Table Talks and Plans

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So a couple of weeks go by since I went to that weird antique shop with my two best friends. We haven't talked about it much either, and we haven't told anyone about our experience there too. I didn't even tell my parents about how I lost my pendant and found it at the shop. I mean, what's the point? I have it now so there's so point really.

I plop down next to my dad at the table as my mom places food down. My stomach growls loud by the sight of the food. Once everything was set, we say our thanks and start stuffing our faces.

"So, Taehyung, how was your day at school today?" My mom asks me with a look of interest.

"Oh, it's the same as always mom. Well, me, Jimin and Jungkook were playing Basketball, and Jimin got hit with a ball, but he was fine so we all started laughing." I laugh at the funny memory. Poor Jimin.

"It's good that he's all right but I hope he doesn't develop a scar."

"He'll be fine." My dad cuts in, "From that he'll be able to develop some thic skin." He shrugs.

"No he won't! He'll develop a concussion at this rate!" My mom pouts while I laugh with food in my mouth.

We grow silent again as we continue to eat. while the sound of the TV cuts through the silence.

And once again, my mind begins to wonder at that old antique shop...

"Hey mom, dad, can I ask you guys something?" I asks while swallowing my food, so some won't yeet out my mouth.

"Spill the beans." My mom says, taking her eyes off the TV and towards me. My dad continues to watch but is all ears.

"Did you guys ever go to some antique shop in town lately?"

"You mean the very old and out of place antique shop?" My mom asks.

"That's the only antique shop around here dear." My dad retorts, still keeping his eyes on the TV. My mom stuck her tongue out at him, and he smiles.

My mom continues, "But to answer your question, no I haven't been there recently. Why?"

"Oh, just curious, that's all. It's different from all the other places." I answer.

"He seems like a very well-educated guy. I remember going there one day and I saw the owner helping another customer. I would always be surprised to see someone much younger tending to a shop instead of someone much older. I wonder the reason." My mom explains.

"Maybe a part time job?" My dad comes in.

"But he owns it though. Young people can own companies you know."

"So maybe it runs in the family then. He must have inherited the shop from his folks after high school." My dad pops a potato in his mouth after finishing his statement.

"Perhaps, so what is he going to do about college?" My mom says swinging her chopsticks back and forth. "He doesn't get a lot of customers in the store either so how does he pay for living expenses?"

"You think he lives alone now? He could still live with his parents. They could be helping him too, and he could be saving up."

"That's not what I was even trying to ask..." My parents don't hear me. For about 5 minutes they continue to bicker about the shop owner's life and how he was able to inherit something at a young age, alongside what his parents could be, rich, poor, anything.

Although I am curious, I tune them out as they continue to analyze the situation. I turn towards the TV. There was something on about a popular kpop group. They were really good at singing and dancing while the crowd cheered. I wonder if I could do that...

After going silent for a moment my mom finally gets up and places the finished dishes in the sink and begins washing them. I help her with them while my dad reads a newspaper. My mom talks to me while I place the clean plates and cups in the cabinets.

"Anyhow Taehyung, what made you curious about that store? Have you heard the rumors??" My mom says in a whispering tone.

"Um, what rumors?" I try to act coy.

"There's a rumor going around that people who lost something can find it there. What's even more interesting is that the man can recite exactly how they got it, and how they lost it. Pretty amazing isn't it? He could be psychic for all I know!" She explains.

"It's pretty silly actually, someone could just be bringing that stuff to him, simple as that. Doesn't sound too odd at all." My dad says, disagrees with the rumors, and simply sipping his coffee while not looking away from the TV.

"I mean it makes sense why there's rumors like that. The man is really quiet, and I don't see him ever talking to anyone outside the store. Plus, his shop is smack dab in the middle of town." My mom shrugs.

"It's kind of an eye sore, being surrounded by all the modern buildings." My dad adds. "He must not have a lot of friends too. He needs to get out more, don't he feel cramped in that tight space full of junk?"

"Junk?" I add.

"Hey! What if he's an introvert!?" my mom yells.

"Here we go again." I say as my parents start to playfully bicker at each other again about the situation. Once we were finished with the dishes, I head up towards my room to do the rest of my homework.

I stop working and begin to think about the odd shop, and the things that were there. The knick knacks, the toys, the jewelry, and all the new and old stuff that had cramped the entire area. And then the owner, whom I still don't know his name yet.


My mom knocks and slowly opens the door halfway to peek at me, "Are you finish with your homework Taehyung? You need to shower and head to bed soon, you don't want to stay up too late on a school day."

"I'm almost finished mom." I answer. Before she closes the door, I quickly ask her a question, "Hey mom, I'm gonna... Go to that shop after school tomorrow if it's all right with you."

"That antique shop?" My mom stops to think about it, although I clearly know her answer, "You were always such an inquisitive boy... I don't see nothing wrong with visiting. Don't stay out too late, and make sure Jimin and Jungkook go with you." My mom gives me a warm smile.

"Ok, thanks mom." I smile at her. She tells me goodnight and closes the door gently. Finishing up my homework I pack everything up into my book bag and set it next to my nightstand. Tomorrow I'm going to the shop, the reason exactly? There're so many unanswered questions floating around in my head that I want to ask. It seems a lot of people know about the rumors, but less about him. When I was there the first time, it felt very quiet and lonely, so maybe that's how he feels being in there all day, unless he's an introvert like my dad said.

Other than that, the shop is very intriguing, and I want to know more about it. What if there was something supernatural like in the movies, or in the kids shows? There must be a secret somewhere there, hiding, and the only person who would know, is the shop owner. And above all else...

What does he be doing when no one is there? Where does he go when we don't see him at the counter? These mysteries I want to find out tomorrow...




Edited and shortened!

Taehyung's dad is a savage.

And his mom is understanding and also a savave.

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