2. If You Are Stressed & Need to Relax...

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... - or just want to try this RP to see if you like it

You Can Ask Me For:

1. Face & Head Massage ( sometimes it's enough to relax )

2. Neck & Shoulders Massage ( also good choice cause most of daily stress stays in this area )

3. Back Massage ( It's usually nice )

4. Arms Massage ( good when you were writing too much or carrying too many things )

5. Legs Massage ( recommended when you were walking or dancing too much )

💢💥 ( You can choose 2, 3, 4 - or ALL 5 options ⤴ mentioned above if you like, why not? :) )

💠 You can also choose if:

a) You want to listen to some relaxing music then

b) There should be some nicely scented candles for aroma therapy ( some scents are really good for relaxing - & you can choose what scents you like :) )

c) There should be silence 

or d) I should talk to you while doing your relaxing massage ( it's up to You!  ^)^  - I'm giving you all those possibilities to let you Feel The Most Comfortable! 😏 )

🔹 Please don't ask:

- If I do the massage of any other area than mentioned above - because I don't. 

- It should be just a nice RP to help you Relax ( 100% Appropriate! ) 

*So if anyone of You wants a Relaxing Massage RP

- ask for it in comments under this chapter - & I will start a new chapter for it, so we can continue the RP in comments

🔸when you already decide what kind of a massage you want:

- Tell me for example: 'Face & head massage, please/ with relaxing music' 

➡ so I will know that you're asking for face & head massage & you want some relaxing music to be playing during it

- You can choose any option mentioned above :) - & if you decide to choose all 5 of them - You can write in comments: 'All 5, please' - for short, & I will know what you mean :)

 ( I really hope that you will like it - & I will be Happy if it makes you feel better!  ^_^ 👍 )

So, Anyone Needs To Relax? 😊

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