Contest #60: Kitsune Couple

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MHADekuFan1 I used the same color as her example for the female because I like the color combinations. The male Kitsune is named Akio Eiichi meaning "The prosperous bright one." The female Kitsune is named Masako Kaoru meaning "Elegant and fragrant child."  I imagine Kaoru and Eiichi were part of an arranged marriage to unite two fox families together. The Akio family which seven tails and the Masako family which are single tails.  They were both raised in the purpose to unite the temples. Eiichi tired to rebel but he caught feelings for Kaoru. Kaoru just wants her own temple so she can garden and sleep.

Eiichi is a kleptomaniac and this is most apparent when visitors visit the temple because in his fox from he steals things from the visitors. He attempts to hide this from Kaoru who doesn't like taking to the humans. She likes to carry Eiichi around in his fox form. She claims he is more tolerable and fluffy that way. Her favorite offering from the humans is seeds. Eiichi's is food because he's too lazy to cook his own food and Kaoru could survive on tomatoes from her garden. She names her tomato plants and calls them her babies.

Eiichi hopes one day him and Kaoru will have children that aren't plants. Just imagine the cute little fox babies. This is wayyyy too thought out.

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