{Request} Anti's and Author's meeting

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Requested by P4ttka

"So you want me to meet an alternative version of you from another universe?" I asked Anti "yes" "why?" I asked him looking skebctal "because A. I think I'll be fun and B. Why not?"  "Alright alright, when are they gonna get here?" "At 12:00" I nodded walking into our shared  bedroom getting into my (basically a female version of Anti's outfit) black t-shirt, black ripped jeans and converse. The door bell rang so I ran downstairs opening the door to be greeted by a girl with ginger hair in a black sleeveless shirt, black shorts and white/ blue/ red socks I also noticed she had a dragon tail which I smiled at. I saw Anti standing next her he was wearing a black jacket with red stripes on the sleeves with black ripped jeans, black boots, and of course signature slit throat as well as blue/ green eyes differently to mine who had black eyes. (EVERYTHING BLACK YAY! Black is the best 'colour' ever and if you disagree fight me!)

I let them in which they accepted sitting down on the sofa, my Anti came down the stairs to see them both "hey Anti and Pati" Anti greeted them shaking both their hands, am I sure this is my Anti shaking hands isn't something he useally does both Anti's laughed at my thoughts great 2 assholes reading my thoughts, Pati just looked confused till she saw my expression then understood. We all chatted for hours I learned that Pati was a half dragon while she learned I was a nightmare (it's my own type of creature I may explain it in the future), the whole time both Anti's were dicussing demon life including murders and that shit the other Anti however did bring up that he had a son called Ivo which was cool. They were both sleeping over at ours tonight so I decided to go make sure their' room was ready for them which it was so I told them "hey whenever you guys want to sleep the room is ready" to which they nodded continuing to eat their dinner.

Later that night I heard my Anti stir in his sleep and get up changing into his useal outfit walking out our room, so I followed him out. I saw him with the other Anti both holding knifes, then I knew what was going on they were both going killing, turning to my side I saw Pati come out the guestroom seeing them as well "I assume they are going out murdering" I whispered to her "yeah I think so" she replied, we both tiptoed downstairs putting our arms round our partner's backs "you forgot about us" she giggled wrapping her tail round his leg "do you 2 want to come killing with us?" Her Anti asked "yep" I grinned hugging mine tighter "fine come on you too" mine told us we all strode out the house.


We were all soaked through with blood by the time we got back, my mouth was still dripping blood (hey don't judge a nightmare who just so happens to occasionally eat humans) "well that was fun" I wipped the blood off my mouth "yeah it was" Pati's Anti said grinning widely, mine yawned "well I'm tired see you 2 in the morning" he grabbed my hand dragging me up to our room. I fell asleep with my head resting on his chest "love u Anti" "love u too Puppet"

There's a part of me that wants to make a fanart about us all meeting, should I? Tell me as well if you want me to make a story bout nightmares as in the creatures cause I love them alot.

Author x

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