4. Four-way Battle!

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I grinned, tightening the cloth on my hand. "Y'all don't stand a chance against me."

"Battle start!"

The four of us got into our launching positions.

"What the hell?" Aiga muttered, staring at my launcher. It was upside-down with my arms crossed.

"It's a four-way battle between Z5 members Laban Vanot and Ai Sonosuke, Goshuin Suou, Akaba Aiga!"

"Ready, set!"

"3! 2! 1! Go, shoot!"

The four of us launched, and I quickly flipped my launcher as I pulled the ripcord.

"All three beys have been launched! Achilles is going straight for the slopes! Salamander's on the slope, too!"

I reached out and flipped my hand.

"Huh? Nocnitsa-Satori is going crazy! It's flipping all over the place!"

"You're all done for!" I continued moving my hand around before flipping it, causing Nocnitsa-Satori to stay in the center, seemingly unstable.

"They're getting to super speed on the slopes!"

"Out of the way, interloper!" Salamander came off the slopes and hit Leopard before coming back down on Achilles. "Salamander! Destroy Achilles!"

"Beat 'im good, Achilles!"

When the two beys made contact, there was blinding light.

"Hell Salamander and Z Achilles clash!"

All beys went on the slope, including mine.

"They're still super speeding up!"

"When the time is right."

"They're all coming down from the slopes at once!"



"Go, Achilles!"

"Sink your fangs! Howling Bite!"

"Leopard's layer has taken a bite out of Salamander!"


Salamander was flung into the air.

Leopard hit Achilles as well.

"Wow! Two Howling Bites!"

Achilles and Salamander hit each other, bursting.

"Burst! Burst! Leopard smashed Achilles and Salamander together, bursting them both!"

"Don't forget about me! Winged Demon Psycho Moon!" I yelled. I brought my hand up as Nocnitsa-Satori flipped into the air and came back down on top of Leopard, bursting it.

"Amazing! Nocnitsa-Satori bursts Leopard on one hit!"

"Wing Nocnitsa-Satori wins!"

I smirked. "You can't compete with a nightmare demon!"

"He's good..." Aiga growled.

I began laughing. "I haven't felt that alive for months!"

"Congratulations, Sonosuke! Here's one Beystar!"

"Hey, Laban."

"Huh?" He glanced up at me after picking up Leopard.

I smiled and held out a hand. "Nice battle. Leopard is pretty strong, I almost lost there."

He grinned at took it.


"See ya!"

I smiled, watching the helicopter take off. "Two years hasn't changed him at all."

"You knew him?" Aiga asked.

"I was one of the original Bey Club members. Let me tell you, it was pretty funny how he was always enthusiastic," I said. I took off the cloth on my hand and looked at the marks it left. "Whoops."

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