yet Akari was hearing this news.

Kamado grabbed hold of the gray-black bar. "Do you understand why I am telling you this?"

"No. Why?"

Kamado took a shaky breath. "Because," he hissed. Akari tipped her head. Because why? "Because I was planning on executing them alongside you."

Akari's eyes widened. No. Please. It's not their fault. Punish me, not the—

"However I am merciful." Akari shifted toward him, attention fully on him.

She tipped her head. What did he mean?

"I will spare them." Why are you— "I will spare them if you help me find Volo. Does this seem fair?"

Kamado shifts as Akari watches him. He hadn't found him yet? I would've thought—

"Don't give me that look. You've always been the best at being out there." He points outside. "Wanda is hopeless trying to find him, and Rei has abandoned me."

Kamado puts a hand on his head in aggravation. "Look, you owe me this."

"...Do you...?" she asked, not finishing the question. Do you still plan on killing me?

Kamado sighs. "You betrayed us all. What do you think?"

Kamado's stern gaze continued to glare at Akari with malice. "There's consequences to your actions. You tried to destroy us all with that filfty merchant."

Akari bristled. "You didn't care what happened to me." Kamado shifts, grunting. "You left me for dead!" Akari slide down to sit, despair filling inside her stomach. "And it seems that ending is all I'm getting."

She faced away from Kamado. "I'll help you; only because Volo deserves to be punished too. Now leave me to my demons."

Kamado shifts behind her. "Oh. Thanks. I'll send you out with someone tomorrow. You will begin right away."

The clomping of footsteps alerted her to his departure.

Akari lowers her head and puts it in her hands. Well, at least she wouldn't have to stay in this jail cell. Her demise was still undeniable, though.

And Rei isn't here anymore. Then realization dawned on her. Rei would be out there in the wilds. Perhaps I can find him...at least give him a proper goodbye. She then groaned, slumping at the complications that whirled in her mind like Combee.

Then a thought entered her mind: How will I go into the wilds if I don't even have my Pokemon?

Without her Pokemon, she couldn't really do much except dodge attacks and try to move around the area. It wasn't impossible to avoid Pokemon, but she didn't have her flute, and some of them loved dashing aggressively at her.

Suddenly, a shadow slipped in view and the guards nearby were knocked down by two Pokemon within the same evolution line—a Zorua and a Zoroark.

Akari gaped at the two Pokemon as the two casually ignored the guards as they got up, pressing their white snouts against the cell bars.

The Zoroark indicated to their child with their gray-black claws, growling. The Zorua nodded, pressing their body against the bars with the intention of getting within them.

Akari realized the Zoroark was a female and the Zorua was a male.

"Hello there, human. Remember us?" the Zoroark asked with a sweet smile.

Remember who? I don't think I've ever seen a talking Zoroark before.

Akari shakes her head. The guards behind the ghost-and-normal types scramble to their feet and fumble for their Pokemon with stony faces.

"Oh!" The Zoroark frowns before lifting a claw. She then begins to disform from being a Zoroark and turns into a familiar face with black hair: Mai. "Tada! See! It is I, Mai!"

The guards exclaim from behind them; Akari jerked back, eyes wide. So that's how Mai didn't see her; it wasn't her at all—it was the Zoroark.

Don't these Pokemon feed on human terror?

Akari gazed at the two in curiosity. What were they even doing here?

Zoroark lowers her claw and looks at Akari with curiosity. "Thanks by the way. Those mushroom cakes were a tasty snack for me and my child." She licks her snout.

The Zorua barks in agreement, gritting his teeth as he wiggles his way in. He barks once again and rubs his head against Akari.

Despite not liking humans it seems these two tricksters were more fond of her than others of their species. Akari felt intrigued by this discovery, hesitantly reaching out to pet the Zorua.

The Zorua shied away briefly and Akari put her hand back to her side. She didn't want to touch him if he didn't want her to.

Zoroark shoved her snout further into the cell. "I also want to help you get out."

Akari frowned. Why did everyone suddenly want to help her escape her punishment? She felt it was well deserved. She betrayed her own friends.

"No," she told her. The Zorua exclaims in shock, mouth gape. "I promised him."

Zoroark tipped her head. "Promised what?" she asked as her yellow eyes glowed, knocking the guards away from her as they got closer. Her hex sent them against the wall. The Zoroark's hackles bristled.

"To catch Volo..."

Zoroark's hackles relaxed, her white hair-like fur falling to stick to her neck. "Oh." She smiles. "Well, we can help with that." Zorua shyly nods, continuing to nuzzle Akari without her touching him back.

"You can?" Akari asked. She didn't know if she should be suspicious or grateful for some kind of help.

"Of course! You helped us, so we want to help you—that's why we're here: to help."

Akari was still suspicious, yet nodded, unsure if they could read social cues. "I suppose so," she mutters breathily. Any help she received was better than none, even if that help was from a Pokemon who tricked her before.

I hope I can find Volo. He disappeared. I don't know if he will ever show his face again after abandoning me to deal with this punishment alone.

Zoroark motioned to her child with her claws. "Come now, Child. Back into our tricky form. We don't want to alarm the folks in this village now. We must go home."

The Zorua looked up at Akari and then at his mother, blinking with curiosity before squeezing out of the jail cell and bounded toward her with a small bark.

He stood next to her, gazing up. He awaited orders.

Zoroark beams at Akari for the last time as she turns. "We will see you tomorrow, betrayer of Arceus."

Akari was about to say something until Zoroark ran past the guards, managing to avoid their grasp with the Zorua cackling as he slipped under each guard's legs. She watched them disappear as they shouted at the two Pokemon, leaving her alone to her own thoughts for the rest of the day.


Author's Note: This chapter took a while, not gonna lie. Had a bit of a dilemma involving grammar and all. I was way too focused on making it perfect instead of getting it done.

Either way, thank you for reading! And sorry if this chapter is all over the place.

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