51. The worthless silly fight, increases the love between us...

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I brought an uncontrollable smile in her face, with the way I showered my love on her... She gave her heart to me, as she believed that I will make her smile always...

Love brings a big fire inside anyone's heart... There is no apt insurance to protect it...

Who said that having a silly fight will break a relationship??? When persons are in true love, such silly fights are needed, to increase the love and bonding between them...


Purab and Arjun are awestruck with the happenings and they couldn't understand what's going on around them too... They were hell confused and they were badly in  need of a clear explanation from Abhi and Pragya, who made them tongue tied with their unexpected moves...

The four had just finished off the business deal and they made the Singhanias to bow their head down, before the Mehra Groups... To the shock of Arjun and Purab, Abhi who always talks about the privacy and security of Pragya, brought her before the limelight...

Abhi with a happy smile holds Pragya's hands and moved towards the reporters, who are eager to have a word with them...
The happiness of Abhi and Pragya are reflected clearly in their faces, when they gave the interview to the media people...

Not minding the questioning and confusing looks of anyone, Abhi introduced Pragya as Madame P, the new CEO of the Mehra Groups... Abhi also added that she is one of the business partners of their concern and she is the most important person in his life...

To enlighten more, Abhi said that they have got the biggest business deal, because of her efforts, talents and hardwork only... Adding more fire to the eager ears, Abhi praised Pragya with all his might and let's them to add more points to gain their TRPs...

The media people are gawking at the duo like eagles, as this is the First time ever that the Business magnet, Abhishek Prem Mehra, who is always potrayed as a hard rock, is smiling happily and is holding a girl in his embrace... But they had a confusion on their faces as Pragya is wearing all the symbols of marriage...

The close proximity of Abhi and Pragya, their lovely eyelocks, their simple gestures, the way Abhi has held Pragya's waist and the way he talks, explains everyone clearly that the new CEO is way too important to Abhi... It crystal clear to everyone that if anyone nears her, Abhi will burn them into ashes....

However the media people wanna know the completely details of her, as they believed that it will become a viral and a big sensational topic...  But knowing pretty well about the nature of Abhi, no one dares to question them much....

After all, no one is ready to mess up with the arrogant beast, who can show a living hell to them... As some of the media people have already faced the wrath of Abhi for messing up with him, all were mere spectators to the interview...

Even Purab and Arjun let out a relieved breath, as the media obeyed Abhi's orders and they didn't even recorded nor took the snaps of Abhi and Pragya... However, Abhi's bodyguards and security men didn't let the media people to move out, before checking their belongings, as they don't want any infos to get leaked...

But unknown to anyone, Abhi is eyeing his business rival... Nah nah... His real enemy, his biological dad, (Abhi's chacha) Vinay Singhania, with much hatred and vengeance... All Abhi want is to give back harshly to that bl***y ba***d, who has eyed his Fuggy in a l**tful way, during the dealership meeting...

Abhi composed himself quickly and he is overwhelmed in joy, when the Mehra Groups cracked the deal, ahead of the Singhania Groups... This is the reason which makes Abhi to teach a good lesson to Vinay and also to make him realize that he failed the deal because of their CEO, who is a woman ...

As Vinay treats girls and women, only as a toy to satisfy his bodily needs, Abhi made a biggest risk to prove that Women are more powerful, Knowledgeable, Bold, Intelligent and smart... Abhi wanna show Vinay that if women tries hard, men like Vinay will be thrown like shit....

As Abhi's men makes sure that all infos about Pragya is safe, Abhi felt so happy... In his excited mood, Abhi completely forgot about the poisonous snake, who eyed the closeness of Abhi and Pragya, with much hatred and fire in his eyes...

Abhi is not aware of the biggest truth that Vinay is his real father, who has cheated his mother all her life and the evil person's blood is only running in his body... Moreover, Abhi didn't know that Vinay is a sick minded man, who eyes even a woman's mannequin in the boutiques too with l**ty eyes...

Making sure that no one notices him, Vinay took a snap of Abhi and Pragya and barged out of the VIP gate, before Abhi's men stops him... Abhi doesn't know that he has kept his life, his heart beat, his wife, his Fuggy, as a prey to catch those heartless monsters...


Few days later....

Abhi stomps his feet angrily, as his Fuggy is doing too much to annoy and irritate him... All his attempts to have some privacy and send away Purab and Arjun for a distance work got wasted, as Pragya is not paying heed to him at all...

The past two days are a deadly and torturous days of his life, as Pragya is showing cold shoulders to him... Abhi scowls angrily, as his heart and mind spitted on him very badly that he is not worth to be called as a husband of Pragya...

Abhi had no answer to all these accusations, as he failed to fulfill the promise he has made to his Fuggy... The Abhishek Prem Mehra, who vowed to do anything to bring SMILE  in Pragya's face, had ignored her wishes and rejected the only thing she has demanded from him... He broke her heart and made her to feel bad...

Abhi had even noticed the light moisture in Pragya's  eyes, when he said NO to her... She tried all her might to control her heart break and stay composed at that time... But Pragya is not in a mood to forgive Abhi so easily for not keeping up the promise he has made to her...

Abhi can't tolerate this torture anymore and he is in a mission to woo his stubborn Queen, by the special gift he has got for her... He takes a deep breath and brings the terror Abhishek, the dangerous Business Man, who is a mighty emperor to make anyone to accept, whatever he wishes for....

Alas!!! The pitiable situation is that the arrogant and thick headed businessman, Abhishek has forgotten the fact that whoever he may be, he has to bend his head down before his wife... After all, A Wife is more powerful than the Husband in a Family and she knows pretty well to make her men to beg for her mercy...

Abhi breath hithced, when he looks at his Fuggy's face, which is glowing like a shining star... Her sweet smile, her special fragrance, her beautiful features, her tempting lips, her magical eyes are triggering all his hormones to reach it's peak...

His favourite dress, which he has got for Pragya with full of love, is winking at him, as it's hugging and kissing her whole body, which is beyond Abhi's reach for more than 48 hours... With fire and rage in his eyes, Abhi murdered that dress into trillion pieces...

Gathering up all his courage, Abhi moves closer to Pragya... But he is so annoyed, as his close proximity didn't make Pragya to even move an inch and she didn't reacted a bit too... Instead, she is working on a file with utmost sincerity and dedication...

Suddenly, Pragya felt something cold is hitting her neck, followed by the wet moisture of Abhi's lips and his tickling hot breath too brushed her in a seductive way... Not letting the sensual feeling to havoc her senses further, Pragya shruggs her shoulder and does her work, like she did before...

Abhi is in a verge to cry with the way Pragya  has behaved with him... The inner beast in him growled angrily and his manly ego got offended, as his wife is not melting to his seductive moves... Rather he feels so wounded and hurted, as if Pragya is neglecting him purposely...

But Abhi completely forgets the fact that it's him, who made Pragya to do so... If he has fulfilled her silly demands as promised, she would be in his arms and melted to his touches, without showing any attitude...

Abhi doesn't know what to do to make his stubborn beauty to get rid of her anger... The million dollar worth of precious antique neck piece is blinking at him, as Pragya didn't even had a single gmipse at it too... Abhi coughs hard to make Pragya to have her attention towards him..

Abhi: Fu.. Fuggy... How is it???

Pragya: What how is it??? What are you talking??? I couldn't get you...

Abhi: Enough, Fuggy... You are doing too too much... Don't behave, as if you don't know anything... Stop showing your attitude to me...

Pragya: Well chaiman sir... Let me remind you one thing ... We are in the office premises and I have lot of works to do... To my knowledge, you have given a promise to me that you won't interrupt or disturb me on my work hours or when I'm busy...

As a CEO of this company, I have demanded a private cabin from you... But you shut my mouth by saying that security reasons, blah blah blahs and all... Hope you won't interrupt my works by having any kind of unwanted talks...

Well... We have a packed up schedule and if we keep on wasting our times unnecessarily, we can't complete the project at correct time... I think the Chairman Sir can catch my point...

Abhi: Alright, CEO Madamji... No one is going to interrupt you or disturb your works...  I knew about my works and thanks for showing your great concern about the project...

Nothing will get spoiled because of me and you don't need to worry about all that... Phew... This is too much... (Shook his head and let's out an irritating groan)

Anyways, I want the CEO madam to give me some permission... I just need few minutes to talk with my wife and I badly wish to hear, what she felt about my gift... As a husband, I can ask this from my wife na... Your works won't get affected by this right...

Pragya can clearly feel that Abhi's voice got broken, when he said the word "WIFE"... She lifts her head and saw Abhi's eyes are blurred with water droplets and it threatens her that it will come out any time...

Pragya: Abhi... Please... Don't make it hard for me... What you want to know... You are getting emotional unnecessarily and you are...

Abhi: Fu... Fuggy... I'm not here to make you to get emotionally weak... Please Fuggy... Try to understand me... Don't you like my gift??? I got it designed, specially for you...

Pragya: It's good, Abhi... So pretty... The designs are nice... Thanks for the gift, Abhi... Happy now...

Abhi: That's all...

Pragya: Haan... You asked how it is... I answered pretty, good and even I said about the designs na... I couldn't get you, Abhi... What you expect me to do???

Abhi: Huh... I don't know what got into you, these days... You are ignoring me, neglecting my approaches, treating me as if I'm not important to you, answering my questions only like the CEO and not even appreciating the gift, I have got for you with full of love...

Pragya: Is it my fault, Abhi??? You are doing everything and you won't let me to get angry on you for not keeping up the promise you have made to me... Did I asked you anything on my own??? NO, right...

It's you, who asked me what gift I need, if we crack the deal... Did I ask for any luxurious items or demanded you to do an impossible thing... Even I haven't wished to have this costly jewellery too...

I just asked for a simple thing, which is not even worth a single dollar... But what you did... You cheated me and shouted on me angrily that you won't give the gift, I asked for... This million dollar worth diamond jewellery is not at all making me happy, Abhi...

I can understand that you care for me a lot and you won't be happy, if anything spoils my health... Instead of giving that big box of icecream, atleast you would have given me a small spoonful of icecream...

Atleast I expected that you will allow me to have a lick of the smoothing cream, which I'm dying to have... But you have never thought a bit too about my feelings and emotions and you made me a laughing stock before everyone...

You irritated me, scolded me and even teased me and had that big box of icecream, before my eyes itself... Even you pulled by legs by joining hands with everyone...

You can't understand what I felt at that time... The Abhishek Prem Mehra, my Prince Charming, My love of Life, My Husband, who can buy a big Icecream Industry in a blink of second, can't even fulfill the cravings and wishes of his silly wife...

It may sound so childish and silly... But for me, it's a big thing, Abhi... After all, you only said to me that I can ask you, whatever I want... Phew..  It's okay... I understand your point...

Stupid me... Always gets heart broken for silly things... Those big things and these lavish gifts are nothing to me, Abhi... A single NO from you for my childish demands, hurts me a lot, Abhi....

Just give me some time, Abhi... I... I will try to come out of it... Sorry, if I hurt you by means... Don't think that I'm neglecting you... I'm nothing without you, Abhi....

Pragya, who started off in an angry and hurted tone, ended up her conversation with a tear filled eyes... She looks at Abhi, like a lost child, who badly in need of her mother and father to console and comfort her...

Abhi mentally smacked himself, as his one stupid move has made Pragya to get hurted to these extent... Her each accusing words, her broken state, her teary face, her emotionally vulnerable state has pricked Abhi's heart to the core...

Both are pooled up in tears and they are staring at each other, without blinking their eyes too... Their eyes sheds more tears and automatically Abhi's hands rises up to wipe Pragya's tears...

Pragya shouts Abhi and throws her hands on to his shoulders... Abhi hugs her tightly in his embrace and begs her not to cry... Without letting any ego to blind his senses, Abhi asks sorry to her for doing so...

Abhi made a promise to her that he won't do anything that hurts her like this... But he being so smart and a caring husband of Pragya, asked her not to demand anything that spoils her health....


While this is going on, Nikhil who is annoyed with the unnecessary naggings of Tanu enters the Mehra Groups... Instead of moving to the floor where Tanu is seated, Nikhil moves to the top floor, where Abhi and Pragya's private cabin is there...

Understanding clearly that it's lunch time and all will be moved to have their lunches, Nikhil wishes to try his look... He badly wants that no one should be there to interrupt him or to stop him from meeting the new CEO...

Nikhil's eyes glowed in happiness, as he spots Abhi's PA, Uma is having a talk with the receptionist... He did a happy dance when he saw that the new Bodyguard of the CEO, Mishal is also moving towards the canteen to have his lunch...

But Nikhil is not aware that Mishal won't do any kind of his security works and will be in a considerable distance, when Abhi is there with Pragya... It's a strict rule imposed by Abhi that no one can enter his cabin and spoil their privacy...

Even in emergency situations too, Uma and Mishal never let's anyone to enter the private den of Abhi and Pragya, without prior notice and reconfirming their appointments... Even the duo too can get inside the room, only after getting an appointment from Abhi, through the phone...

The only persons who can barge inside the room without any restrictions are Arjun and Purab only... Abhi is so helpless and he couldn't stop them from doing so, as it's Pragya's orders...

Many a times, Abhi had argued with Pragya for that and he even whined that the duo are always an interruption in their romance.. But Pragya has made him tongue tied by saying that if Abhi stops them, she will move to a separate cabin...

Nikhil, who is unaware of this news, checks himself fully infront of the big glass door and he is so proud of his handsome features... With a smirk in his face, he takes fast steps and moves foward, in a mood to seduce the new CEO, like he had did with many businessmen's hot wives and secretaries...

To his great luck, the door in the cabin is slightly parted and he hears the melancholic sound of a girl's laughter, which is ringing in his ears like a soothing melody... His eyes turns dark and he marched ahead like a huntsmen to hunt his prey...



What's going to happen next???

Will Nikhil got into the clutches of Abhi for eyeing Pragya???

How will Nikhil react , if he finds out that the new CEO is none other than the girl he is desiring for a long time???

What is Vinay and Vikram Singhania's next moves??? How Abhi gonna stop his enemies from nearing his family???

Will Abhi be able to save his family and his wife from the deadly trap???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

Hope you have liked this update... If so, do vote and comment, without disappointing me...

I'm really very sorry for coming up late... Inspite of my health issues, I'm trying to update my stories...

But you will people are not in a mood to appreciate me or my works... Comparing to the reads, the votes are very low...

Daily I'm getting new follows and people are adding my stories to their libraries... But when it comes to votes, you people are so happy to stay silent...

I'm spending hours and hours to write an update and also to find apt pictures to edit the snaps to present a clear image of those scenes... I'm giving long updates, which always have more than 3500+ words...

It's not at all easy to present long updates and I'm working very hard to bring out all the emotions through my writings... But I wonder, why pressing a single click is so hard for those silent readers...

Inspite of all these I've updated , as I don't want my regular readers and my supporters to long for my updates... It's for them, I'm updating till now.... Please don't force me to do any drastic steps which will stop you from reading my works...

I hope to get a positive response from you all... I'm eagerly waiting to see the change... Done with the update of the next chapter

Seeing your response only, I gonna decide whether to post the next update or I will put the story on hold without any notice...

I'm in a verge to take down all my ongoing stories from my page... But I'm holding myself from not doing so, considering my regular supporters... I hope you people won't push me to do so...

Sorry, if my words hurts you and if I've sound rude...

Let's come to the main matter which I want you people to read, without skipping ...

The world is scared of the deadly COVID-19 virus and many people are getting affected by it... People who are checked positive are being isolated and many have lost their lives too...

It's a bitter reality, which is scaring us like hell...

Please be safe and protect yourself from this dangerous disease...

Wash your hands regularly... Use sanitizers when necessary... Avoid social life and don't roam unnecessarily in crowded areas...

Stay away from sick people... Try to have only home made food... Make sure that you and your surroundings are clean...

Use antiseptics if needed... Drink plenty of hot water and try to add ginger, pepper and increase the intake of Vitamin C in your daily diet...

Just wanna share this tips with you all... Stay safe... Stay protected... Let's all fight back boldly against this deadly Virus....

Don't get panic... God will surely protect us from all the hurdles... Pray to God... He is our only saviour... Be happy and stay strong...

Have a great day...

Bidding adieu,



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