Welp, It's Time to Cry

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I got tagged.





I gotta do this now. Which sucks. Heh.

*le sigh*

Oh well. Might as well get this over now...

Oh I guess I should explain what a tag is if you have never seen one. Well, it's pretty much this thing where you get tagged by a person who's been tagged who's been tagged... And on and on. So you have to answer questions, give facts about yourself, ect.

Anywho, let's get THE PARTY STARTED IN HERE!

1. What phone do you have?
I got myself an iPhone 6. No plus, no S, just a regular old iPhone 6. I don't like the iPhone 7 so I'm just gonna stick to my 6 for now.

2. Do you have a crush?
Nah. I'm not into the lovey dovey stuff myself. I love, LOVE to ship other people. But never myself. I hear someone say that I like someone, I do two things.
· I tell them to never assume what they hear unless it is directly from me. Unless I'm being sarcastic. Which is actually almost all the time so don't listen to me.
· I either punch, slap, push ect. them. It just really pisses me off, ok?

3. When is your birthday?
Well, my birthday is in about four weeks. Literally, like twenty-seven. I think so anyways. If you are too lazy to figure it out I guess I should have just said it at the beginning. My birthday is April 17. THE DAY BEFORE EASTER THIS YEAR!! WOOO! I GET CHOCOLATE ON EASTER THEN PRESENTS!!! YAYZ! But... It's on a Monday this year... ;(

4. Who are your best friends?
I has no friends :(

I kid!

I'm just gonna answer the question now

5. What is your favorite song?
This answer changes constantly. Right now, I'm really into the new Beauty & The Beast soundtrack. Have any of you guys seen it? I went to go see it with a friend (yeah I know, a shocker, I have friends) on opening day. I also like to listen to Hamilton songs. According to my friend, they dragged me down the Hamilton Hole.

6. What is your biggest fear?
To be honest, I think about this question a lot. But I can never formulate an answer. I mean there are scary things out there but I don't have a fear of them. I guess I'll just quote the magnificent Remus Lupin in saying, "What you fear most of all is -- fear."

7. What color is your hair?
I would say a light chestnut color. Last year though, in May, I dyed my hair though. I got it to a nice teal color but the bad thing was, it washed out in a week. Total bummer. So now, I'm just stuck with the end of my hair being bleached blonde.

8. What is your favorite class in school?
Easiest answer, lunch. Actually scratch that, it would be if there wasn't this super annoying kid who sits at my table. I quite enjoy my science class though. My teacher is super nice, they even have a fluffy bunny. Because I'm weird, I smelled the bunny today. He smelled amazing if you're wondering.

9. What is your favorite sport?
I love to watch hockey a lot with my family. Now, doing sports is something completely different. I hate actually doing sports so yeah, no.

10. Who are the twenty people you tag for this?
I tag...


I'm done!


See ya my fuzzy buddies!
See ya people on Wattpad reading this!
See ya fangirls and fanboys! (And fantrans too!)

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