{Request} Anti x Trans Reader

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Request by: ChaoticGood08

(If this the person goes from Girl to Boy)


I sat on my bed staring at my hands, recently I've had a lot of my mind I've been having an identity crisis I know so relatable, my boyfriend Anti was out currently so I had no one to talk with about how I'm feeling. I stood up brushing the dust that had fallen into my lap from sitting down so long, I strode over to the mirror looking at my middle aged looking body attempts at curves evident in my sides, I looked at the body in the mirror not recognising my own reflection I knew I was in the wrong body I had been feeling like this for ages. I was about to turn away until I got the unstoppable urge to smash the mirror which I did, voices came from downstairs "puppet you ok?" Anti called out his footsteps were quick in reaching my door I collapsed into a pile on the floor my tears dripping off my face, Anti came in to see my excuse of a self he sat down next to me and hugged me "what's wrong Puppet?" He asked pullimg my tear streaked face into his chest "I'm wrong" I muttered "what do you mean?" He asked raising my face so I was looking into his black pits of eyes "I'm in the wrong body" I stated my tears flooding over his hand "I'm not a girl" I tried to look away but he pulled me back "I don't mind if you're not a girl Y/N I love you for you not your gender, but if this is bothering you so much then how bout we fix it" he smiled lovingly at me "you mean it" I was suprised that he was so open for his girlfriend to want to switch genders "of course, now come we have so places to go and things to get and have done if you are sure you want this" he grinned helping me to get off the floor "a million percent".

~<{TIMESKIP of unknown length as I don't know enough about changing sex's}>~

We sat down on the sofa, Anti held me tight to him ever since I became a boy Anti has been helping me a shit ton with it made me lucky to have a boyfriend like him "I love you Anti" I kissed his cheek "I love you too Puppet" he kissed me back straight on the lips so I kissed twice as hard right back enjoying every second.

Request completed as I don't know too much about becoming or being transgender I didn't want to make it too long because I didn't want to do any injustice to them by accident.

Author x

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