Author's Note (1)

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Hello Fam! 

So I am back(ish) with another fiction on AnuPre; mostly with little work and no play and a COVID infested body, looks like my brain is on an overdrive to churn out another story! It is my pleasure to welcome you on board for a brand new journey of AnuPre, again set in an alternate universe.

About the Story:

Almost all stories we read in the 'Romance' genre, eventually leads to a 'Happily Ever After' (unless you are counting the ones that end tragically, but we are not talking about those ones here), but do we ever stop to think, what now?

What happens after the Epilogue?

It is a great deal of effort our protagonists usually put to find their path of love and accept it; but do you know what takes a greater deal of effort? It takes a lot more love, faith, courage and effort to stay in love for the rest of our lives - to make good on the promise partners make to each other on the 'last chapter' of a love story..

But at the end of the day, what precedes a love story (if one is lucky) is the next and much larger and more complicated leg of the journey, the marriage story!

In this story, AnuPre has promised an eternity to each other already, but are they ready to do whatever it takes to keep their promise? Will they be able to pull of this 'Marriage Heist', or destiny has some other plans for them?

We will find the answers eventually as we journey through this fiction..!

Some More Details about the Fiction :

1. The story will mostly be written from Prerna's point of view; additionally some chapters will incorporate Anurag's viewpoint too; I have always felt, and I think most of my readers will agree, women tend to invest a lot more in a marriage than a man (let's not get into the equality debate here) but that's a sad fact, hence in my opinion, any marriage story should primarily focus on the woman's approach, her reaction more than anybody else.

2. Like my other stories, AnuPre are mature grown up adults in their early thirties here too, and goes through what is very common in most marriages nowadays - this plot revolves around a marriage falling flat and how/if AnuPre reacts to it. You have always been a readership that is open to darker shades of an individuals character, so I pray you support me here too - my characters make mistakes that have no moral justifications - they are human, give them the benefit of doubt, trust your writer and see if you can give this story a chance without forming judgement on characters from the very start

3. The Prologue can be read as a separate One Shot story too; it is pure AnuPre fluff, setting the stage ready for a very intense and liberating journey of a woman, rising from the ashes. One can read this as a 'sort of' sequel to my previous fiction 'A Lot Like Love' too, in which case you can ignore the Prologue.

4. I like to be a mirror to society through my writing and like my previous fiction that dealt with 'Mental Health', this one will have progressive elements in support of LGBTQIA++  community. I have simple thoughts on sexual preference. Like your gender, you are born with it, it's not really a choice you make - but how you react to someones sexual preference is indeed a choice; you can choose to be supportive or not - this is changeable, not something you are born with, like you gender or sexual preference.

Gender is not a discrete function, it is a scale, ranging from -1 to +1 with 0 as mid-point. One end of it is what we call an 'alpha male' and the other end an 'alpha female', so is choice of sexuality, with 'heterosexuality' at one end and 'homosexuality' at the other - and people are born with a gender and sexual preference that can be anywhere in this scale. For e.g. you maybe a heterosexual man but your emotional and soft and a bit feminine in nature, it doesn't make you weak, it just means you are not at the extreme end of the heterosexual or alpha male scale, you maybe more towards median that's all.

Okay, before you jump to conclusion, neither of the protagonists are a part of the LGBTQIA++ community, but there are other characters who are, and in this story I don't want to preach about their fight against the community, I just want to show how to be more inclusive of them in our society and how that's okay! 

5. I have started working on the story, but will not start publishing till my story is over; hopefully that's another ten to fifteen days, but I promise once I start, I will publish one chapter each day, like always! For now, you get this lengthy sneak peak and a Prologue to begin with!

6. All quotes used in the story, are clipped from the internet and most of them aren't credited; while if I find the owner I would love to credit them, but just so you know, I take no credit from them.

LASTLY, I would like to dedicate this fiction to all those women who do not have a 'MAN' in their life who'd love, cherish and protect them. To all the warriors who fight their own battles, to all women who are their own HEROES! Women who fight their own fight, who liberate themselves from all shackles and come out stronger, to tell the world we don't need a marketing mix around 'SHEROES' because if you look at the word 'HERO' even that has a HER; but you see it only when you look at it carefully! May you thrive, may you shine, may you rise!

Much love,


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