Merman!Anti x reader

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(In this by the way Merfolk have legs not tails, they're like the Adlantians from Aquaman but I couldn't find any of Anti like that so ya got tail Anti in the picture)

"Y/N" the head diver called "come take a look at this."

You're probably wondering where you are right? Of course you are. You're Y/N a diver on a team who is diving in the Chile to see Humpback Whales (I did my research for this oneshot). But anyway back to the find, "Y/N look at this" the head diver was showing you the water by the boat, a thick red oose was spred throughout the water. "Blood" you said, fearing the worst "and where there's blood there's?" "Sharks" you finished him off.

Just as you said that something collided with the side of the boat causing you to fall backwards across the deck, as did the head diver. You scrambled up to look over the edge, you clearly make out a sharp white tipped dorsle fin cut through the water. "Great White Shark" you shouted before again the boat was shoved by the impact of the creature.

This caused you to fall head first into the water!

As you sank you tried to swim up as because you were a diver you could swim very good. You felt your stomach drop in you as a shadow approached you it's teeth out and wearly white. "Jaws did you justice" you thought as you accepted being fish food. Right as the beasts teeth were about to engulf your leg however, it was pushed away from you.

You saw a clearly defined man swim past you after knocking the beast away, sadly though the force left a nice long gash along your leg, blood gushed out rising to the surface of the water. After like a minute of attempting to get to the surface to breath you saw more shadows similar to the first Jaws appear near you, "oh I'm so dead" you thought.

They all striked!

The man just before they got you suddenly ripped you away from the shark crowd by waist swimmimg dolphin fast. Your last breath of air left you in bubbles as you fell into a drowned slumber.

You awoke startled on an island the tree's surroundimg you were tall and had vines drapped over them " this is Chile?" you questioned knowing full well Chile was ment to be a frozen waste land. "Well it useally is but not here" you heard a heavy accsented voice say. You span around on your butt to see an around 5'10, seaweed green haired man before you. He was ripped, and 'I' mean ripped, his chest was shown not blocked by any shirt his abb's were defined and his arms muscular. He had a short brown beard which was werid as he had green hair, and he wore torn black jeans.

"Who-who are you?" You asked scared out your mind more then even with the sharks, as if you and he were here it must mean he's the one that saved you. "Easyyy human I'm Antisepticeye most people call me Anti, I'm a merman" he said in a hushing voice, placing his finger to his lips in order to shut you up, which it did for now. "I saved you from though shark's and brought you to my island after I killed them all" wait he killed all 6 great white's "you know those creatures are almost endangered right?" You said your concern for them out rulling the fact they almost ate you. "Well a simple thank you could of worked, do you really not care that you almost ate you and your crew?" "We'd all of died to keep their species alive" you replied hotly, "and this is why I don't help you ungreatful little fucks" he snarled back, causing you to quiver in fear which he noticed. "Listen I won't hurt you, if I wanted that I'd of left you to the sharks" "why didn't you if you don't like humans?" You questioned causing him to tense up placing his hands on your shoulders , "because you appreciate the sea unlike your other fellow humans, I was watching your boat for a while seeing that you were planning on swimming with Humpback's in order to learn about them" he threw back at you his eyes which were originally digging into your's eased. "Barley any humans care for the ocean anymore, care for my HOME" you put a hand on his shoulder now as he had sloched to sit down, he looked up into your e/c (eye colour) eye's. "Well I do care the ocean is my life I've loved it since the day I first saw a documentary about it when I was 3" you stated hugging him to his utter surprise. Then he unsure hugged back.

"By the way I'm Y/N"

*claps* top of the most to ya laddies my names Diana and thanks for reading ma book, I haven't posted on this in a while so I know have surprise. I've started writing a Transformers Prime fanfic now Optimus Prime x Human!Female!Reader if you wanna check it out. WHICH WOULD BE APPRECIATED! So yeah that's all I wanna say.

And thank you so much for reading if you liked it punch that 'vote' button in the face LIKE A BOSS and high fives all around whapposh *high fives* whapposh *high fives* so thank you guys and I'll see all ya dudes, in the next CHAPTER!

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