Another tag!!

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Well people I got tagged by an awesome friend 19_Sr118855_87 she's really amazing and her name be mangle to all ye!!

Now this tag is 15 facts about me!! Let's get started shall we!

1. I be homosexual and nothing more!

2. I only allow some people to call me Andy since it's a nickname fer me!

3. Role-playing is what I love to do and join!!

4. I'm only good at drawing ponies! I'm not that good a drawing humans...

5. I'm still afraid of the dark and terrified of spiders! *Shudders*

6. I love making puns and terrible jokes and hearing them!

7. I'm fabulous!

8. I'm lactose intolerant.

9. I can get sad very easily if put down harshly!

10. I love making people happy and smile!!!

11. No one can stop me unless it's one of my senpai's or my parents.

12. I love the color orange and green also red!

13. I don't swear to much and when I do my friends are surprised and shocked cause they think I'm innocent not!!

14. Who like Minecraf!!!

15. I ship a lot of things...and I will do anything to make sure it sails.

Well that was fun but that's all hope ye have fun as well!










Well hope to see ye answers friends but until next time guys!! Later!!

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