The Revelmode Panel

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(I know the convention is kinda off from the story and I apologize, but honestly I can't help it. This chapter may have a bit of My/Annabelle's POV so don't hate me please. Also forgive me, I don't remember a lot of people in Revelmode and for the sake of making the story reasonably understandable I'm just gonna have Felix, Ken, PJ, Mark and Jack be the people in Revelmode)

Dark's POV

After a while of roaming around way early in the morning we met up with some of the other members of Revelmode, Felix, PJ, and Ken to be precise.

"Jack!" I heard somebody shout behind us, nobody else but Abel heard though.

"JACK!" The others still didn't hear.

"JACK YOU IRISH BITCH DON'T IGNORE ME!" A blond haired man comes up behind Jack and tackles him. They stumble a bit, but don't fall. Everyone starts laughing.

"Jeasus Felix there's an easier way to get my attention"

"Well I didn't have any cookies so shut up" Felix taunted

"Cause I ate them all" Ken comes up

"And I feed my portion to some troublesome sock goblins" PJ comes up after Ken.

"Long time no see Ken" Mark says and hugs Ken, Felix and PJ, Jack does the same.

"Is that a Annabelle I spy?" PJ asks smiling Felix wips his head in the direction PJ is looking

"I heard something about a rain drop" Felix says.

"That has gotta be the worst name yet" Annabelle says shaking her head and laughing "Your literally just insulting Belinghamsters now"

"Wait Mark,Jack sense when do you have a clones?" Ken asks looking over at Anti and I.

"And when did Annabelle clone herself four times?" PJ asks curiously looking at Ellebanna, Abel, Marie and AJ.

Mark and Jack both rubs the back of their necks "uh-"

"Wait a minute... Is that your guy's opposites?" Felix says raising an eyebrow devilishly

"The correct terms Alternate Felix" PJ says looking from one of us to the next.

"Yeah like have you ever watched one of my videos Felix? Come on I mention my Alternates almost every video" Annabelle says

"Yeah but I didn't think they were real! If that's Darkiplier, Antisepticeye and Abel then why isn't my demon alternate met me?!" Felix asks jealous

"Because he doesn't like you" I said the group just gawked and stared at me

"Dayum, Bitch just got roasted" Abel said causing Ellebanna to laugh dorkily, Everyone laughs a bit.

We walk around the convention floor before We're all lead back stage. Mark, Jack, Felix, Ken, and PJ all get prepped while the rest of us wait, after about 6ish minutes they come back. There whispering to eachother and smiling, there hiding something from one of us and I can tell. Annabelle stands up and moves to shake Mark's hand but he pulls her in for a hug and soon the other 4 hug her

"Good luck out there guys, then again you don't really need it you've done panels for so long" Annabelle smiles goofily and laughs once. A lady comes in and tells us we have to take our seats.

"See you after the show!" Ellebanna shouts as we're whisked away, I see the guys all talking excitedly no doubt concocting there plan to perfection.

We get seated in our seats which are in the front row and wait roughly 10 minutes before the screen lights up and introduces the members from Revelmode one by one, it ends off on PJ who sits down on one of the couches in stage.

Annabelle's POV (told ya I would do dis to ya)

I'm looking up at the stage so excited and filled with wonder, I've never been to a convention before let alone a panel! This is so new and exciting to me. PJ is introduced and takes a seat, now typically the screen cuts out to a camera showing the stage but instead it looks to be paused at a neutral point.

"Hi everybody" Ken waves and everyone else on stage does to, people in the crowd wave back including me, I can't help it honestly, I'm still as much of a fan as I was long ago.

"Wait Ken not everybody from Revelmode is up here" PJ says, the crowd looks confused

"Your right PJ someone's missing, I wonder who it could be.." Felix says glancing at the others on stage, people in the crowd are looking around now and thinking about who it could be.

"I think there in the crowd somewhere" Mark says, the crowd collectively is looking around for any possible candidates, I know I sure as hell am, are Dan and Phil gonna show up?

"Maybe we should call out to them Ken" Felix says, the crowds getting tense now

"Alright but I'm gonna let Jack do the honors" Ken says gesturing to Jack

Jack stands up "everybody please welcome the newest member of Revelmode...."

Mark drums on his knees the crowd following suit

"Ellebanna!" The screen starts to play a montage of me showing my actual name and persona name.

My mouth is open wide, I think my jaws hitting the floor

"Annabelle were are yoooouuuu?" Mark calls out in his mic, the people around me stand up and pointing and shouting at me.

"There she is! Get on up here" Jack motions for me to come on stage, starstruck I carefully climb onto the stage and stand up next to Jack.

Nervous as ever I wave at the crowd "Hallo" the crowd goes nuts! Everybody's shouting hallo and waving like mad. I did not expect many people to know me but apparently almost all of them do, if not all of them it appears. Trying to recover from the initial shock I'm soon joking around with the others as the panel starts

*a Time Skip flys past your face, you smack it away directly hitting it pressing the button attached to it*

Anti's POV

After the Revelmode panel ends the 12 or so of us get into a limo and begin driving somewhere. I don't really care much cause all I want to do is take a nap, which is precisely what I do

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