Pet Peeves

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What are some of your pet peeves?

What sends your anxiety into overdrive?





Loud chewing or drinking sounds. - Smacking your gum.

Arriving late or ignoring schedules without notification.

Making you late for something – ex: taking too long to get ready


Talking during A movie

Not talking during a movie

People who walk slow/fast.

Staring at someone's phone




Clipping your nails in public.

Biting nails

Chewing on hair/clothes


Standing too close/In someone's bubble/personal space

Talking to someone with headphones in.

Talking to someone who is texting/using their phone

Looking at your cellphone when someone is talking.

Talking to someone who isn't making eye contact

Staring at people.

Eye contact/no eye contact

Talking to someone who is ignoring you

Interrupting you while talking/talking over you

Someone ignoring you

Turning without signaling.


Slow drivers.

Slow internet.

Slow computers





Couples arguing in public.

Talking in third person

Talking while eating/chewing loudly/drinking loudly

Passive-aggressiveness like Saying "No Offense" After Something Insulting.

Passive Aggressive Comments. / Backhanded compliments

Saying "bless your heart" – which actually means 'that's unfortunate, I'm sorry for your bad luck.'

Saying, "I'm Sorry You Feel That Way."

Not turning lights off after done

Finger nail scratches in soap bars

Toothpaste in sink

Uneven picture frames/posters

Odd numbers/Even numbers/Numbers

Cracking neck/joints/knuckles on purpose

ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response) (Like or dislike?)

Tapping a pen.

Peeling Velcro repetitively

Typing sounds

Correcting Grammar Or Pronunciation while someone is talking out loud

Repeating a word in ever sentence like 'like' or 'literally' or 'seriously'

When someone uses words incorrectly

Saying 'sorry' over and over (Do you like or dislike?)

Leaving dirty dishes in the sink.

Throwing stuff at the trashcan but missing it and leaving it on the ground


Not picking up pet feces outside



Being Told To "Calm Down." When mad

Singing off key/out of tune

Waiting for an elevator

People talking to you when you don't want to be talked to

Children crying in places you can't escape from like airplanes and elevators.

Sneezing/coughing without covering your mouth.

Blowing candles on a cake

Excessive public displays of affection.

Cutting people off when driving.

Blasting music/People playing music too loud – like where you can hear it and feel it from a car that has its windows up from inside a building

People vaping/smoking

Stating the obvious like – you look tired

Laughing or talking too loudly

Excessive bragging

Eating someone else's food. Food bandits.

Touching other people's stuff

Being touched when you don't want touched

Hugs? Does it depend on who and when?



Eating smelly food in public. – Like Durian Fruit or Ballute (I know it's a delicacy but it's not everyone's cup of tea.

Not taking responsibility for actions

Leaving the toilet seat up.

Not flushing the toilet

Dripping faucets

Leaving the water running.


Scraping a plate with a knife or fork.

Talking trash about a TV show/movie/book someone likes.

Playing loud games on public transit.

Not putting Blu-Rays/DVDs/CDs/Games back in their covers

Un-organizing someone's work and not putting it back

Leaving someone's text on read. Or even worse, reading someone's text that shows a text receipt and not replying. At least put, something like 'can't talk now, will reply later' or 'busy.'

Making someone wonder what they did wrong and not telling them

Making someone feel insecure



Selfish people

Toxic people

Unfair grading

People who hold grudges


Immature jokes at work.



Picking nose

Flossing in public

Digging in ears

Not washing hands after touching food/going to the bathroom/something dirty

Being added to superfluous group chats.

Not being included in something and making you feel like you need to become a wallflower and hide

Large groups

Not being able to divide your attention to more than 3 people

Getting stuck in traffic.

Having to repeat yourself over and over and over

Asking a question more than 3 times

Ignoring questions on purpose

Not being polite/rude


Throwing a tantrum

Rude to people who try to help you

One-Upping people's stories.

Mishandled food deliveries. (Grocery or restaurant)

People who copy your input without permission – not asking 'can I use that?'

Saying texting acronyms in real life like 'LOL' or 'TTYL' unless you think it's cute – Medical Acronyms are very helpful, so those are excluded in this

Spoilers. – Some people like it, some people don't.


Last minute assignments.

Deadlines/due dates

The sound of Styrofoam on Styrofoam.

When people don't appreciate your manners

When people don't thank you for helping them – not appreciated

Griping about food (portions/spicey/tough/too soft/etc.)

When someone tells you to diet

When someone makes you uncomfortable for eating unhealthy foods

When people tell you something you know is wrong but you want to do it anyway

When people act like you don't know anything when you do – act like you're stupid

When people look down on you/belittle you

When people act try to teach you something you already know, but they act like you don't. (Like an amateur telling a pro how to do something)

Having a disability such as trouble walking or in a wheelchair or ill with not enough energy and someone who does NOT have a disability takes handicap parking spots

Asking someone who is pudgy if they're pregnant or when they're due.

Being fearful of people with disabilities

Making fun of people with disabilities

Helping without asking

Being bossy

Asking for help when you can obviously do it yourself (Ex: go get food or pick up something but don't want to – Laziness)

Not offering help when you see someone struggling. 


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