Contest #33: Theme #2: Masqurade Ball- Carapace & Rena Rouge

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For Mysterious_Irene contest. Really wanted to enter this one since they so kindly used the idea I suggested. Plus two WIPs because I got a tablet so I'm able to do screen shots. The story has nothing to do with the them so....

Short Story To Go With Artwork:
Rena Rouge dressed in the finest of gold jewelry from her corner of the Realm. She smiles as a handsome made dressed in his Realm's traditional attire.

"I would like to introduce myself I am Head Chief Carapace ruler of the Southern Tribes."

He politely bowed as he saw'll the westerners do but his people didn't have such tradition.

"I Priestess Rena Rouge of the Northern Tribes."

"You're the one who helped both Empress Ladybug from the East and King ChatNoir from the west are you not?" He questioned.

Chief Carapace helped King ChatNoir overthrow the Agreste throne which surprisingly did not put a damper on Prince Adrien and Prince Nino's friendship.

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