The more the merrier!

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Anti's POV

Dark and I laid there for a while. When it was roughly 6:30am we went upstairs into the kitchen, Jack and Mark were excitedly chatting to each other. Jack saw me and Dark first.

"Hey your up."

Mark turned on his stool "oh hey you guys. Do you remember what's going on this week?"

After a minute of thought I remembered "Pax west right? In Seattle."

"Ding ding ding!" Jack shouted.

"And you two are coming to."

"What." Dark said.

"We're finally going to tell everyone about you guys" Jack sounded very happy.

"It's about damn time!" I'd been waiting forever for the day when Mark and Jack would tell everyone about their alternates.

"We also get to meet Ellebanna." "Oh yeah! I'm so excited to finally meet her. We've all collabed so much." Jack and Mark seemed very excited but Dark and I were a tinge confused.

"You guys haven't met her yet? She's one of the few YouTubers who actually like their alternates." Dark said.

"Yeah, I'm excited to see everyone in Seattle." I thought about all the fun times we had in their Alternate house.

Now it was Mark and Jack who looked confused.

"What." "She has alternates?" Mark and Jack looked very puzzled.

"Yeah, we hang out all the time at their house." I said.

"But how do you even get there? She lives in Oregon!" Jack threw his hands up in the air.

"Marie can teleport." Dark said.

"Okay wait, hold up. How many alternates does she have?" Mark out two fingers to his lips.

"Well there's Annabelle, the original. Ellebanna, the virtual persona. Abel, the demon. AJ, the guy and Marie, the interdimensional traveler. That's all of them right?" I nodded as Dark finished.

"Why didn't she tell us?" Mark said.

"Probably the same reasons you guys didn't tell anyone." Dark said.

"This is gonna be an even better trip than I thought!" Jack said.

Mark checked the time on his phone "We should all get packing, our flight's a noon."

"Okay. I'm gonna go pack my stuff." Dark walked downstairs.

"Onwards towards adventure!" Jack ran upstairs and started packing.

"Heh what goofballs." I said.

"They're our goofballs." Mark said walking past me and upstairs after Jack. I stood there for a second.

"Yeah, your right." I walked downstairs to get packed.

*the author used Time Skip, you feel a little disoriented but continue onwards*

Dark's POV

Pulling the last suitcase out of the car i close the trunk and face the other 3. Jack and Anti are conversing excitedly while Mark chimes in here and there.

"Get you suitcases guys, we're going in." Everyone grabs their suitcases and we head towards the check in. Our purchase is verified and we get through security easily. We don't wait more than 20 minutes before they board us on the plane and we're off. Mark and Jack talk for a bit while I stare out the window, Anti fell asleep almost immediately and I doze off soon after.

*you use the Time Skip feeling lazy and not wanting to know everything about the flight.*

Anti's POV

Dark gently nudges me awake and the four of us step off the plane getting our suitcases at the baggage claim looking around for our driver in the lobby.

"I think I found our driver." Dark says smiling. Me, Mark and Jack turn to where he's looking and see a sign that reads BOOPER DOOPER. Naturally the four of us laugh and head towards the sign. We see Annabelle holding the sign above her head as high as possible. She looks this way and that and spots us heading towards her.

"Hey Mark, hey Jack, hey Anti- wait Anti? Dark? Is that you?" Annabelle sets down the sign and walks towards us.

"Hey Annabelle, it's good to see you." Mark says.

"Yeah I'm so glad I finally get to meet you guys!" Annabelle hugs Mark and Jack.

"As you've already noticed we brought some friends." Jack says gesturing to Dark and me with jazz hands. Dark and I waved.

"Yeah I had no idea you would bring them. I'm guessing you guys all talked a bit." She said biting her lip.

"We did, we understand why you didn't tell us." Mark said trying to make her feel at ease.

"I just wish you brought your alternates to." Jack said kinda sadly.

Annabelle grins wildly "Actually I did. Hold on a sec." Annabelle runs to the door of the car and opens it four people getting out. Annabelle walks back over. "Tada!" The other four come over.

"Hallo, hallo, hallo!" Ellebanna waves extatically grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

"Hallo." Marie waves politely.

"Hallo." AJ waves.

"Hallo." Abel says.

"What are the odds that we all decide to bring our alternates?" Jack says.

"Very little." Mark says."but hey, it happened! Now let's get to the hotel."

"Okay." Annabelle says.

"Everybody in the car. Go go go" Ellebanna leads everyone back to the car and we all get in.

"This is gonna be one hell of a trip." I said buckling up.

"You got that right." Dark says sitting next to me.

(2 chapters in one day. Yay!)

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