Still Unknown

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Suddenly a light falls on her face... Anika twitches her eyes and tries to look in that direction... She could see a man standing there but in not able to see his face...

Anika- Plz let me go...

That man came forward and held her by her face.. She winces in pain...

Man- You are not supposed to say a single word..

Anika- Who are you? And what do you want? And and.. Where is Shivay..?

A tight slap landed on her face... And she felt unconcious...

Man- I hate it if anyone disobeys me...

Another side..

Shivay- Anikaaa...

He feels restless...And calls out Anikas name.. But of no he openedbhis eyes only darkness welcomed him...

Shivay- Where is Anika? How is she? I hope she is fine...

He sits as tears fall through his eyes... He looks at his hands and he never felt so helpless as he felt now... His hands and legs both tied up with chains... He wanted to go to his Anika... Touch her, hug her but here he is stuck in darkness.. A man enters completely covered and gives plate to Shivay for him to eat..

Man- Eat this..

Shivay looks at him..

Shivay- who are you? Why have you kept me here? What do you want from me? Where is my wife? And and.. Who is doing this??

Man- Shut up and eat... You arent supposed to question... Did you get that...

The man leaves and Shivay looks on being helpless...

Daksh is sitting in the garden...and is engrossed in his own thoughts.. When Elaika comes and sits beside him...

Elaika- Daksh...What do you think where can they go?

Daksh- I hv no Idea Elaika... I mean..We were aabout to kidnap them and now they are missing..Who can it be?

Elaika- must be someone... Anyways how do we care... Lets go and see their lovely faces.. Crying and crying...

Daksh chuckles..

Daksh- Lets go...

They both go inside the cottage and see Pinky and dadi crying... And both of them enjoy the scene..

Pinky- I told you she is a panauti to my son. I left her bcoz my son loves her.

Dadi- Chup kar. Now in this situation you are bad mouthing...

Pinky keeps quite... Janvi try to console and calm them... While the other side Anikas food is mixed with some pills... Man comes and gives the plate to Anika... But she throws thwm... Receiving another slap from the man.. And this time her lips starts bleeding... She sits and cries...

Man- No one has ever dared to do this with me...

He leaves.. Anika cries hugging her legs... She looks around... And says..

Anika- Shivaayy... Where are you?

While on the other side... Shivay moves the plate aside.. Not wanting to eat... And sights calmly and says..

Shivay- Aniikaaa.. Where are you?

They both sit there crying..and waiting...

Thats it...

What do you think who is he if not daksh?

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